Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Aldebaran (2)

It just so happens that the ruler of the Ancient Treant wanted to meet with Cecilia. He could use this opportunity to meet with the Ancient Titan Treant. That was why Simon wanted to know what kind of person he was before meeting him.

Fennel was lost for words as he didn’t expect to be suddenly asked this question. He looked towards the middle of the large clearance where a titanic tree was standing and said.

“From what I can tell, that person seemed to hold our race in high regards and is even willing to protect us himself. He is a wise and benevolent person. At the same time, he has lived through the ancient times and a powerful aura radiates off of him. It is truly unfathomable to measure such a being”.

He then shook his head and apologized “Im sorry, I’m not able to fully answer your question… but I can tell you that, he is by no means an evil person”.

Simon nodded “Elder does not need to apologise, your explanation was plenty enough”. At least he had a little bit of idea with that.

“Is sir Simon planning to meet with that person? If so then I can arrange one. It just so happens that tomorrow is the day I was planning to go there and give my greeting to the Ancient Titan Treant” Fennel said while looking towards Simon.

Simon was excited when he heard that Fennel could arrange their meeting. He was deliberating over how to plan his meeting with the Ancient Titan Treant, he didn’t expect Fennel to solve his problem.

“That would be great. I was planning how to meet him but it seems that you made my work easier. You have my thanks” Simon thanked the elder.

Fennel hurriedly said “What is sir Simon saying, if anything it is us who must be saying our thanks. Your favour to us is as big as a mountain. If you thank me then I won’t be able to raise my head from guilt”.

“O-oh” Simon nodded, he didn’t expect his causal gesture to thank Fennel would evoke such an intense reaction from him.

He watched the Forest Spring Spirits laugh and eat the meal merrily and in the centre of all of this was Cecilia who was imitating him. At this moment, she truly looked carefree and happy just like a girl of her age should.

Simon was content, this meeting would untie some of the knots in her heart. As her big brother, he wanted to see her happy and carefree just as she was now. And for that, he has to grow his dungeon and himself stronger.

The banquet continued for a long while before its participants became dead drunk and tired before going to sleep. Cecilia wanted to stay with her aunt and talk some more and Simon was left amidst the drunkards.

The next morning, the Forest Spring Spirits all woke up in a good mood and the atmosphere inside was totally different than before. They were no longer behaving like a lifeless doll and their eyes seem to contain some hope in them.

Of course, the hope came from the news that Simon had rescued the children from their clan who had been caught by the adventurers and enslaved inside the village.

Cecilia even told them how Simon had defeated all those bad adventurers who had hurt their clan and made them cry until they remembered their mommies.

Along with Fennel and Cecilia, Simon decided to meet with the ruler of the Ancient Treants. “Ehhh! Grandpa Fennel, why must we meet with that treant? I wanted to talk with the others some more” while on their way, Cecilia made an unhappy face and complained.

“Silent now Cecilia, one must show respect their respect to their benefactor not to mention the territory we are currently staying in is his domain”.

Fennel explained. Even though the tree looked titanic from the distance, from close it looked even more so. By the time Simon and the others approached near, its shadow had completely covered the sky.

They had only reached halfway, but the gigantic tree had already blotted the sky. Its roots that protruded out from the ground was so thick and sturdy that it seemed to be connected with the very forest itself.

Its trunk was wide and covered in bark so ancient that it seemed nigh impossible to penetrate and hurt this titanic creature. All the treants that Simon had met before, had a defence so high that very few magic in his repertoire was able to hurt them.

However, all of that meant nothing in front of the Ancient Titan Treant. Its defence was superior… no it would be an understatement to say so. Its defence easily overshadowed even the likes of Balsa and was in a realm completely impossible for the current Simon to even imagine.

Even if there were thousands of him releasing the full might of his magic at the tree for a whole day, he reckoned that he wouldn’t be able to even scratch it. A formless pressure engulfed everyone as they approached nearer.

Although the aura was tyrannic, it was something naturally released by the Ancient Titan Treant. When they finally reached the base of the tree, Simon marvelled at the absurdity of its sheer size.

Whilst a desolate aura surrounded the tree and it looked like it was dying, there was no denying the presence it emitted just by standing there. The colour of its trunk was that of the coal, and most of the leaves in its branches had fallen into the ground.

Its bottom half was covered with a thick layer of moss that shined with an emerald green light. Its appearance spoke of how ancient it was and the vicissitude of life the treant had gone through.

Cecilia made a wide ‘O’ with her mouth wide open as she looked at the titanic size of the tree. She pointed at the Ancient Titan Treant and said.

“Waaahhh, it’s so huge. Is he the ruler of the Ancient Treants? He is much much bigger than that elder we met yesterday”.

Grandpa Fennel panicked when he heard that and hurriedly disciplined “Don’t be rude Cecilia. He is the person we Forest Spring Spirit owe our life to. Disrespecting him is equal to bringing shame to our race. Be quiet now, don’t run your mouth wildly”.

Though his voice was stern, his eyes were still tender when they looked at her. At this moment, the ground started to tremble as if a huge earthquake was occurring. A vast ancient aura started to descend before the branches and twigs of the treant started to coil together, taking a humanoid shape.

The humanoid that was born from the titanic tree was more than five meters tall and coal-black in colour. A greenish light ran through its body just like veins and pulsed with natural energy.

Pair of eyes as deep as the ocean looked at the people that arrived before him. With a deep ancient voice, the humanoid figure laughed.

“Hahaha, Fennel here is too stuck with the worldly matters. Young lady you don’t have to keep quiet, I will not take any offence”.

He gave a friendly smile and looked towards the other visitor “You must be the demon who had taken care of her. I am aware of the matters that happened yesterday. Young man, I must admit even I was shocked when you chose to return those spirit orbs. Truly… a decent character”.

Simon was not amazed that the Ancient Titan Treant knew the events that had occurred yesterday; after all, the new settlement of the Forest Spring Spirits was right near it.

Fennel stepped forward bowed his head before saying “He is the benefactor of my clan and not only did he save Cecilia, he also rescued the children…”.

“I am well aware of the things that have occurred inside the Ghastly Winding Forest” Right after saying that, he looked towards Cecilia and Simon before declaring.

“I am the ruler of the Ancient Treants, Aldebaran the Ancient. You can me Alder. There is nothing in this entire forest that I can’t sense through my roots. Haha, I have awaited your presence for a long time, young lady”.

He had a reminiscing look whenever he glanced at Cecilia.

Cecilia on the other hand tilted her head in confusion and asked “Me? Why did Lord Alder want to meet with me?”.

This should be their first meeting so why was this Ancient Titan Treant spoke as if he was already familiar with her.

Aldebaran laughed once again before replying “I sensed your presence the moment you were born and from that time I was anticipating our meeting. Young lady, you are special even amongst the people from your clan. Don’t you want to know more about your dormant abilities and your origin?”.

Aldebaran had lived since the ancient times and knew the answer to the mysteries that was shrouding the world.

“My origins?” Cecilia had a look that said that she was very confused, she was born and lived her entire life indie the Forest Spring Spirit village what else was there about her origin?

Nevertheless, she wanted to know about her dormant powers. If she could harness those powers, she would be much more helpful to her big brother and her clansmen.josei

She excited nodded her head and said “Although I don’t know what lord Alder means by my origin, it is true that I want to know more about my abilities and master them as soon as possible so that I can help my big brother”.

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