Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1630 Surface

Chapter 1630 Surface

Hyperion, a colossal gas giant, dominated the cosmic expanse with its imposing presence. Its majestic form was adorned with numerous floating islands, suspended in the vibrant atmosphere that surrounded it.

Emery follows the grand magus deeper into the cave. Intrigued and fueled by a sense of anticipation, his steps echoed through the hallowed passageways. 

Eventually, they arrived at a vast chasm—an immense pit that seemed to descend into the very heart of Hyperion. 

"We shall descend into the depths of this pit," declared the grand magus.

Without hesitation, the two figures soared downward, piercing through a dense veil of clouds that enshrouded the precipice. Emery couldn't help but be reminded of the immense gravitational forces that gripped him, steadily increasing as they descended. However, he remained unfazed, his current strength quickly navigating the pressure.

5 miles, 10 miles.

Emery kept falling blind through the mist, unable to use his spirit reading until finally emerged from the depths of the cloud cover, Emery's eyes widened in awe. The sight before him unfolded like a portal into an entirely different world.

A vast expanse of mountains filled with tall weathering gray trees stood above dark sands.

The colors that painted this secret realm were vibrant and vivid, shimmering in hues that transcended mortal imagination. 

Emery gracefully maneuvered his [Lightwing], through the air, following closely behind the grand magus.

As they traversed the distance, the landscape unfolded beneath them, revealing a vast expanse that led to another camp. It was a bustling hub of activity, filled with magus of various ranks, each engrossed in their assigned tasks.josei

With a gentle descent, Emery landed at the heart of the camp. The moment his feet touched the ground, several magus approached them, their expressions filled with a mix of awe and respect. They bowed in reverence to the grand magus, acknowledging his presence.

"Welcome back, caretaker," they greeted the grand magus, their voices laced with deference.

Emery glanced around the camp, taking in the sight of the diligent magus diligently packing and loading materials into specialized boxes. Their movements were precise and purposeful, indicating a meticulous preparation process.

Even in the midst of their bustling activity, Emery's thoughts remained fixated on his plant companions. However, the ambient spiritual energy in the area made it challenging for him to connect with them through his spirit reading abilities.

Sensing Emery's restlessness, the grand magus said "Be patient, they will arrive here soon," he assured Emery, his voice carrying a comforting tone.

Before long, a faint rumble reverberated through the ground, catching Emery's attention. He glanced towards the source and noticed dark sands rising in the distance, swirling in the air like a tempest. The atmosphere grew tense as one of the full moon magus, a distinguished squad leader symbol adorning his robes, called out to the others.

"Northside! Prepare yourselves! Form a line!" the leader's commanding voice echoed across the camp.

Emery's gaze followed the leader's direction, and he caught sight of a horde of spider-like creatures charging toward the camp, their menacing presence palpable. The magus wasted no time, hastily forming their battle lines and readying themselves for the imminent clash.

With bated breath, Emery watched as the storm of ashes drew nearer, the spiders closing in with relentless determination. Time seemed to slow as the tension mounted, only to be shattered by the leader's resolute command.


The magus charged forward in unison, their weapons raised and spells at the ready. They met the onslaught of the hostile creatures head-on, engaging them with unwavering resolve. Emery's heart swelled with admiration for their bravery and dedication.I think you should take a look at

While the magus fought valiantly, Emery glace at the grand magus, who stood silently, observing the battle with a wise and discerning gaze.

Despite his own desire to join the fray and lend a helping hand, Emery found himself held back, intrigued by a sudden occurrence in the middle of the battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, the ground beneath Emery's feet trembled once more, as if heralding the arrival of a new force. To his astonishment, multiple figures emerged from the very earth itself. Five formidable rocky creatures, towering at an impressive three meters in height, sprang forth, their rugged forms exuding an aura of strength and resilience.

Without hesitation, the rocky creatures swiftly erected towering walls of earth, serving as a formidable barrier against the relentless spider hordes.

The magus, emboldened by this display of assistance, surged forward with renewed determination, unleashing a flurry of spells and launching coordinated attacks. The combined might of the magus and the rocky creatures unleashed a symphony of destruction upon the enemy.

Emery's eyes widened in recognition and delight as he realized the identities of the towering allies. They were none other than Chika, Chiki, Chiku, Chike, and Chiko—the Chizpur brothers.

The memories of their mischievous and lighthearted adventures flooded Emery's mind, now replaced by the sight of these once-small and playful creatures transformed into formidable protectors.

Though outnumbered and facing legendary creatures of considerable power, the battle swiftly turned in their favor. Within a matter of minutes, the spiders began to scatter and retreat back into the mountains, vanquished by the combined might of magus and rocky defenders.

Overwhelmed with relief and excitement, Emery approached the remnants of the battlefield, making his way towards the towering figures of the Chizpur brothers. As the dust settled, the five rocky creatures finally noticed Emery's presence, their faces lighting up with joy.

"KU! KU! KU!" they exclaimed, their deep voices resonating with happiness.

Emery couldn't help but chuckle as they enthusiastically surrounded him, vying for his attention and affection. They playfully tugged at him from all directions, their immense strength inadvertently causing him a slight discomfort.

"KU! KU! KU!"

"Yes, yes... I missed you all too," Emery laughed, attempting to calm them down. "Please, settle down... You're going to crush me."

Amidst the joyful chaos, Emery managed to catch his breath and posed a question to the brothers. "Where is your other brother? Where is Twik?"

Almost as if on cue, Emery's eyes fell upon a humanoid plant creature emerging from the scene, carrying a large crate with its two sturdy arms. It bore a resemblance to Emery's memories of Twik, a youthful and vibrant being crafted from roots.

Their eyes met, and at that moment, the plant creature dropped the crates to the ground, its expression mirroring a mix of surprise and recognition. "Kuang kuang," 

"Twik, it's me" 

It was a beautiful reunion, one watched with a smile by the Grand Magus and the others around.

x x x x x x x x x x

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