Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1342

Chapter 1342: 2)

Long, long ago, he was a child.

A five-year-old.

The child is undoubtedly lucky and happy. He was born and raised in a castle. The cruelty and snowstorm of the outside world were all blocked by the castle. His attendants occasionally mentioned the bad world outside the castle. Babies born outside were sometimes abandoned for lack of food and even eaten by their parents to feed themselves.

It was a hell-like world.

When he heard this, he felt even more fortunate in his little heart.

He also had a beautiful and gentle mother who would hold him in her arms in the afternoon, listen to the warm words telling him dreamlike stories, and then unconsciously fall asleep. Or on a sunny morning his mother would play her graceful harp and play the notes that fascinated him.

So while he was lucky, he was also happy.

Originally, he had thought that all of this would last forever, and that he would continue to grow, and even reach adulthood. He would then be trained by the generals who followed his mother, and he would become a man who protected the castle and his mother. But before this wish could come true, a cruel reality was like a sledgehammer, hammering his past beauty into pieces.

If possible, he would rather not have drilled into his mother's bedroom that day.

The boy likes to play hide-and-seek. Every time his mother finds him, he will be filled with happiness. The feeling of being valued and doted on finally came to an end on that day. That day, he hid in his mother's bedroom. Although his mother had repeatedly mentioned that he could go anywhere in the castle, only the bedroom could not. However, he forgot this rule. He, who only wanted to surprise his mother, gently pushed open the door and personally walked into the room that had changed his life.

The boy's curiosity quickly dissipated when he first entered his mother's room. Because the bedroom wasn't anything special at all. Apart from being slightly exquisite and gorgeous, it was similar to his room. Until he saw a portrait hanging by his mother's bed. The man in the painting looked like a grown-up boy no matter how he looked. At this moment, his mother pushed the door open and entered. Out of curiosity, the boy asked his mother, "Who is he?"

However, her mother did not reply. She, who had always been gentle, suddenly slapped him and ordered the butler not to deliver food to the boy today. In the end, she drove the two maids who were taking care of the boy out of the castle. As for the boy, he was locked in his room before he could react to a series of unforeseen events.

At this time, the burning pain on his cheeks caused him to shed tears like pearls. This was the first time he cried since he was sensible, and he cried very sadly. It was not how painful his mother's slap was, but more so, how painful his heart was.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up in the middle of the night, he lay on his mother's legs. Mother gently rubbed his tender face with her hands, her eyes revealing a faint sadness. She asked him, "Does it still hurt?"

He shook his head desperately.

"You are not allowed to enter again in the future."

He nodded desperately.

The next day, a new maid came to take care of him, and everything seemed to have returned to the old days. However, the boy's smile was no longer as naive and brilliant as before. A painting had always appeared in his heart.

What exactly does that portrait of a man closely resemble him represent? Why is mother so angry? These questions were like an inextricable knot, tightening in the boy's heart.

In the blink of an eye, two years had passed. The boy had grown taller, and his mother had asked several generals to train him. He was also desperately studying, hoping that his mother would pay more attention to him. However, after entering the room two years ago, the boy sensitively noticed that his mother's gaze towards him had lost some of its previous strong love and had grown by another three points of coldness that he had never felt before. His mother's change made the painting that remained in his heart even more obvious.

In the summer of this year, a maid who served him was delivered from the castle. He didn't understand, so he went to ask the butler. The butler told him that no new life had ever been born in this castle, except for his young master. He had feelings for the two maids who had served him for two years. He had heard many rumors about the outside world. He was afraid that the maids would have a hard time leaving the castle, so he secretly brought some food and green crystals to sneak out of the castle. josei

He found his maid and her husband in the wilderness outside the castle, and would bring something to the family every few days. Then a week after the maid left the castle, she gave birth to a healthy baby. When the maid brought the baby to her husband and told the little new life that it was his father, the boy knew for the first time that there was a father in addition to his mother.

He came back to the castle a little late that day, so he didn't dare to enter through the gate, but slipped into a path he used to walk. When he got into his bedroom, he found his mother was already waiting for him. He looked at his mother in panic, but she didn't blame him at all. She just told him to bring a general with him the next time he went out. It was the first time in two years that he felt his mother still cared about him. Perhaps because he was too happy, the boy was a bit more courageous. He blurted out and asked, "Mother, where is my father?"

Then, the woman who had originally planned to leave suddenly turned around. Her face was as cold as ever. This made the boy feel unfamiliar, but at the same time, he was also at a loss. The woman asked, "Why do you ask?"

The boy stammered, "They say that everyone has parents. Don't tell me I don't?"

A painful expression appeared on the woman's face, but in a flash, it disappeared. "I am your mother," she said. "As for father, he went to a very far place when you were very young."

"Then when will he be back?"

The woman immediately became impatient. After saying "Don't ask again", she slammed the door and left.

The boy didn't know if he was afraid or sad, so he sat there all night. Another two days later, when he went to see the maidservant with a general, the general told him that he did not need to go. At his inquiries, the general told him that the woman was dead. Including her children and her husband. The boy suddenly knows something. He finds his mother and asks her for the first time in his life, "Why did you kill them?"

The woman he called his mother also replied coldly, "Because they said something they shouldn't have said."

On this day, the boy had a trace of resentment towards his mother.

Another year passed, and one day, the woman was leaving the castle. She told the boy to stay obediently in the castle until she came back. The boy didn't know where she was going, but he still agreed. This was the first time his mother wasn't by his side, and he was both uncomfortable and excited. In the absence of his mother, this castle was like his kingdom. For the rest of the day, he ran around the castle like he had returned to his childhood.

That night, he accidentally found a room. It was a room in the depths of the castle, in front of which a wall had even been erected. If it weren't for a hole in the wall, if it weren't for him chasing a fox cat here, if it weren't for the fox cat digging into the hole. If it weren't for this, he probably wouldn't have discovered this secret. However, it was as if everything was destined to happen. Three years ago, after he entered his mother's bedroom, he entered a room that he should not have entered.

Out of curiosity, he used his tools to pry open the wall and enter the hidden room. The boy was surprised to find that the room was strangely spacious. This was not a room, it was simply like a hall. When he lit the hall, he found many strange machines, and the ground was filled with all kinds of cables. For him, who was still young, wanting to walk in this hall was a very strenuous task.

But the boy's attention was quickly drawn to the hall and he found that the nameless machines were still working. In the depths of the hall, he found a row of containers that were like buckets filled with unknown liquid. The liquid emitted a faint purple fluorescent light. As he stuck to it, an eye suddenly looked at him. The boy jumped back in fright and crashed into a machine behind him before stopping. Only then did he realize that there was a small figure in each of the barrels.

The boy didn't know what was inside, but he was already a little scared and wanted to leave the room. However, the machine he had just collided with seemed to have accidentally activated some sort of command, so some images and sounds began to appear on a screen of the machine. The boy was attracted because he heard his mother's voice. At the same time, his mother's figure appeared on the screen.

"Today is the 78th day of the experiment. Everything is going smoothly. Embryo 14 has already reached the fetal stage. I am confident that it will succeed this time. However, just in case, I have prepared another five embryos. They are also growing smoothly now …"

'"On the 103rd day of the experiment, although the birth of the fetus was a bit slower in terms of the Bar people's incubation period, the various signs of life are normal. He should be able to be born smoothly in a short period of time …"

"… The 147th day of the experiment has finally arrived. All the waiting and anticipation had paid off. He's my kid, that's right. I shall see this child born and raised according to the characteristics of the Creator, and when he grows up, perhaps I shall find some comfort in his silhouette. As for the other fetuses, there was no need to continue nurturing them, but just in case, it was better to let the livelihood machine work. Next, what should I name this new life … "

"Since he was created by me to commemorate the creator, then call him … Naboo!"

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