Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1344

Chapter 1344: Twilight Seed

"… I did doubt the child when he cried and begged me for forgiveness, hugging my feet. But what would a seven or eight-year-old think? Perhaps I was careless, or perhaps I didn't want to think bad things. Anyway, I chose to forgive him. "Even if he killed other fetuses, it would be enough for me to have a child like him …"

Alice said sadly. She and Alan had already left the arsenal. He slowly walked along a corridor in the castle. One side of the corridor was a tall wall, while the other side had windows open. Every once in a while, there is a balcony for rest. The two of them walked to the balcony. Alice stood on the balcony fence and looked into the distance, as if she was looking at the figure that had already left.

"Did he disappoint you again?" After Alan finished speaking, he felt that he was asking the same question.

Alice did not care about this detail, she revealed an incomparably complicated smile: "After that day, the next ten years can be said to be my happiest time." Naboo became obedient and obedient. I thought he had rebound the beast in his heart, but in the end I realized that I was wrong. He obediently heard that it was just a disguise, so that I could put down my guard. I never thought that it would affect him so much that a seven or eight-year-old child would learn to endure it and learn to be scheming. "

"Actually, I can forgive him for anything he does, but that's the only thing he can't do, but he did it …"

Alan stared into the distance without saying a word. Some of the wounds were difficult to heal and some of the grief was uncomfortable. All he could do now was listen.

"Happy times are always short, and soon another decade has passed. Naboo also grew from a child to a teenager and then to a youth. I have witnessed his growth and am gratified for him. Soon it was the day I went to the Cannon Black Gate. Naboo sent me ten miles outside the city. I thought he was reluctant to part, but I found out later that he was only trying to make sure I had gone far enough. " josei

'"Just as I arrived at Canon's Black Gate, I felt that something was wrong before I could enter. So I rushed back as fast as I could, but it was already too late. Naboo left the castle and took something with him."

"What is it?"

Alice held her chest in her hand and said indifferently, "My heart."

Alan's pupils narrowed slightly.

"Of course, my heart is a little different from the organs of life in general. It is an important organ of my rebirth after death and a locator for the return of my creator. Apart from that, once my heart is too far away from me, my strength will constantly recede, or even completely disappear. For this reason, I have to build a Time Hall. Not only can this hall stimulate the curtain of time that seals off the entire territory, more importantly, it can extract Origin Energy from the depths of the planet's core. After losing my heart, I had no choice but to replenish my dissipating power through the planetary origin power. "

"It has to be said that the increasingly harsh environment in Agares is probably related to me extracting planet Origin Energy. In order to prevent planet Origin Energy from dissipating naturally, I raised a dim sky barrier to restrain Origin Energy from escaping. As time goes by, the area covered by the dim sky barrier is called the Land of Lost."

Alan suddenly realized that this was the origin of the Lost Realm.

Alice stretched out her hand as if she was touching something, and said, "Within the Realm of the Forgotten, I can be replenished at any time. However, I can't leave the Realm of the Forgotten, so I can only move in the Realm of the Forgotten. At the end of the day, I was able to take back my heart, so I can't leave."

Alan frowned. "I don't understand. If the heart is so important to you, why don't you take it with you?"

"Because the heart can't appear near Canon Black Gate." Alice whispered, "This is one of the messages left to me by the Creator. Although I do not know the reason, I faithfully carry out every order he gives me." For this reason, every time I went to the Black Gate, I would leave my heart in the castle, so I gave Naboo an opportunity to take advantage of it. However, even with the construction of the Hall of Time, it was still not enough to replenish it with the Origin Energy of Planets. My strength has not diminished, but my life is still dying. And without my heart around, I don't know if I can regenerate. Where would it be after rebirth? If it was by Naboo's side, I think something even worse would have happened. So I had to choose to sleep, to fall asleep every once in a while, to delay the loss of my life. "

'"Since leaving the castle, Naboo hasn't returned. I know he's waiting for me to die. In fact, I don't hate him even if that's the case. No mother really hates her child, does she? But I know that Naboo stole my heart, not only to kill me. He's waiting for an opportunity …"

'"He's waiting for the Creator to return?" Allen exclaimed, as if a flash of lightning had flashed through his mind.

"That's right. He hates me, and he hates the creator even more." '"He knows that my heart is the locator for the Creator's return. All Naboo has to do is kill him when the Creator returns. That way, he will be the only one. But I will not allow this to happen, so I want you to help me kill that man for me. He is no longer my child Naboo, but Demon King Sbernak!" Alice sighed.

Ellen smiled bitterly. "That's Spenak, a Paragon. Why do you think I can accomplish this for you?"

"Very simple, because you have a similar aura to the creator." Alice laughed, "You know why I woke up early, because I felt the aura of the Creator." I thought he was back, afraid he would fall into Naboo's trap. When I found out that you weren't the creator, I wondered if you were the life Naboo created with my heart, so I pulled you into the spiritual kingdom. Because it 's easier for me to see the truth there. "

Alice took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "But I was really shocked. I saw the truth. It's just that I wasn't sure, so I let the generals probe. But the knife you used to cut through the curtain of time has already made me extremely sure …" She took a deep breath and said, "I'm sure that you and the creator are of the same race. You are all Twilight Seeds!"

Ignoring the shock on Ellen's face, Alice continued, "The Creator once told me that there was a kind of life before the universe was born. They originated from the highest dimensions of civilization. They were both the beginning and the end. They create everything, they destroy everything. They were born from the flames, they disappeared from the flames. The creator is one of them. These creatures, they call themselves the Twilight Seed. "

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