Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Lylia Redrivers

Chapter 88: Lylia Redrivers

Noah's POV(point of view):

After the Genova incident, I found myself surrounded by a few questions.

It Included, who tried to dig up my past and the other one being, what was this memorial diamond case?

With a brief research, I discovered that a private entity, called Bloodhound Corporation, had consistently faced allegations by the media regarding the Memorial diamond case.

It seemed that for years, this clandestine operation had been thriving, operating right under the ignorant noses of the unsuspecting masses.

Bloodhound Corporation, on the surface, presented itself as a legitimate organization, offering liability protection, tax advantages, and the issuance of stocks to its shareholders.

Their facade extended to services like logistics, supply chain management, and acting as a liaison between various businesses – a well-crafted charade.

But beneath this polished exterior, the truth slithered its way into the light.

By hacking with the help of Nano, the truth was presented before my eyes.

Bloodhound Corporation, the seemingly innocent entity, was nothing more than a shell company.

It operated under the sinister embrace of Talgroups—the same one that the Werewolf mentioned before seeing his lover die in front of his eyes.

...Well serves him right.

Anyway, this Talgroups was a notorious crime syndicate that was not from the human domain but from the Elven domain.

What does this all mean?

It means that the Genova incident was not the doing of your petty criminal organization. Instead, a complex network interlinking numerous companies, influential businessmen, and powerful figures with their own alliances to various crime syndicates.

Based on their coordinated actions, I have formulated a hypothesis that all these groups and companies are under the control of a singular entity.

The orchestrated collaboration between the criminals spoke volumes, leading me to deduce that there must be a hidden mastermind pulling the strings from behind the shadows.

Who was the puppeteer? I had no idea.

After successfully hacking into the personal database of Bloodhound Corporation, I stumbled upon a diary that was securely locked away in their headquarters.

I couldn't understand why such a powerful organization would go to great lengths to protect a seemingly ordinary diary?

'I must get my hands on that diary'— suddenly, my reverie was disrupted by a voice that ruptured through the silence. "Oh, it's you?". The voice exclaimed.

Startled, I shifted my gaze to the source of the voice, only to lock eyes with a mysterious woman. With long, curly black tresses, flawless brown skin, and an alluring figure— Who tf is she? I had no idea. josei

I grabbed my tray from the counter and greeted her with a nod. "Ye, sup? You know me?"

She replied with a smirk, "You can see 'sup'." while lifting her own tray from the food counter. It was overflowing with alot of food dishes!

And by alot, I meant A LOT.

Meat, noodles, bread, soup, salads, French fries, a Big Mac, juice, samosas—Is she gonna eat all that?!

Taken aback, I couldn't help but ask, emphasizing the word 'all,', "Are you gonna eat all of that?"

A satisfied smile spread across her face as she nodded in affirmation. "Indeed."

With a resigned sigh, I muttered, "Oh well, enjoy your meal"—under my breath, deciding to distance myself from her and find solace at an isolated table.

But just as I began to make my escape, her voice called out to me again, disrupting my plans—"Wait up!"

"Wait!", she followed me.

My brows furrowed in surprise and confusion.

What could this girl want from me?

Weren't they all supposed to dislike me or something?

Reluctantly, I turned around, waiting for her to catch up. "Yea, do you need something?"— I inquired, my tone laced with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Actually I wanted to ask you about Anastasia. Isn't she your friend? She and I are in the same electives. But due to the recent incident, I was injured and wasn't able to come."

'Recent incident huh?'

"Are you from the travelling club?"—I asked with a raised brow to which she simply nodded.

Feigning sympathy, I offered a half-hearted apology. "I am sorry to hear what happened to you all that day."

"How did the attack even happen?"—I asked with a hint of insincerity, fully aware of the incident.

"No idea. We were just there for our club activities when, suddenly, the entire mansion was ambushed by a swarm of vampirekins. Luckily, no lives were lost"

She paused before continuing, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

" My name is Lylia Redrivers. And in response to your earlier question... Who wouldn't know the machete guy?"— She burst into laughter, finding her own remark amusing.

I shot her a glare, causing her laughter to subside.

"Sorry, I realize I've been talking too much about myself. Ahem... How did your club activities go?" she quickly redirected the conversation.

"I am not in any club", I responded dismissively, lacking enthusiasm in my voice.

She raised an eyebrow,"Then what did you do during the day? There weren't any classes during club activities", she probed, trying to uncover more about my daily routines.

I squinted my eyes, sensing something suspicious in her sudden interest.

It didn't escape me that she was attempting to turn the conversation towards me, as if she had ulterior motives behind her random question.

I chuckled internally, amused by her curiosity.

What threat could she pose to me?

Nevertheless, I decided to indulge her with a nonchalant shrug. "Nothing much,just spent my day in the room".

"Spent the day in the room, huh?" she repeated, her tone tinged with something I couldn't quite decipher.

"What was that?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow, sensing there was something she wanted to say but chose to hold back.

The conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Anastasia, who greeted me warmly before engaging in conversation with Lylia.

It seemed that Anastasia had recently joined the dungeon course, the very same course in which Lylia was enrolled.

Not wanting to pry into their conversation any further, I swiftly finished my lunch, excused myself, and left the scene, wanting to avoid any unnecessary entanglements.


Third person's POV(point of view):

"So what did he tell you?"—Aurora asked while looking at the girl with long, curly black tresses, flawless brown skin, and an alluring figure— Lylia Redrivers.

"He mentioned that he didn't join any clubs, hence he wasn't involved in any club activities", Lylia responded, her tone shifting into a more professional demeanor. The playful nature she had displayed earlier seemed to have vanished.

Little did others know, Lylia Redrivers served as a concealed ally under Aurora's command, working in secrecy to carry out her directives.

Mater-of-factly, the house Redrivers worked as spies under the Lewis Family, the family Aurora hails from.

Naturally, Lylia Redrivers became Aurora's spy agent.

She stayed out of the limelight and away from Aurora so that no one would suspect their relationship.

In the future, Lylia hoped to work under Aurora when she grew up.

Lylia held onto the hope of eventually inheriting the Redrivers family's solemn oath to serve and protect the Lewis family, solidifying her place within Aurora's inner circle.

"Oh, is that so?" Aurora responded with a hint of surprise evident in her voice.

Currently they were in Aurora's hostel room.

She motioned for her Personal Assistant to prepare something, multitasking effortlessly.

"So, what was he doing during the club activities if he isn't a part of any clubs?" Aurora questioned.

"He mentioned that he spent all his day inside his room"

Aurora's eyes closed momentarily as she pondered over this new piece of information. What thoughts were racing through her mind? Only time would reveal the depths of her musings.

"You may go", Aurora finally uttered, opening her eyes, signaling the end of the conversation.

Lylia nodded in acknowledgment before gracefully exiting the room.

Aurora shifted her attention to her trusted personal assistant, her gaze intense and focused. "Can you please check the academy directory for me? I need to know if Noah Grey was present on the campus during the day of the Genova incident...or if he left. The timing of students leaving is always present in those logs", Aurora requested, her mind fixated on a different scene that played out in her thoughts.

Within her mind's eye, a pair of haunting grey eyes emerged, triggering an unsettling feeling deep within her.

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