Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Aldebaran

Grandpa Fennel had a face that seemed to say that he was defeated, but the smile on his face said something else. He had an appreciative look whenever he glanced at Simon and couldn’t help but acknowledge him genuinely.

The demon was worthy of their trust, not to mention that he was already their benefactor. Fennel could only thank the heavens for sending such a person to them.

Fennel bowed his head deeply and said his thanks to Simon. He was the only remaining elder of the Forest spring spirit clan and it was his duty to show his gratitude on behalf of his clan.

“I cannot tell you how grateful all of us are for you to lend us your help. Without you, sir benefactor our clan would have no hope left alive. Please let me express my thanks” Fennel said as he bowed his body so deeply that it could almost touch the ground.

Simon was not used to this mannerism of others bowing to him as he tried to stop the elder. To his surprise, all the members of the forest spring spirit clan were similarly deeply bowing their heads towards him.

Seeing that it was no use to stop them, he could only sigh in resignation and allow the Forest Spring Spirits to show their gratitude.

“Everyone please raise your heads. You are making this quite awkward for me. Since I have taken Cecilia as my little sister, it was only natural for me to save her clansmen or else she would always be a crybaby” Simon said with an awkward laugh.

When Cecilia heard what Simon said, she immediately stomped her foot and retorted back “How rude big brother! I am not a crybaby”.

She pouted her lips and burned with fury. Their exchange immediately lightened the mood in the place and even got some laughs from the bystanders.

Even aunt Daphne laughed when she saw Cecilia immediately throw a fit when she was called a crybaby. She was relieved that Cecilia’s scar was being healded and she was still able to retain her previous personality.

Aunt Daphne couldn’t bear to guess Cecilia, a five-year-old girl must have gone through after seeing everybody dear to her sacrificing themselves to save her. If it wasn’t for Sir benefactor that Cecilia had found in between her escape, she would have probably even forgotten how to smile.

She was her own niece that is to say Cecilia’s mother and Daphne were blood sisters. Cecilia was like her own child and she couldn’t be anymore happier to see her smile and get angry just like back in that village.

Daphne and a few others served plates of food for Cecilia and their benefactor and were relishing on the happy memories.

Simon was quite troubled as all of them wanted him to try out all of the dishes that they had prepared for him. Although he was a heavy eater, he wasn’t a glutton capable enough to finish multiple plates of these foods and to make matters worse, they were still preparing some more.

It seemed that these people wanted to have a banquet. Simon had to admit that the cuisine of the Forest Spring spirits was quite delicious as everything was prepared out of trees and plants.

The vegetables and fruits were quite different from what grew on earth and to Simon looked quite strange. For example, a fruit that tasted like a banana had a shape similar to an apple but was yellow in colour.

A fruit that looked like grapes had the taste of watermelon. There were even some fruits and vegetables which he had never tasted before but was so delicious that Simon couldn’t help but eat some more.

Looking at all the different types of food lining the table, he couldn’t help but be reminded once again that he was on a different planet.

It seemed that the Forest Spring Spirits that were hiding here, were finally able to let loose some of their worries after they saw Cecilia return safely with the message that there were still some children from their clan alive and in safe hands.

“It’s quite good” tasting the wine that forest spring spirits had served him, Simon uttered. The wine in the glass was made out of some unknown fruit and was very much to his taste.josei

“Hahaha, Sir benefactor I’m glad that you like it. The wine is made out of banaro fruit and can only be grown by us Forest Spring Spirits” Fennel said as he sat near Simon and enjoyed the wine.

“The banaro fruit needs special care and conditions to grow. When they mature, the fruit that they bear contains a special effect that calms one’s mind and can even restore the expended mana in a short period of time. We call it the banaro wine. We use to grow this along with many other things back in our village. Drink up sir benefactor we have lots of it brewed out” like a drunkard, a reddish glow appeared on the old face of Fennel.

“Just Simon is fine” After saying that, Simon drank up all of the wine in his glass. He could feel his mind relaxing and the mystical energy in his body rapidly circulating through every vein and artery.

When he felt the changes taking place within his body, Simon couldn’t help but marvel at the mysterious abilities of the Forest Spring Spirits to have grown a fruit with such a wondrous ability.

He felt like if he used Amalgamation magic right now, it would be much faster than any other time. The effects could be said as shocking no less. Not to mention that it was just from one fruit, he could only wonder what other abilities the clan which can harness the power of nature had.

If he could convince these people to come back with him to his dungeon, he would gain an immense help.

Suddenly Simon remembered something and asked Fennel who was seated behind.

“I wonder what your relationship with the Ancient Treants are for them to protect your clan to this extent?”.

He had already seen how protective the ruler of the Ancient Treants was towards the Forest Spring Spirit clan. However, what he didn’t understand was why would the treant who were a different race, protect them.

Fennel had a look of pondering as he stared at his glass of wine before replying.

“Sir Simon what I know are bits and pieces of what happened back during the ancient times. Thus what I know is limited. I can only tell you that the ancestor of our clan and the Ancient Treants were friends even back then”.

“When we needed their help, they answered our calls. Perhaps it would be better if you asked this question to the ruler of the Ancient Treants, the Ancient Titan Treant. After all, he is one of being who had lived through the ancient times”.

Simon was shocked when he heard Fennnel’s reply. He had guessed that the ruler of the Ancient Treants had lived for a long, but he didn’t imagine that the Ancient Titan Treant was someone from the ancient times.

If he had lived through the ancient times, it was not surprising that he commanded such respect from his followers.

“Just like you sir Simon, he is the benefactor of our clan although he always tries to deny it” Fennel said as he refilled his glass with wine.

“After our race fled from those adventurers to the Ancient Treants territory, he was the person who took all of us in and sheltered us here deep within his territory. Those humans who tried to follow us in were all killed by the ancient treants. However, by the time we reached this place, it was already too late as most of us died on the way”.

Fennel’s eyes had a deep look of sorrow as he recounted what happened after they ran from the village.

“It’s unfair that an old man like me gets to live while all those young ones sacrificed themselves and met their end to delay the adventurers… truly it’s a pity” He lamented and gulped down his wine.

Simon who was listening from the side, shook his head in denial “Although it is true that we are the ones who decide our value, it’s not good to devalue oneself too much. After all, if all the elders from the clan die, who will be the ones left to educate and pass on the knowledge to the young ones? wouldn’t they be left to fend for themselves? Would you be able to rest in peace knowing that there is no one to guide those children?”.

Fennel had a look as if he was completely sobered “Sir Simon… what do you mean?”.

Simon pondered how to phrase his answer before replying “I had some goals before coming here. One of them was to see if there was still some elders who had survived. Someone who can impart the knowledge of the Forest Spring Spirits to those children. As for my other goals… I guess I would have to wait until I meet with the Ancient Titan Treant”.

He looked out of the window and saw the titanic tree that appeared like a pillar connecting the heaven and earth.

Pausing for a second, Simon asked, “What kind of a person is the ruler of the Ancient Treants?”. It seems like it was necessary for him to meet with the Ancient Titan Treant before he could convince these people to come with him to his dungeon.

It just so happens that the ruler of the Ancient Treant wanted to meet with Cecilia. He could use this opportunity to meet with the Ancient Titan Treant.

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