Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 52 Chapter51-The Beautiful Treant Elder, Eluna

Chapter 52 Chapter51-The Beautiful Treant Elder, Eluna

Leaving the dungeon and emerging above ground, Zachary let out a long breath, as if he had escaped a calamity...

Each Hero has different innate skills, his skill is called "Identify", which can discern various information about a target. 

The moment that Dark Lord appeared, he immediately activated his skill, but the results were a series of question marks.

This situation would only occur when there was a massive gap in power between the two parties.

This was also the reason he didn't dare to resist at this moment.

Traversing through the forest, Zachary hurried towards the Treant village. 

He knew that not far behind him, the Dark Lord's army was following him, waiting for the moment he opened the village gate.

After approximately half an hour of running, the silhouette of the Treant village appeared in the distance.

Smearing his face with blood, Zachary ran towards the village in a state of panic, shouting loudly:

"No... Help! We need support!"

"I need to see the elder, I need to see Elder Eluna!"

The village guards, upon seeing Zachary's miserable state, hurriedly opened the village gate.

In the center of the village, there stood a massive ancient tree. 

Sitting beneath it was a beautiful female Treant elder.

Her name was Eluna.

She was dressed in a long robe woven from leaves, embellished with intricate patterns. 

Her emerald skin shimmered with vitality and strength. 

Her hair, flowing like the lush foliage of a forest, draped over her shoulders. 

Her face radiated a pure glow, sacred and beautiful.

She was the leader of the Treants, and also their protector.

At her side stood two beautiful female Treant Warriors, draped in skin-tight green battle robes, presenting an elongated and graceful silhouette.

The Treant on the left, Lilith, boasts silvery long hair that shimmers with radiant light. 

She is adorned in magnificent green armor, with tree patterns etched across her chest, emanating a sense of nobility and mystery. 

In her hand, she holds a curved longbow, her gaze is firm and piercing.

The other Treant, Alicia, is dressed in a light green dress that sways rhythmically with her movements. 

She grips a slender double-edged dagger in her hand, her eyes bright and lively.

Zachary promptly bowed in reverence, his gaze covertly sweeping over the three Treants, filled with a glint of desire.

The village, as a starting area, shouldn't have so many heroes, but the three Treants standing before him are the reason why many heroes, even those capable of advancing to the main city, choose to linger here.

Even Zachary had fantasized more than once about having his way with them. 

Unfortunately... these three beauties were about to fall into the hands of that unknown Dark Lord.

"Zachary, what has happened?" Eluna's voice, gentle as a spring breeze, echoed.

Zachary quickly cast aside his stray thoughts, his tone heavy as he said, "Our recent operation faced unexpected problems. We initially thought we were up against an ordinary Dark Lord, but his cunning exceeded our expectations..."

"We were ambushed by the Dark Lord and lured into a trap, forced to fight in a place devoid of sunlight and soil. We have investigated this Dark Lord. He's a feeble Goblin Dark Lord. We could've easily defeated him, but due to his trap, we are at a stalemate."

"The Goblin Dark Lord continually dispatches his minions to chip away at our strength, and nightfall is fast approaching... Eluna, as you know, once night falls, our power will significantly decrease, and there's a high likelihood that we will all be wiped out."

"We don't have much time left, Eluna, please save us!"

With reddened eyes, Zachary recounted the tale. 

Eluna glanced at the sky, where the light was gradually dimming. 

The sun was about to set...

"Eluna, the Goblin Dark Lord is now at the end of his tether. He himself is not strong, and while the sun has not yet set, this is the perfect opportunity to put an end to him. If we delay any longer and he wipes out the Heroes in his dungeon, his power will surge. As we gradually lose strength, what will our Treant village, depleted of vitality, do to fight him?"

Seeing Eluna's hesitation, Zachary quickly urged.

Eluna glanced at the two Treant Warriors beside her and, upon seeing their nods of agreement, she stood up and said, "You're right, we must act quickly. Zachary, summon any Heroes left in the village who can still fight. We will rescue our comrades together and annihilate that wicked Goblin Dark Lord!"

"Yes, Eluna!" Zachary promptly responded.

Hearing Eluna's call, the remaining Heroes in the village responded enthusiastically. 

After all, opportunities to make an impression in front of the beautiful NPC and increase their favorability rating were rare. 

Who knows, maybe they might even catch Eluna's eye...

Within a short ten minutes under Eluna's rally, Zachary once again assembled a team of over a hundred Heroes.  josei

The impressive force marched towards the dungeon.

As he watched Eluna's elegant figure, a trace of hesitation crept into Zachary's heart. 

It might not be too late to regret and reveal the truth to Eluna... 

If this team were to be wiped out again, the Treant village would lose all capacity to resist the Dark Lord.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| But this thought didn't linger for long in Zachary's mind. 

He remembered the horror of the Dark Lord.

Even if we hadn't lost so many people before, we would never be able to stand up against that Dark Lord... 

Pledging allegiance to him earlier might actually be the best outcome for him.

As for Eluna, while Zachary was still a Hero, he probably would never have had a chance to get close to her. 

But now that he's under the Dark Lord's command...

"If the Dark Lord gets tired of her, maybe I could have my chance." 

Zachary looked at Eluna's retreating figure, licking his lips greedily.

"Aren't we there yet?" Eluna glanced at the sky. 

The sun was about to set, and they would face a severe situation once night fell.

"We're close." Zachary promptly responded.

"Let's pick up the pace then!" Eluna waved at the group behind her. 

"Let's pick up the pace!" Eluna waved at those behind her, and the group of Heroes took off, running like they were on steroids. 

The speed of the team's progression kicked up a notch in an instant.

After a rapid march, the entrance to the dungeon finally appeared before the team.

"Here we are!" 

Zachary quickly spoke, but as his voice fell, rustling noises came from the nearby forest. 

Goblins leaped out of the darkness, squeaking and rushing toward the group.

"Kill them all!" Eluna's face hardened. 

As a member of the Treants, a good-aligned race, she had an innate fear of creatures like goblins.

"Take this!" A Hero roared, eager to impress, he was the first to charge forward, cleaving a goblin in two with one sword strike.

With someone taking the lead, the Heroes shouted and rushed towards the goblins. 

They fell one by one, like chopping vegetables. 

Many Heroes even joked while fighting. 

After all, a Goblin Dark Lord was nothing if not for his advantage of terrain, luring the previous team into the dungeon. 

Otherwise, he would have been hacked to pieces long ago.

But as they fought, they began to feel something was wrong.

"These damn goblins seem to multiply as we kill them." 

One Hero muttered, and many others nearby felt the same, their battle increasingly laborious.

"It's... getting dark..."

Someone muttered, causing everyone to look up at the sky. 

The sun had disappeared, and moonlight poured down.

Eluna, holding her staff, had killed several goblins by manipulating vines. 

A hint of anxiety crossed her delicate face...

"We should retreat." Lilith couldn't help but speak. 

Judging by the current situation, the team that had fallen into the dungeon had likely been wiped out. 

Fighting in the darkness was not in their favor.

Eluna was hesitant, but reality didn't give her a chance to make a decision.

Heavy footsteps echoed from the forest again, and the enemies that appeared this time were far more formidable than the weak goblins.

"What is that?" 

A Hero cried in terror at the sight of the powerful enemy.

Only Zachary knew that these were the powerful Divine Dragon Warriors, under the command of the mysterious and powerful Dark Lord. 

These Heroes stood no chance against the Divine Dragon Warriors!

The Divine Dragon Warriors shone in their golden armor, tall and fierce, wielding huge swords and spears. 

The goblins and orcs wore rough robes, brandishing sharp axes and curved blades, ugly and fierce, radiating a wild aura.


With a roar from a Divine Dragon Warrior, a swarm of monsters surged forward, tearing apart several resisting Treant Warriors in an instant!

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