Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Doubt[1]

Chapter 89: Doubt[1]

Aurora's POV(point of view) :

"What is it, Ruby?" I asked, noticing the intense focus in her eyes as she continued to stare at the tablet screen.

Ruby, my personal assistant, had been assigned to me by my overprotective father following the unsettling Genova incident.

I suspected that he had not only sent Ruby but also a covert squad to ensure my safety around the clock, despite them never admitting to it.

But I had a strong feeling that my suspicions were accurate.

Finally, Ruby lifted her gaze from the tablet screen, meeting my eyes with a steady and unwavering gaze.

"I did as you said, and..." she paused, briefly glancing back at her tablet to double-check something.

My patience had started to wear thin, so I decided to get to the main point without further delay. "Did Noah leave the campus during that day or not?" I questioned.

"Miss, I can confirm that he did leave the campus during the Genova incident. He was absent throughout the entire day and only returned half an hour after the central union arrived at the scene of the crime", she replied, providing the crucial information I had been seeking.

As Ruby spoke those words, a flood of distant memories crashed into my mind. Memories from the dungeon trials, when I unexpectedly caught sight of a pair of silvery grey eyes.

On that day, when the identity of the spy remained a mystery to all, Noah astonishingly revealed that Freya was the one behind it all.

Since then, many whispers and speculations about Noah's character began circulating within our class.

Some believed he was involved in shady activities and hiding something significant.

Others did not care much.

Personally, I paid little attention to such rumors, dismissing them as baseless gossip.

But, that day, something else also happened.

A small clash erupted between a girl called Freya and Noah.

During the clash, for a fleeting moment Noah's eyes turned grey as he released an intense, almost palpable, killing intent.

It seemed that only a few people caught sight of what actually happened, so not many people saw those eyes.

'But, I saw it.'

'Those were the very same grey eyes that I witnessed during the Genova incident.'

The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall into place.

"Tell me more", I urged Ruby, my curiosity reaching its peak.

With a solemn nod, she proceeded to provide a detailed account of her findings.

"In the past few months, Noah has been leaving the academy campus on multiple occasions, often during unusual hours and late at night", Ruby began, her voice laced with caution.

"I attempted to trace his whereabouts, but it was as if his tracks were deliberately erased. Additionally, there were indications of his involvement in numerous online transactions, but once again, it seemed that all traces were meticulously wiped clean. Our team exerted every effort to find concrete evidence, but we regrettably came up empty-handed."

A deep furrow etched into my brow as I carefully pieced together the fragments of information. Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, a realization struck me with undeniable clarity.

"It can't be..." I murmured, my voice cutting through the previously stagnant air, filled with a mix of disbelief and apprehension.



〔After some time.〕



A cheerful voice greeted me through the phone receiver as Emily's words echoed in my ears. ["Wanna hang out?"]

"Yes, let's meet up", I replied, my tone more determined than usual.

"There is something important I need to discuss."

Curiosity piqued, Emily questioned my sudden agreement. ["Just like that? You're never so easily swayed. What's happened?"]— she inquired, seeking an explanation.

However, instead of providing a direct response, I simply stated, "Bring the others as well. There is something important that I must discuss."


Noah's POV(point of view) :

As I walked into the classroom, I couldn't help but notice a few pairs of eyes quickly shift in my direction.

'What's with their reaction?'—I wondered momentarily, unbothered by their usual curiosity.

Today, however, there were some new gazes fixed upon me.

Notably, a girl with fiery red eyes, Aurora, stood out from the rest. Her intense glare caught my attention, prompting a series of questions to leave my mouth. "Okay, what's up? Why is she glaring at me? What did I do this time...?" I sighed, the exasperation evident in my voice, as I settled in my usual spot.

Raising my head for a moment, our gazes briefly locked again, but Aurora quickly averted her eyes and shifted her focus ahead.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but wonder why she had her eyes fixed on me?

It seemed strange.

But then it hit me like a bolt of lightning—'Ah, I see now! That's what's really going on!'

I was possessing the Solaris Amulet!

And one of the few functions of Solaris Amulet was to increase the user's charm stats, and beauty, gradually refining their appearance over time.

"Could it be that I've become even more striking than before?", a self-satisfied smirk crept across my face as I pondered this revelation, my fingers playfully stroking my chin.

Quite delightful, indeed.

Determined to confirm my newfound allure, I searched for a reflective surface. But there were no mirrors nearby.

'Ah, forget it.'

The windowpane conveniently nearby would serve as my makeshift mirror.

With a keen eye, I studied my partially reflected visage—"Hmm... I must admit, I am quite the sight to behold, aren't I?"

With a satisfied grin, I marveled at my enhanced beauty.

"Nice, very nice indeed."

-"He is so weird"

-"Is he talking to himself?"— I overheard a couple of girly voices whispering behind me.

I glanced behind only to catch sight of two girls. Their gazes filled with suspicion.

Startled by my direct gaze, they hastily averted their eyes and walked away.

"Tsk! They must be jealous of my beauty."

The instinctive connection between girls and jealousy was nothing new.

"Good, good...be more jealous, hah"— a mischievous laugh escaped my lips, a joy bubbled within me.

Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced through my musings, startling me out of my reverie.

"Oh, James?" I turned my attention towards him.

"Sup dude?" James questioned, amusement evident in his voice. "You've been acting pretty weird all of a sudden."

I couldn't help but rub the back of my head sheepishly.



〔After some time.〕



Soon the classroom settled down and Professor Riya made her entrance. josei

All eyes turned towards her, anticipation filling the room.

Today she was going to announce something that I had been eagerly awaiting for quite a while now.

"It's mid-June, and the International Cadets tournament is just around the corner. Therefore, we have decided to grant the first-year students a month-long summer break"— Professor Riya announced, her words met with a chorus of excitement and relief from the class.

After all, it was a rare and much-desired opportunity to have a vacation break.

But the main reason for granting this summer break is the upcoming International Cadet Tournament (ICT), where hero cadets from various academies come together to represent their respective institutions.

In the novel, Arcanum Blades Academy, although a formidable institution within St. Sebastian, the country I was in, held no significant reputation or widespread popularity.

But, everything changes during the International Cadet Tournament when a certain third-year Hero Cadet from Arcanum Blades Academy emerges victorious, displaying an overwhelming showcase of power. Gavisti Ashwath, also the ranked 1 among all the Hero Cadets of 3rd year, stands as the epitome of strength in Arcanum Blades Academy, with an impressive rank of A+.

Clap!—The sound of Miss Riya's hands coming together abruptly shattered my reverie.

"Well, don't get too carried away by this momentary vacation", she cautioned.

"Because when you return, get ready to face an intense training session from hell. Starting in July, the training for first-year students will be amped up, and you'll all be divided into specific units with assigned instructors. Many of students will be eliminated in the mean time."

The once lively chatter of students quickly dwindled, replaced by solemn murmurs as the reality sunk in.

Their carefree existence was about to take a drastic turn.

Observing their deflated reactions, Professor Riya couldn't help but smirk.

With a mockingly sweet smile, she added, "Oh, don't be too disheartened. You still have a whole month left to enjoy yourselves."

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