Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1343

Chapter 1343: 3)

The morning glow was pale and feeble, and when a feeble ray of morning light passed through the window and climbed up a large bed with great difficulty. The big bed suddenly stirred up a storm. Someone rose from the bed, and the long silver hair scattered down, refracting the dawn light like a starfirefly falling on his slightly pale skin. The man who silently killed the entire bar last night was holding his forehead in his hands and sweating profusely.

One of the women in bed was probably frightened, so she shrunk to the side of the bed for a while before asking boldly, "What's wrong with you?" josei

The man took a moment to recover his steady breathing. He didn't say a word and used his finger as a knife to scratch his head. The silvery white hair that was comparable to silk fell all over the bed. He looked at the long hair on the bed with hatred in his eyes. Then, he stood up silently and put on his clothes one by one. Finally, he wrapped his cloak around his face and walked towards the door. The woman at the bedside finally came to her senses and shouted, "You didn't pay!"

The man went straight out the door, and the woman chased him to the door and screamed, "Bud, keep him! He didn't pay!"

At the end of the corridor, someone knocked on the door, but it was a burly Bar male. His forehead was covered with short thorns and his appearance was fierce. He smiled sinisterly as he waved his fingers and said, "No one dares to cheat on my territory. Brat, it's not good for you not to pay the bill after sleeping with a woman."

The man snorted from the cloak, his contempt self-evident. The burly man named Bud cursed softly and reached out to lift the man's chest. He shouted fiercely, "You can leave the corpse behind if you don't pay back the money!"

At this moment, the cloak began to emit a pitch-black aura. The originally pale sunlight in the corridor seemed even more powerless before this black aura. The light in the entire corridor quickly dimmed, and very quickly, the corridor became dim. It was clearly daytime, but it gave off the feeling of midnight. Especially the Barbarians, who were among them, were even blinded as they opened their eyes. The woman leaning against the door widened her eyes and looked at the black mist-like substance in disbelief.

A moment later, someone walked out of the room, but it was the man who didn't pay the bill. He walked down the stairs, and then there was the sound of the door pushing downstairs. It sounded like the man had left. The woman screamed, "Bud, what the hell are you doing?"

The light in the corridor gradually recovered and the black mist gradually dissipated. Under the sunlight, the woman saw Budd's figure. What puzzled her was that Budd seemed to have lost a lot of weight. She boldly walked over and suddenly let out a scream. It turned out that Bud had already turned into a dried corpse. The corpse's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that he would die just like that.

On the city gate, the soldiers guarding the city last night watched as the man walked farther and farther away until his figure disappeared into the vast wilderness. Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief. These people all knew what happened in that bar last night. The recruit looked at his back and shrunk his neck. "The guys from the Berserk Shadow Army are really not to be trifled with."

This time, it was rare for his companion not to refute.

It was also this morning in the castle's arsenal. Alice put the dagger back where it was. Looking at the dagger, she whispered, "… Every ten years, I would go to the Canon Black Gate to take a look as if I was doing my duty as a gatekeeper. Unexpectedly, something happened to me when I returned from the Black Gate. The butler told me that Naboo had discovered that place …"

"That place?"

"Yes, the place where he was born is also my laboratory." Alice smiled helplessly, "Back then, including Nabor, I cultivated a total of nineteen embryos. The first thirteen had all ended in failure, and it was only after Naboo had managed to survive that his number was fourteen. There were five more embryos after him, and when Naboo successfully reached the fetus and finally the baby was able to leave the incubator, I stopped cultivating the other five fetuses.

"But there are so many failures ahead that I have to be careful. Even though the fetuses numbered fifteen to nineteen had stopped growing, they still activated their life support devices to ensure that they could survive and grow at an extremely slow rate. At that time, Naboo discovered my lab and accidentally saw my experimental journal back then. Not only did the child smash the laboratory into a mess, he also killed all the brothers who were only around one year old in the five incubators.

'You don't know that I hardly recognized him when I saw him in the lab. I knew then that my Naboo was dead and a wild beast was alive. The Baltic's innate hostility appeared on the child's face out of anger, and hatred for me could be seen in his eyes.'

Alan glanced at the woman and said, "With all due respect, it is only natural that he would hate her. Any child would probably not be able to stand it after seeing the truth like that, right?"

"Perhaps, if it was the current me, I would probably explain it to him calmly." Alice smiled bitterly. 'But I was furious at that time, and it was true that I had kept the five fetuses as a precaution from the beginning. But in the years when Naboo was born, I had given him all my love. No matter what, he couldn't kill those fetuses, which was an insurmountable bottom line for me at the time.'

Alan sighed in his heart. He understood Alice's thoughts. The woman created Naboo and the fetuses out of nostalgia for her creator. In her heart, at least in her heart at that time. Naboo and the fetuses were the shadows of the creator. Killing those fetuses had undoubtedly killed Alice's longing.

"And then?" Alan asked.

Alice sighed and said, "I almost killed that child, but I couldn't do it at all." Only then did I know that I really loved him. It was not the kind of love he was remembered as the creator, but the love a mother had for her children. So Naboo survived, and he was only punished by being imprisoned in his bedroom. However, the beast had already awakened, so it could never return to the prison in its heart. "That incident eventually became the director of Naboo and me. The fire cord also made that child do what I hate him to this day!"

A figure galloped across the wilderness and suddenly shouted. The sound wave was extremely penetrating, and in an instant, it was unknown how many kilometers away it was. The figure dragged the pitch-black tail flames and fiercely smashed into a mountain. The mountain burst into pieces. He drilled into the forest from behind the mountain and crashed into a small forest, causing a burst of trees to fall. In the end, he directly crashed into the foot of a short mountain. Several thick cracks continued to climb up, and the short mountain finally collapsed with a loud crash.

In the midst of the clamor, he walked out. After a few steps, he knelt on the ground and took off his cloak hat, revealing a bare head with a bitter smile on his face. He gently raised his hand to the ground and whispered, "Stop …"



Suddenly, a punch landed on the ground, and a huge spider web-like crack spread out. Then, with him as the center of the circle, the ground within a hundred meters was silently shattered, and a circular shallow pit was dug out from the ground. He panted loudly in the pit and finally sat down on the ground. He raised his head and looked south, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

There were some things that couldn't stop once they started, just like what he had done back then. Once some memories started, they could not stop either. Even though he was far away from that place, and even though it had been many years, those things were still as clear as yesterday.

At this moment, he thought of the boy again.

When the boy discovered the truth, he knew that he was not born of his mother, but out of the woman's yearning for the creator, he was created by Wu Sheng You using genetic technology. Yes, made, what a cruel word. Birth means love and uniqueness. As for manufacturing, it only reminds people of ice-cold machines and mass production.

Especially after seeing the five fetuses that were still alive, he hated to create this word even more. It turned out that his luck and happiness were just an illusion. It turned out that he was not the only one in his mother's life. Apart from being the puppet that the woman placed her yearning on, he could also be replaced by other "brothers" at any time. Out of anger and fear, he smashed everything in front of him that could be shattered, killing the few unconscious fetuses. But even so, it was still unable to calm the hatred in his heart. As for hatred, once it spawned, it would be hard to erase. It may hide, but it will grow. It even devoured the soul and distorted cognition.

After venting his anger, the boy stayed in the laboratory. He was waiting for that woman to return. He knew that that woman would definitely be very angry and even kill him. Sure enough, when she appeared in the laboratory, the boy could clearly feel her killing intent. But in the end, that woman still didn't kill her, not even beat him. She only asked the butler to detain him in the bedroom and forbid him to come out.

In the dark bedroom, the boy silently endured the pain in his heart and the hatred that devoured his heart. Everything that looked good in the past turned out to be a hypocritical illusion. Any doting or pampering was all a lie. The boy decided to do something. He wanted to get back at the woman. He wanted to tell that woman who had deceived him for so many years that he was not a doll, nor was he a substitute!

So after a week alone, he saw the woman again through the housekeeper. The boy pleaded for her forgiveness with tears. At that time, his acting was as brilliant as an actor. The woman also promised to forgive him, but both of them knew that the rift between them had started three years ago, and today, the rift had expanded to an irreparable extent. It was just that the woman really wanted to make up for it, but the boy was trying to conceal it, which was why he had this scene today.

After this day, another ten years passed before the boy could get his revenge.

Oh, he was no longer a boy, but an eighteen-year-old youth. In the past ten years, he had shown great patience. In addition to obeying every request of the woman, he had witnessed battles to defend the castle one after another, thereby winning the trust of the woman.

Over the years, he learned some of the secrets of women by sidestepping them.

Some deadly secrets!

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