Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: Betrayer

"What change?" Alan recognized his curiosity.

Lucy's hand passed under the rose in the middle: "The Jarno Crystals respond according to certain rules. Simply put, once their feedback mechanism is figured out, the information can be stored in the crystal and retrieved by instructions." Crystals could be preserved for a very long time, especially the Arnold Crystals. A thousand years was no different for them. "Thus, in the Golden Rose Age, the Arnold Crystal was used in various fields, most of which were in the information field …"

She suddenly cried out softly. Her fingertip was pierced by the crystal, and a drop of blood hung on the thorn of the rose flower. The blood didn't drip down, but seeped into the crystal. After the blood entered the crystal, the natural patterns in the crystal actually reacted. Each crystal thread emitted a blurry brilliance from the inside out. In an instant, the crystal threads in the crystal wall lit up one by one. From bottom to top, from the middle to both sides, the wall finally shone brightly, illuminating everyone's faces below the wall.

Lucy took two steps back and narrowed her eyes. "Looks like the crystal wall is commanded by Adahua Planet's genes …"

"It might be a gene from the royal family." Alan added.

At this time, the girl on the crystal wall slowly opened her eyes. It was a dead thing, so it naturally wouldn't open its eyes. It was just that the crystal girl's eyelids could move. When they rose, they were like a girl who had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years and gradually woke up. The young girl's eyes were filled with two golden rays of light. Two golden rays shot out from her eyes and quickly drew a rectangular pattern in the air. When the rays of light joined together, the space inside the rectangular shape caved in. It was like a piece of broken glass. The scene of the temple shattered, revealing a strange colored space.

"So it's a space folding door. It's a space technology from the Golden Rose Era. Let's go and see where this door leads to." Lucy was so excited that she did not forget to hold the golden rose in her hand.

Ellen reached out and pulled her out of her sheath. Red King smiled and said, "Now is not the time for ladies to take precedence. I'm here to scout the way."

He walked into the spatial door, followed by Lucy and Edward, and finally by Laura and Nelly.

When he passed through the spatial door, he felt very wonderful. There was a dazed feeling, as if he had just woken up from a lengthy dream. When he stepped on the ground, Alan could see the floor under his feet shining. The light then quickly split into several rays of light that began to radiate from him. When the light reached a certain end in the darkness, it rose from the ground into the air and spread out on both sides, forming several pillars of light. Tens of thousands of rays of light spread out above the pillar of light, interweaving to form a plane. The last of the rays of light lit up one after another. When Nelly walked into this space, a hall made of pure crystal appeared in everyone's eyes.

The hall was so big and empty. Large crystal pillars that required more than a dozen people to hug supported the dome of the hall. In the middle of the hall was a crystal throne, on which sat a corpse. There were only bones left in the corpse, and the empty sockets of his eyes were staring at the space in front of him, as if he had penetrated through time and was looking at a certain moment in the distant past. The corpse was dressed in a magnificent robe decorated with crystals and gemstones with a bright red background. There was also a crystal plate in his hands. The pattern on the surface of the crystal plate was the same as the crystal wall in the temple, like a miniature version of the crystal wall.

All the crystal threads in the crystal hall emitted a hazy radiance, which made the light in the hall bright but not dazzling. Lucy walked over to the corpse, bowed slightly, and stretched out her hands to gently grab the crystal plate. After experiencing the Crystal Wall, she reached out and touched the rose blossom at the bottom of the crystal plate. Her fingertips unsurprisingly felt a slight pain again. After a drop of blood was injected into the crystal plate, the girl on the crystal plate opened her eyes. There was no beam of light this time, but the ground in front of the throne rose silently and stopped at Lucy's chest. There was a hollow area on the crystal platform that matched the size of the crystal plate in Lucy's hand.

Lucy put the crystal board on the platform. As soon as the crystal board was put in, a circle of light lit up and spread out, extending from the crystal platform to the floor. Finally, the light in the entire hall flashed regularly. After a few flashes of light, gentle rays of light rose from the edge of the crystal platform. When Lucy reached out to touch the rays of light, different colors of light made very different sounds.

"This time?" Alan looked at the rays of light.

'"This order is clearly a sound. Let me see …" Lucy reached out to dial the light. A few beautiful and ethereal notes sounded in the hall, but there was no change at all. Her Royal Highness was not surprised by this. She played different notes, but all of them ended in failure.

Lucy frowned, "What's the password?"

"Does Empress Rose have any music she likes?" Alan suddenly asked.

Lucy raised her head and Alan walked around the crystal platform. "We saw a statue of a woman when we entered the city. There was also a hymn of the Great Empress in front of the temple. It was obvious that the city's builders had great respect for the Great Empress."

At this point, Allen's meaning was obvious. Lucy pondered, "I've read about the life of Empress Rose in the Royal Library, but the historians didn't mention that she loved music … Oh, could it be that?"

Lucy went back to the crystal stage: "The Great Empress herself did not have a special love for music, but once in her life she appeared at the Royal Grand Theatre." It was her favorite daughter, Princess Clavina, who had put on a play based on her experience at the Grand Theatre. The theme song of the play was personally composed by Princess Clavina, and it was recorded that our respected Queen loved the song written by the Princess … What was the name of the song …?

"Song of the Rose!" Lucy's eyes lit up and her fingers nimbly flicked against the rays of light, causing a melodious melody to resound in the crystal hall. Even those who did not understand music could hear a beautiful girl singing loudly from the music.

With a flick, the light in a corner behind the throne suddenly disappeared. Then, a figure walked out of the darkness. It was a tall man. He had a dignified face, a red robe dragging down the ground, and a crystal plate in his hand. Although he knew that it was a light image, the scene where the man appeared and walked over was incomparably real. Not only did Laura and Nelly once put on an offensive posture, even Red King in Alan's hand slightly raised a few points.

"Don't be nervous," Lucy whispered. "It's just an image recorded in the Arnold Crystal."

The red-robed man spoke in a low, melodious voice, like a piano bass, "When you see this image, I'm afraid that Tallinn Aisha, a guest from your homeland, has become a speck of dust in history. Oh, forget to introduce myself, I'm the builder of Tallinn Aisha, Dato 'Jertes."

'"This is a virtual image that I recorded in the Arnold Crystal. This crystal hall records all the information about Tallinn Aisha, including what I think should be recorded. Guests from your homeland, you can ask any questions you like to extract any information from the crystal hall." josei

Lucy nodded and asked her first question, "Tell me, Dato 'Jertes, why did you build Tallinn Aisha, and why did you build it in the abyss of the mountains?"

Jeltez's expression paused for a moment before revealing a sad expression. He turned around gently, holding the crystal as if looking into the distance, "This is a heavy question, my friend. If possible, I wish I could escape this question, but you need to know the truth. We are betrayers, yes, we betrayed the great Queen Rose and chose to banish ourselves."

"This matter must start with the Golden Tree Plan …"

As Ellen and the others entered the Crystal Hall, a burst of laughter sounded from the caravan in the Temple Square. In front of the carriages, Shawn and the other merchants sat in front of a brazier. The brazier was picked up from the ruins of a passing block. The brazier was coated with a thin layer of grease. After putting it into the fire, it would create a blazing flame. However, the grease in the brazier was reduced by a tiny bit. It was unknown what kind of material it was made of. Xiao En also joked that if he wanted to bring such a brazier to the imperial capital, he would be able to sell it for a large sum of money.

Now, several men were listening to Abel's account of his travels in the Land of Darkness. The teenager specifically picked out interesting things to say, and when he spoke of excitement, he danced and danced, causing Xiao En and the others to be unable to close their mouths with laughter.

If Alan hadn't told them not to speak loudly, they would have laughed out loud. Not far away, Ian was squatting on the ground smoking a cigarette. The flames in the pipe lit up and dimmed. This light was really insignificant, but when it landed in a pair of eyes, the flame was infinitely magnified, almost as dazzling as a sun. The owner of the eyes was squatting on the roof of an abandoned house. Not far away, a dark blue ribbon of light floated past and shone on his body.

He looked like a skinny man with a skinny body. Apart from a pair of exceptionally round and large eyes, the rest of the body was thin. Dark light illuminated his ugly and deformed facial features. If it was so beautiful that words could not describe it, then ugliness was the same. He should have his own place, but it collapsed. Only two nostrils appeared on his face. His mouth was crooked and he didn't have any lips. When he grinned, he could directly see the gums and the few sharp fangs of all sizes. His hands and feet were similarly deformed, some thick and swollen, some thin and thin.

A few loose strands of hair were pressed against his head, and the dirt on his body was constantly falling off because of his movements. He saw the flame in Ian's pipe, but the faint flame made his eyes wet. He felt a burst of heat in his eyes, and he made a vague voice that seemed to be cursing. Then, he gently jumped to another abandoned house and began to sweep towards the temple.

Behind him, thin figures kept climbing up from the edge of the city. These figures were like ghosts silently sneaking in the darkness.

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