Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Attack on Genova [5]

Chapter 82: Attack on Genova [5]

A/N: The combination of opposing elements like fire and water in a single magic spell or attack is deemed impossible. However, with the propensity 'Harmony', Aeravat defies this notion. He can forge a sword crafted from ice, infused with the fiery properties of fire. Moreover, under the influence of 'Harmony', his magic attacks become exponentially amplified. He can even manifest nonsensical elemental constructs, such as wings ablaze with flame or a dwelling made entirely of water.


You are supposed to say 'We are important.'

You are supposed to say 'It's all gonna be alright.'

And you are supposed to say... Er... You know., whatever you dream can come true.

And you are supposed to say all those things.

But to me, it all matters nothing.


Third person's POV( point of view):

Lifeless grey bodies. The nauseous stench of death. Dirty blood. And amidst it, all stood a figure who was drenched in crimson. In his hands, the shattered remains of a machete could be seen, as he watched the lifeless bodies at his feet.

At one point, Noah ran out of arrows, forcing him to switch to a machete. But his machete was shattered during the fierce clash.

Sigh! —a deep sigh escaped his lips as he watched the scene.

With a slow, deliberate pace, Noah moved through the gruesome aftermath of countless corpses, navigating his way towards the end of the dimly lit hallway.

He finally came across a... , what appeared to be a restroom.

Why do all the evil villains and nefarious people always hide their dangerous artifacts and explosive devices in such obvious places?

Welp., whatever.

Making his way towards a golden, round gate, Noah placed his hands on it.

It was the teleportation device.

Most likely, the vampire-kins had made their way into the Mansion through this gateway.

That and the other reason for this device?

Well, it became apparent upon seeing the unconscious bodies of students, each one tied up in a corner.

They were planning to kidnap these kids... But why?

Why go through all this trouble?

It was evident that the Genova incident was more than just a deranged vampire-werewolf couple attacking people for the sake of bloodlust.

It was a preplaned attack.

The pieces of the puzzle slowly began to align, revealing a deeper and more sinister plot lurking beneath the surface.

They knew CU wouldn't come in time.

It had just been reported in the news that two vampire kings were sighted on a highway. Noah learned about it through the internet using Nano.

CU was occupied battling those vampire kings, and similar incidents were being reported throughout the district. It was all a preplanned attack, intended to divert CU's attention long enough to wreak havoc in Geniva Mansion.

But why? Who planned all this?

Noah didn't know. josei

Soon Noah's face began to contort into a deep frown, as he began to take ominous steps towards the ground floor.


Aeravat's POV(point of view):

Without warning, a vicious claw lunged towards my face, aiming to tear a chunk of flesh off.

Reacting swiftly, I blocked with [Last Stand], my shield relic. It had robust defensive capabilities. Through the shield's power, the attack's potential damage was reduced by a staggering 80%.

But merely lessening the werewolf's assault potency wasn't enough to deter his relentless onslaught.

His claws continued to swipe at my face and torso, forcing me to react with swift maneuvers - dodging, blocking, and counterattacking whenever possible. Yet, despite my efforts, I couldn't emerge unscathed from this confrontation.

The enormous gap in strength between us was evident; he boasted a (C+) rank, whereas I only a (D-).

Realization soon hit me that holding back was no longer an option, I needed to change the tide of the battle right now, while I still have the strength to do so.

Summoning all the energy stored within my mana reserves, I channeled it into a single devastating attack, determined to overpower the werewolf.

A resounding shout, "Destructive Rush!!!!", burst forth from my lips as I leaped towards the menacing creature, plunging my right hand into its gaping jaws.

In an instant, a magnificent burst of violet and deep-blue energy materialized from my palm, creating a powerful beam that propelled the werewolf backwards, hurtling towards a sturdy stone pillar—Boom!

The impact was catastrophic as the pillar crumbled under the force of the collision.

The once-solid concrete shattered into tiny fragments, scattering across the ground like discarded Lego pieces.

Entrapped beneath the weight of debris, the werewolf's body disappeared from view, concealed beneath the wreckage caused by my mighty assault.

Seeing this my friends gave a cheered smile. Witnessing their relieved expressions, an involuntary smile twitched at the corners of my lips. But, my mind remained fixated on scheming an escape plan, leaving no room to chastise their naive optimism.

Deep down, I knew better than to believe in the illusion that I could emerge victorious against this formidable duo. My sole intention was to buy time or seize an opportunity to flee, or perhaps even shift the tide of battle in my favor.

The notion of being the heroic savior held no allure to me; my primary concern was to extract myself from this situation.

It was only a matter of time until my mana core tired, leaving me unable to revitalize my mana reserves.

Under relentless pressure from the werewolf and vampiress would bring my physical limits nearing their breaking point and combine that with the ineptitude of my three comrades. The grim reality became clear - if I didn't do something right now, I was as good as dead.

In response to her fallen comrade, the vampiress unleashed a deep, guttural cry, bellowing the name —"Dl'run!" into the air while looking at the fallen debris.

Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, I seized the moment, knowing that my previous attack had not been sufficient to vanquish the werewolf.

While the beast remained buried under the rubble and the vampiress was momentarily distracted, I activated my Propensity:


Within an instant, my entire body became engulfed in a luminous blanket of brilliant white light.

The radiance was so blinding that everyone present, myself included, had to shield our eyes momentarily, against the overwhelming brightness that filled the entire lobby.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves!" I commanded, raising my voice above the turmoil. "Unleash your strongest attacks on that vampiress! Keep her occupied!"

Meeting my gaze with determined expressions, Takahashi, Aurora, and Emily all nodded in unison, wasting no time as they sprang into action.

Harnessing the flow of mana, Emily activated her [Inetei] skill, causing a white-blue arrow comprised purely of mana to take form. The arrow exuded an otherworldly energy, creating an unsettling aura that permeated the air around her. The very wind itself seemed to twist and contort.

Meanwhile, Aurora's entire being became enveloped in a cascade of electric currents, giving off a magnificent display of crackling energy. She lifted both her hands out to the sides, her palms crackling with vibrant violet lightning, displaying a command over the powerful forces of electricity.

In stark contrast, Takahashi became consumed by a dense shroud of dark, black-violet energy. The veil of darkness enshrouding him seemed to warp and distort, as if defying the very nature of light itself. At the same time his power escalated all the way upto (D-) rank.

My plan was simple, I focused on capitalizing on the distraction provided by my comrades against the vampiress and werewolf. My primary objective was to neutralize the Damphyr responsible for keeping Instructor Liya preoccupied, swiftly shifting the odds to a 5 versus 2 scenario, thus increasing our chances of emerging victorious.

Fuelled by this determination, I propelled myself into motion, keeping a firm grip on my talwar, fully prepared for the upcoming clash.

As I maneuvered into position, four colossal chunks of ice materialized in the air above me, each resembling the size of a car.

These icy constructs took on the form of javelins, gracefully tapered to a triangular point. Yet, despite their icy composition, a fierce blaze engulfed them, rendering them a paradoxical blend of ice and fire.

With a surge of adrenaline, I sprinted towards the Damphyr who was locked in combat with Instructor Liya.

Intertwining my innate connection with mana, I exerted my control over the elemental forces. As if responding to my command, the ground beneath us transformed into a sturdy stage composed entirely of earthen matter.

Simultaneously, the four colossal chunks of ice hurtled forward with unwavering speed, aimed directly at the Damphyr.

Seizing the opportunity, I leapt onto the elevated stone stage with agility and precision. As the stage ascended, propelling me into the air like a trampoline, the icy projectiles descended, forcefully creating a barrier between Instructor Liya and the Damphyr, temporarily halting their exchange.

However, the Damphyr's attempt to evade was in vain as the icy onslaught descended upon him with unrelenting force, burying him beneath a mound of frigid ice.

In that very moment, fiery wings materialized from my back, propelling me through the air with remarkable swiftness, closing the distance between us and the incapacitated Damphyr.

The frozen mass exploded in a dazzling display of red light, a powerful beam of crimson energy dispersing the debris, unveiling the Damphyr now drenched in a pool of his own blood.

With conviction in my voice, I declared, "This ends here!"

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