Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 53 Chapter52-Conquering The Treant Village

Chapter 53 Chapter52-Conquering The Treant Village

Eluna took her position at the very front of the team. 

Her green robe swirled in the wind, holding a staff reminiscent of a tree trunk. 

Numerous light green auras enveloped her. 

Lifting her staff high, she said in a loud voice, "Heroes, we are the protectors of nature, we have the duty to safeguard this land! For our home, for our lives, fight to the end!"

A green halo radiated from her, replenishing the weakened Treant Heroes who, with the arrival of night, felt a renewed surge of energy. 

Their bodies sprung back to life, their swift and robust figures resembling green cyclones. 

Their fists and feet connected with the trees, each punch filled with the power of nature.

Under Eluna's guidance, the situation stabilized for a moment.

Eluna closed her eyes, her staff twinkling with blinding light, her voice resonated in every Treant Hero's heart, "Heroes, lend me your power, smash the evil!"

Streams of green light emitted from their bodies, connecting with the earth, absorbing energy, their power increasing continuously. 

Their punches and kicks landed on the enemy's armor, causing a deafening noise.

Lilith skillfully drew her bow, a quick arrow shot out, piercing through the air like lightning towards an encroaching Orc warrior. 

The arrow tore through the air, instantly penetrating the Orc's chest, knocking him to the ground. 

A sense of resolve flashed in Lilith's eyes as she aimed at the next target and released another arrow.

Alicia nimbly navigated the battlefield, her daggers dancing like the wind.

She was a green shadow, rapidly stabbing at her enemies. 

Her dagger glowed with a cold light, striking the enemies' weak points, leaving them defenseless. 

Her agility and gracefulness matched her fierce and deadly attacks.

The Treants fought as one, using the power of nature, causing tree roots to whip up earth and rocks, wild winds to kick up sand and dust, trapping the enemy within. 

A powerful earthquake energy was released, destroying the enemy's line, forcing them to a halt.

"Quite unexpected," clapping echoed from the darkness as Ethan slowly emerged from the deep forest.

He was clad in a black robe, his face masked, revealing only a pair of cold, ruthless eyes.

Priest-type Buff NPC, indeed troublesome on the battlefield. 

However, this farce should now come to an end, after all, summoning Divine Dragon Warriors is expensive compared to Goblins.

He slowly levitated, transforming into a terrifying Divine Dragon in the horrified eyes of the many, swooping down on Eluna at the center of the battlefield.

Eluna felt the immense pressure, but her eyes held no hesitation, only determination and courage. 

She continuously cast spells of nature, commanding trees and vines to fight for her. 

Countless tree roots and vines rushed towards the sky, stabbing at the diving Ethan.

The battlefield was in chaos, Ethan's terrifying attacks poured down, a sacred glow enveloped his body, forming a golden halo, within it, a destructive power seemed to be contained.

However, Eluna raised her palm, her eyes flashing with resolution.

"Guardians of nature, please lend me your power!" 

Eluna's voice echoed like a divine melody, her staff emitting a dazzling green light. 

Suddenly, the trees and grass on the battlefield began to stir, countless energy gushed from the earth, condensing into a giant, emerald Treant statue.

The statue was huge, woven from trees and vines, like the embodiment of nature. 

Its eyes flashed with emerald light, holding a giant sword in its palm, the sword radiated a strong natural energy.josei

Eluna stood on the Treant giant's shoulder, raising her staff, condensing the power of nature. 

Her voice resonated across the battlefield, "Mother Nature, I pray for your power, protect this land!"

The Treant colossus began to move, raising its massive sword and striking with a powerful surge of energy that swept across the battlefield, instantly pushing back Dark Lord Ethan's army. 

Orcs and goblins were sent scattering, and even the Divine Dragon Warrior retreated a few steps under the immense pressure of the colossal statue.

At this point, another of Lilith's arrows flew, aimed directly at Ethan. 

It hit its mark unerringly, leaving a white mark on the golden scales on his chest.

"Have you had enough?" 

Ethan's indifferent voice slowly rose. 

His terrifying dragon form swooped down, instantly piercing through the entire statue, and his dreadful dragon breath poured down, instantly covering the entire battlefield.

The cries of the heroes were heard all around as Ethan slowly rose to the sky, his icy vertical pupils looking down at the 'bugs' beneath him.

"Submit, or die!" 

Ethan's cold voice was like a hammer strike to the hearts of the many. 

Several heroes immediately dropped their weapons, crying and kneeling in front of Ethan.

Eluna wanted to continue fighting, but Zachary ran to her side, quickly advising her in a low voice, "Lady Eluna, it's said that discretion is the better part of valor. With you alive, under your protection, we may still have a chance to turn the tide. If you die... our fate would be unimaginably tragic."

"Surrender is not a disgrace, it is merely for the better preservation of the living force. We still have the Fountain of Life. If we accumulate power for a period of time, we may not be unable to resist this Dark Lord."

Eluna's eyes struggled as she looked at the Treant heroes wailing around her. 

In the end, she could only sigh, drop her staff, and lower her proud head.

"I... I surrender."


All the Treant Heroes were sent to the dungeon. 

Zachary, desperate, became a reluctant guide, leading Ethan to the Treant Village.

Eluna and two other NPCs became Ethan's prisoners, locked up in a prison wagon, and escorted to the Treant Village.

Ethan was curious about this so-called Fountain of Life.

On the way to the Treant Village, Ethan began to evaluate the gains of this battle. 

Harvesting the souls of two waves of Treant heroes, he had achieved significant attribute improvements.

Through this battle, he also realized his shortcomings—his attack methods were indeed too few. 

Faced with Eluna, a non-combat class who was weakened by the night, he had already found it a bit difficult. 

If he met a combat-type B-rank hero, he suspected he would have a harder time winning.

Even though the talent of the golden dragon's treasure was strong, for the overall improvement of his power, he needed to make some sacrifices.

Spending a large amount of gold, Ethan unlocked a number of new skills, thus greatly enhancing his combat power.

[Flame Dragon Breath]: Available in Divine Dragon form, spews intense flames from the mouth, capable of burning any object it touches and causing massive destruction.

[Lightning Claw]: Releases powerful electrical energy from the dragon's claws, which electrocutes and paralyzes enemies on contact, causing enormous damage.

[Wind Wing]: Available in Divine Dragon form, spreads wings, creating strong airflow and gale.

[Holy Light Judgment]: The Golden Divine Dragon summons holy light to judge the target. If the target is an ally, it gives blessings and healing powers, if the target is an enemy, it ignores the enemy's armor and magical defense, causing holy damage.


After learning the skills, his attribute panel also got updated.

[Name: Ethan] 

[Strength: B-rank] 

[Bloodline: Golden Divine Dragon]

Familiarizing himself with his new skills, Ethan noticed the outline of the Treant village appearing in the distance. 

There were not many Treants left in the village; most of them were NPCs. 

Zachary had no trouble opening the gates to the village.

As Ethan slowly entered the village, he was met with fearful gazes from the villagers. 

The village was not large, primarily built to accommodate a few hundred people. 

However, with the building efforts of the heroes, the area had expanded significantly. 

Given enough time, it might have developed into a thriving town if Ethan hadn't come along.

Guided by Zachary, Ethan made his way to an altar at the very back of the village. 

After opening a hidden door, they entered a vast cavern. 

At the center of the cavern was a massive luminous stone, shedding a soft glow below. 

Directly under this stone was an elliptical green pool, filled with shimmering green light and numerous seed-like points of light bobbing within.

"Lord Ethan, this is the Fountain of Life, the birthplace of our Treant kind," Zachary respectfully said. 

The earlier battle had made him acutely aware of Ethan's power. 

He also felt grateful that he had not harbored any ill intentions, or else he would have been completely obliterated by now.

Ethan found Zachary's complete obedience somewhat amusing. 

Even without bestowing any favors, Zachary's loyalty had reached 80%, a clear demonstration of his unwavering devotion. 

Indeed, most humans respected power more than kindness.

"Very well, go and bring those three Treants to me."

Zachary promptly nodded, returning shortly with three rather disheveled female Treants. 

Despite their predicament, Eluna, Lilith, and Alicia still maintained their pride and dignity, glaring defiantly at the Dark Lord before them.

"You may leave," Ethan casually dismissed Zachary, unperturbed by the hostile gazes of the three. 

After all, taming the most ferocious of beasts provided the most pleasure.

"As you wish," Zachary departed the altar. 

As he watched the backs of Eluna and the others, his eyes were filled with jealousy... and a certain sense of satisfaction. 

Some things were always out of reach, but watching their downfall could be a pleasure of its own.

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