Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1629 Plant Creatures

Chapter 1629 Plant Creatures


It was one of the restricted islands within Hyperion, filled with a highly concentrated energy of nature. As Emery soared above the vast island, the vibrant colors and lush greenery below captivated his senses.

The air was thick with the essence of life, and he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible power that flowed through this place. However, a question lingered in his mind: Why did the caretaker of such an important planet choose to reside in this particular location? What secrets did this island hold?

As they drew closer to the mountain at the heart of the island, Emery's heightened perception picked up on multiple powerful energy signatures emanating from the surroundings. 

To his surprise, nestled amidst the dense woods inside the mountain, he spotted an establishment that resembled a village crafted from natural plants and rocks. It blended harmoniously with the environment as if an extension of the island itself.

As Emery and Ramora landed at the entrance, they were met by magus-level guards stationed there. Ramora respectfully addressed them, stating, "I have a visitor here to meet the Caretaker"

The guards exchanged glances before one of them nodded and stepped aside, allowing them passage. Emery's anticipation grew, his mind racing with thoughts of what awaited him inside.

The gate swung open, and a figure emerged—a pale, skinny young woman with flowing light green hair. There was a sense of familiarity about her that Emery couldn't quite place. Before he could utter a word, she spoke, her voice filled with recognition, "You don't remember me, do you? I'm the one who fought you at the Magus tournament."

The name Mera crossed Emery's mind, triggering fragmented memories of their encounter. Though the details eluded him, there was an undeniable connection between them.

However, his attention swiftly shifted as a wave of familiar energy washed over him from within the establishment—energy he had yearned to reunite with.

Unable to contain his excitement, Emery disregarded all else and darted past the startled guards, rushing towards the entrance of the cave. The guards instinctively moved to intercept him, but Mera swiftly intervened, assuring them, "It's okay, he can enter."

All eyes were on Emery as he ventured into the depths of the cave. The dazzling light reflecting off the cave's ceilings momentarily blinded him, yet it radiated a warmth that penetrated his being, reminiscent of the nurturing embrace of the sun.

Gradually, as his eyes adjusted to the brilliance, Emery heard a chorus of familiar voices echoing through the cavern, calling out,

"Ku… ku…. Kuang." To his astonishment, it wasn't just one creature, but a multitude of them—dozens of chubby little yellow plant creatures with large rocky heads and two pitch-black eyes. Some stood half a meter tall, while others were about a palm in size. They approached him with unbridled joy, their delicate hands reaching out to touch his legs, and a few even leapt onto his shoulder.

"Ku ku ku…"

"Kuang kuang"

They chimed happily, their melodious voices forming a symphony of reunion. They were his cherished Chizpur Fangs creatures—the beings he had created with his own hands.

But how could there be so many of them? Memories began to resurface within Emery's mind, revealing a long-forgotten incident that had transformed his batch of 30 Chizpur Fangs back into seedling forms. And now, standing before him, were at least a hundred of these enchanting creatures, thriving and vibrant.

Emery's gaze swept across the expanse of the cave, his heart yearning to find the familiar faces of the other plant creatures—his buddy Twik, as well as the five Chizpur brothers. Yet, they were conspicuously absent.

Suddenly, his attention was diverted as a grand magus figure made his entrance.

The Chizpur Fangs creatures scattered in awe, creating a path as the magus approached Emery with a serene smile adorning his weathered face.

"You have returned, Emery… good, very good," the grand magus greeted him warmly.

Initially taken aback, Emery quickly recognized the elderly figure standing before him. It was none other than Grand Magus Yvere, the esteemed head instructor of the renowned Plant Institute—a figure he held in high regard. Grand Magus Yvere had been instrumental in assisting Emery during a previous plant creature incident.

Emery's gaze shifted from the grand magus to the lively Chizpur Fangs that now encircled him, their tiny forms crawling with uncontainable delight. It was evident that the elder had taken meticulous care of them in his absence.

Observing Emery's bewilderment, Grand Magus Yvere spoke, his voice carrying the wisdom of ages, "Come with me."

As Emery followed the grand magus deeper into the recesses of the cave, he left behind Morgana, Ramora, and Mera, who chose to wait outside.I think you should take a look at

The passage they entered led them to a tranquil area adorned with chairs and tables crafted from natural stones. Positioned near a serene lake, the space exuded a serene ambiance, teeming with the potent energy of nature.

They settled down in the midst of this enchanting scenery, their senses enveloped by the symphony of rustling leaves and the gentle murmur of the nearby water.

The grand magus broke the weighty silence that enveloped them, his voice resonating with a profound sense of reverence. "Let me check your condition first" he requested, his gaze filled with an unwavering focus.


Without needing any explanation, the grand magus effortlessly detected an anomaly within Emery's spirit soul. With a mere touch of his arm, he said

"I see you manage to go through such tribulation"

The expression on the grand magus's face momentarily flickered with surprise before he composed himself and let out a prolonged sigh.

"I must admit, your condition has piqued my curiosity," the grand magus confessed, his voice carrying a mix of intrigue and concern. "If you are willing, I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on what did happen, to this old man"

Emery held the grand magus in the highest esteem and respected his wisdom. Thus, he was inclined to reveal certain aspects of his journey, omitting the intricate details concerning Ouroboros and the Khaos Gate. With utmost sincerity, Emery recounted the trials he had faced, including the separation of his souls and the creation of his clone body.

As Emery concluded his account, the grand magus nodded knowingly. "I see," he murmured, his voice filled with a blend of comprehension and empathy. "Your spirit should eventually recover, given time. However, you must exercise caution regarding the being residing within your body."

Emery's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the grand magus possessed the power to sense the presence of the Khaos Gate within him. Yet, to his relief, the grand magus displayed no overt interest in the matter, instead offering a word of caution.

The grand magus then continues "Now, ask your question, Emery."

Emery's curiosity burned within him, and his first query revolved around the hundred Chizpur Fangs creatures that now called this cave their home. He sought to understand their origin and the reason for their presence here.

Grand Magus Yvere, with a glimmer of wonder in his eyes, began to explain. He unveiled the incredible revelation that Emery had not only succeeded in creating life but that these remarkable creatures had also been able to procreate. However, the process required a substantial amount of light energy, which had been lacking in Emery's previous spirit cave.

Fortuitously, three years prior, when Grand Magus Yvere assumed the role of the planet's caretaker, he had paid a visit to Emery's cave. At that moment, he had discovered the predicament.

The grand magus brought the plant creatures to this island and tapped into the unique light energy emanating from its cavern to foster the growth and reproduction of the Chizpur Fangs, resulting in their multiplied numbers.

Emery's heart swelled with gratitude as he witnessed the sheer happiness radiating from the little creatures. He expressed his deep appreciation to the grand magus for the care and dedication he had poured into nurturing them.

Grand Magus Yvere's response was filled with warmth, "Don't mention it, Emery. These little creatures have been excellent companions for me, and it has been a joy to watch them flourish."

Now that Emery comprehended the situation more fully, he couldn't help but be consumed by his inquisitive nature. A burning question arose within him, and he directed his attention towards the grand magus. "Elder, I wonder if the others are here—the matured plant creatures, I mean."

To Emery's surprise, a mischievous glint danced in Grand Magus Yvere's eyes as he chuckled before responding, "Yes, they are here. Those rascals are currently below the surface."

"The surface?" 

When the grand magus uttered the word "surface," of the Hyperion planet, Emery's mind was immediately flooded with memories, transporting him back to a time when he engaged in intense training with a formidable rival. 

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