Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 437

Chapter 437: Crisis Resolved

After confirming that he had killed Sir Hungry Wolf, Alan sat down on the ground. At this moment, the battle in the village was coming to an end. Two of Duruf's men were killed by Regis and Willick, while Belmore and Kira led the other warriors to defeat Duruf's army. Although their numbers were small, they were stronger than Duruf's. Moreover, with Belmore, a sneaky assassin, it was almost an eternal nightmare for the enemy.

In the end, the hungry wolf army left behind nearly two hundred corpses. The rest saw Duruf die in battle and fled the village one after another. In the end, Allen's forces weren't strong enough to chase after them, so he could only let them escape.

Regis came to Ellen and said, "You look terrible."

Ellen's body was blown up by Duruf's Jade Flame Wolf, so he was naturally in a sorry state. He snorted, "Stop being sarcastic. If it were you, you might even want him to be beaten to the ground."

Regis smacked his lips and didn't continue to refute.

The rain gradually subsided and stopped at dawn. In a bungalow, Allen and the others had time to rest. When they saw that it was already dawn, they set off again.

The battle is not over yet.

Forty to fifty kilometers from the village occupied by the hungry wolves, an army was struggling through the muddy jungle. Because of the heavy rain, the forest floor was almost the same as the mud swamp. The warhorses could not gallop freely in this kind of terrain, and even the soldiers had to step on the mud one foot at a time.

"It's simply infuriating!" '"Even the heavens want to go against me? This rain has slowed us down for almost a day!" Roared a man in armor on his horse.

"There's nothing I can do about it, my lord." A knight beside him said helplessly. He had even dismounted from his horse and was leading it.

Many cavalrymen dismounted and walked. The soft mud was filled with traps. Many knights had fallen because of this and made a fool of themselves in front of the soldiers. The only one riding on the horse was the commander who maintained his image. He said in a low voice, "No matter what, we have to meet up with Sir Duruf today. Otherwise, no one will be able to withstand Lord Daniel's anger. So, move forward at full speed!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Even though they had given the order to advance at full speed, in such an environment, even if everyone increased their speed, it was still very limited. In such a march, it was already noon when the army walked out of the forest. Both the horse and the man were tired, and the commander could only stop the army to rest. They sat in the shade of trees at the edge of the forest, enduring the nuisance of mosquitoes after the rain, while taking time to eat dry food to ensure that they had enough strength to continue forward.

At this moment, a small team appeared in the line of sight of the scouts. The troop raised the banner of the hungry wolf baron, and looked at the soldiers of the troop with their heads lowered, their broken armor covered in mud and blood, as if they had just lost a battle. The scouts' hearts tightened.

"My lord, my lord is not well!" josei

The commander who was resting suddenly heard someone shouting and stood up. A scout ran over in shock and panted for a few breaths before shouting, "Baron Duruf died in battle!"

The commander thought that he had heard wrongly. How could that man, whose combat strength was only inferior to Viscount Daniel, die in battle? Even if Earl Oban came personally, he could at least escape back. The commander immediately grabbed the scout by the collar and said, "Who told you this news?"

"It's the Baron's soldiers. Only a small group of them escaped, and they brought the Baron's corpse."

"Where are they?"

A moment later, the commander saw the group of soldiers with low morale. They were like powerless puppets, sitting on the ground with their heads raised. There was a wooden raft on the two horses beside him, and there was a burnt corpse lying on it. The commander walked over. Although the corpse was charred black, there were still some features on his body. For example, Duruf still had the signs of a werewolf. That was the best proof he could get.

"How could this be?" The commander casually pulled over a soldier. Due to his large movements, the helmet on the soldier's head fell to the ground, revealing a rare head of British hair. Although his face was dirty, it wasn't difficult to see the handsome features of this soldier. "Who did this? Who killed Sir Drouf?" The commander shouted.

The soldier raised his head and looked at him with a surprisingly calm expression. He did not look like a defeated soldier at all. The commander suddenly realized a question. These soldiers had been lowering their heads since just now. Were their eyes so calm?

"Who are you?" He asked subconsciously.

The commander lowered his head and a dagger appeared in the silver-haired soldier's hand. The dagger easily pierced through his armor, and the soldiers pushed the cold dagger into his heart. Then he hugged the commander's head and whispered in his ear, "We are the ones who killed Duruf."

The commander wanted to shout, but something seemed to have been sucked out of his body, and his body gradually turned cold. Almost at the same time, all the soldiers who were sitting on the ground fled. They already had a rough-looking gun in their hands. Before the commander's followers could figure out what was going on, thick tongues of flame shot out from the guns and swept through the lines of flames, shattering the bodies of the followers.

The sudden gunshots startled the troops at the edge of the forest. The soldiers quickly stood up, but before they could react, a figure appeared from the surroundings of the forest. Belmond swept past like a black cloud. After he passed by, a dozen soldiers simultaneously shot out a blood arrow from their throats, killing them one after another.

Regis shot out from another direction, and the Iron Slash Sword turned into a straight silver flash, cutting off the army in front of him. The Star Saber slashed horizontally, pulling out a dazzling river of stars and immediately killing a large number of soldiers. Welik was also unwilling to accept the humans. In the loud sound of the furious beast armor colliding, a human body was constantly blasted flying, and when it landed on the ground, it was already unable to move.

The Mountain King's troops formed a commando force, and everyone brandished their warhammers. Being smashed by these fine iron warhammers, whether it was the leg of a horse or a human body, it would result in a broken flesh. Compared to their savagery, the Dark Blades were much quieter. They were like ghosts that pierced through the army. The daggers in their hands frequently pointed at the soldiers' throats or unprotected waist ribs, and they used neat methods to put the soldiers down.

Soon, the army was in chaos. Someone shouted, "The commander is dead." The soldiers lost their fighting spirit. Finally, a soldier shouted and fled, even though he was killed by a nearby officer. However, with someone leading the way, the number of deserters increased. In the end, even the officers knew that they could not maintain discipline and could only flee with the soldiers.

Leaving behind the corpses of less than a hundred people, under the chaos caused by Allen and the others' sudden attack, this thousand-man backup force finally escaped without a fight. At this time, the crisis in Ouban Territory was temporarily resolved.

On the surface of Saint-Trinidad's sea, the storm had already passed, and the sea had returned to calm. In this calm sea, a colossus was sailing on the surface of the sea. It was a building ship with the symbol of a killer whale on it.

On the deck of the ship, Carlo opened his arms and felt the sea breeze blowing. He yawned and said, "It's really boring. Speaking of which, how long will it take us to get to Ark Harbor? I can't wait to make a big fuss."

"In that case, I'm afraid you'll have to endure for another three days, Young Master." A Blood Fang Knight replied.

"Three days? It actually took so long!" Carlo stepped on the deck and it immediately cracked. He snorted, "Can't this broken boat be faster? Let alone three days, one day is too long for me!"

"The Breaking Wave is already our fastest ship. If we want to be faster, we can only buy steam ships from the Imperial Capital."

"I see. In three days, I need to have some fun." Carlo turned around and a layer of plasma floated on the deck behind him. The blood came from several men hanging upside down on the boat, their wrists cut open. However, the wound was very shallow and the blood flowed out very slowly. However, after hanging for a day and night, the three of them had already lost their breath inside.

The other two were still barely alive, but they were also on the verge of death.

These people were all cadres of the Blood Shark Merchant Guild and were Sal's subordinates. After Sal was personally executed by Carlo, these cadres were also captured. Carlo hung them on the deck and allowed the storm to ravage them all night. Coupled with the loss of blood, the two still alive could already be said to be strong.

"Oh, he's not dead yet, so the cockroach's life is the most tenacious." Carlo patted one of the cheeks.

The Bloodfang Knight chose to remain silent this time. Carlo shook his head and said, "You guys are like a piece of wood. Forget it, it's no fun talking to you. I'd better have some fun with them. Go and bring my treasures."

A moment later, a sailor brought a large water tank over. A school of piranhas swam past the water tank. Carlo drew a sword from the Blood Fang Knight's waist, chopped off the arm of a corpse beside him, and threw it into the water tank. When the piranhas in the water smelled the fishy smell, they immediately surrounded them and chewed the arm clean in a few seconds. Carol laughed and said, "My pets have been hungry for a long time. Hey, you bitches. Don't tell me I'm not giving you a chance. I'll let you live as long as you get out of the box later."

"Please let us go, Young Master Carlo," shouted the remaining two, their eyes filled with fear.

Carlo didn't seem to hear their cries and waved his hand. The sailors put them down and dragged them towards the water tank. The two men struggled desperately, but how could they, who were already very weak, break free from these sailors? In the end, they were thrown into the water tank. The water tank immediately surged with water, followed by bloody water, dyeing the world in the box a sad red.

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