Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: A Terrible Encounter

"Scream, cry. Boil and sublimate in the blood. This kind of scene is truly endless." Carol laughed loudly and said to the Bloodfang Knight beside him, "How is it? Isn't it much more interesting than staying by my father's side?"

The Bloodfang Knight said in a deep voice, "Lord Eric indeed does not have so much entertainment around him, because Lord Eric is truly on the path of slaughter."

"The path of slaughter" Carlo's face darkened. "So you're saying that I'm just a child's trick?"

"This subordinate does not dare."

'"I know what you're thinking. You can look down on me, but don't forget. You Blood Fang Knights are nothing more than my father's tools. If my father dies, you will all be transferred to my hands like legacies. At that time, I think we will get along very well," Carlo snorted.

The Bloodfang Knight lowered his head to prevent Carlo from seeing his expression. josei

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Carlo turned around. It turned out that one of the men accidentally knocked the water tank down when he flipped it out of the water tank, causing the water to leak all over the ground. Including a broken corpse and a piranha that was still gnawing on the corpse. The man also had a few piranhas stuck to his body. He used his last bit of strength to pull the fish off his body. Finally, he smiled weakly and said, "I did it, Young Master Carol. I..."

Before he could finish speaking, a sword stabbed into his chest. The man unexpectedly raised his head and saw Carol's face.

The man spat out a mouthful of blood and was speechless, "Why, don't you. You clearly agreed …"

Carlo pushed hard, stabbed the sword through the corpse and nailed it onto the deck. He smiled sinisterly and said, "Don't you know that since I made the rules, I can modify them at any time. You ant-like things are only qualified to accept them!"

Looking at Carlo's back, the Bloodfang Knight turned around.

This is unsightly. He said in his heart. Suddenly, he saw something. His pupils constricted and he exclaimed, "Be careful, there's a situation ahead!"


Carlo stood up and looked back. A water bag was rising from the surface of the sea in front of the Wave Breaker. The waves continued to rise, and the water bags grew bigger and bigger. Finally, with a loud crash, the sea water sprayed out towards the surroundings. Something rose from the sea, and from the deck of the Waveshift, one could see that it was a spire of coral.

"Is it a coral reef?" Carol frowned.

The Bloodfang Knight seemed to know something, and his voice trembled, "No, I'm afraid it's something even worse …"

The spire continued to rise, and gradually, one could see that it was the outline of a building. Carlo first saw a palace, then pavilions, the Flying Wall Square, and even coral sculptures. A huge palace complex emerged from the sea. Countless water columns fell down from the palace like waterfalls. The surging water vapor reflected the sunlight on the sea surface and even formed rainbows, decorating the palace that emerged from the sea.

When the palace emerged from the sea, the seawater stirred, and tentacles as large as mountains rose from the sea around the palace, rolling like giant sea snakes.

"What is this disgusting thing?"

"Underwater Palace!" The Bloodfang Knight smiled bitterly and said, "It's actually the Seabed Palace. Young Master, that's the Naga Clan's Royal Court!"

"Naga's Royal Court? Why would it appear here?"

"I don't know, but I'm afraid we're in trouble. This is a terrible encounter." The Bloodfang Knight said with a serious face.

"I found it! I found it!"

Sitting on the coral throne, Lily shook her feet and said, "Look, these despicable, dirty, shameless humans are indeed here!"

"Your Highness's ability to use modifiers has improved again." An elder standing beside him smiled and said, "It was all thanks to His Highness that we were able to find these humans."

"Of course." Lily jumped down from the throne and said, "How can those bronze-smelling merchants sneak into our Nether River Corridor? I knew there were other people behind them who were ordering all of this. Look, Mammon came here with their scent and caught a big fish."

"Then what should we do now, Your Highness?"

"Attack, of course, Mograine. Blow up that ship for me!"

On the deck of the Wave Breaker, the sailors were running at top speed. The turrets around the ship were on standby. Boxes of artillery shells were shipped out of the cabin and placed beside the turrets. The sailors loaded the cannons, and the gunners adjusted the cannons to point them at the seabed palace.

"You said that Naga's imperial court was originally a war machine?" Carlo looked at the palace floating on the surface of the sea in surprise. No matter how hard he looked at it, he could not see what weapons the palace was equipped with.

The Bloodfang Knight said bitterly, "Don't look at it like that. The entire palace is actually built on a giant sea beast called Mograine. Thus, Naga's palace does not seem to have any weapons. However, Mograine is the most powerful weapon!"

"In the history of the empire, Mograine once had a record of destroying five naval fleets. That thing is truly worthy of being a sea demon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange howl sounded from the surface of the sea. Among the tentacles floating in the vicinity of the palace, one of them pointed in the direction of the Wave Breaker. A cross-shaped crack appeared at the front of the tentacle. The crack opened, and it was actually a mouthpiece filled with nest teeth. Suddenly, a column of water sprayed out from the mouthpiece. The water column rotated at a high speed in a spiral shape. The sound of it piercing through the air left behind a sound like that of a heavy cannon.

Before the people on the deck could react, the water cannon hit the stern of the Wave Breaker heavily, causing the ship's hull to explode and the water line to shoot out. Amongst the flying ship fragments, one could see the human body that had been sent flying by the current. They all assumed an unnatural posture.

The Wave Breaker kept shaking, and even Carlo had to tighten his grip on the railing to prevent it from slipping. One could clearly feel the hull tilting backwards, and the stern of the ship that was blown away caused the hull to rise considerably. The seawater rushed into the ship. The sailors were seizing the time to clear the stagnant water. Otherwise, the ship would sink because the water was too deep.

"Counterattack!" Carlo roared, "Gunner, what are you doing! Hit me hard!"

The warship retaliated, and the cannons fired continuously. Amidst the deafening sound of the cannons, the cannonballs dragged their flame tails towards the seabed palace. However, compared to the enormous size of the palace, this rain of cannons could not even be called drizzling rain. The two tentacles around the palace danced and intercepted the cannonball. With a wave of his tentacle, he threw the cannonball back at the Breaking Wave, causing another wave of explosions to erupt from all parts of the ship.

After the two tentacles finished throwing the bombs, they opened their mouths and two more water cannons struck the bow and the middle of the ship. Just like that, the Wave Breaker, which the Bloody Earl was proud of, exploded into pieces. The shattered hull tilted upwards and sank, and people continuously fell into the sea from the hull. For a time, miserable cries could not be heard from the sea.

Carlo grabbed onto the railing and the bow of the ship was completely upright. It was slowly sinking into the sea. Beside him, the Bloodfang Knight stabbed his sword into the deck to fix himself and shouted to Carlo, "Young Master, we still have spare boats for escaping. Follow me quickly. I hope they aren't damaged."

"Are we leaving like this? We can't even fight back!" Carlo roared unwillingly.

The Bloodfang Knight smiled bitterly and said, "Only the navy of the empire can contend against the Royal Court of Naga at sea. But at this time, where are we going to find them? Therefore, Young Master, let's quickly leave."

"Damn it, I must repay the humiliation today to these fishmen!"

Another water cannon flew across the sky, completely shattering the Wave Breaker, completely turning the ship into a fragment in the sea. At the edge of the plaza of the Underwater Palace, a Naga jumped into the water. Although they were women, they were the guards of the royal court. The Naga warriors swam towards the wreckage of the Wave Breaker. Their mission was to bring back the people who had fallen into the water and died, so that they could ask for the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Alan returned to Ark Harbor and brought back Duruf's corpse at the time of the earth-shattering change at sea. After confirming Sir Hungry Wolf's identity, Earl Oban let out an incomparably carefree laugh. This was the first time in nearly a decade that he and Daniel had gained the upper hand. Not only did Alan repel the invading army, he also killed Daniel's commander. This was a great achievement and glory that Ou Ban had never imagined before.

To that end, he hosted a celebration dinner that night and officially introduced Allen to the other dependents, which was equivalent to acknowledging Allen's membership in their alliance.

The banquet was held in White Castle, a gathering of high-class people. Under the light, the well-dressed gentlemen and socialites were whispering to each other in gentle music, and the subject of discussion was mostly related to the young noble whom Earl Oban had just introduced. The handsome youth with rare silver hair quickly became the topic of conversation among the noble ladies. Even some young ladies revealed an obvious charm when they talked about him.

As for the men, they cared more about his background, and guessed how he repelled Daniel's army and killed the famed Baron Hungry Wolf.

"Definitely not his own ability." A noble youth shouted, "I bet he must have a high-ranking guard. After killing Duruf, he'll put the credit on himself!"

"Keep your voice down, Marco." A few of his companions advised.

As the protagonist of the discussion among the nobles, even if Alan wanted to deliberately not hear this ear-piercing sound, he couldn't do it. He shook his head. Belmond, who was standing beside him, smiled and said, "This kind of rice bucket is not lacking on any planet."

There was a small commotion in the crowd, and even a noble lady cried out in alarm. Alan sighed and whispered, "Here comes trouble."

"Do you need me, a high-ranking guard, to take action?" Belmond smiled.

"Forget it, I don't want to make a blood feud with a local noble just because I'm new here."

"Don't say that, boss. I can be very discreet."

As the two of them were chatting, the young man came up to them. He was around sixteen or seventeen years old, and he tried his best to look dignified. He had a strong smell of alcohol on his body. It seemed that he had drunk quite a bit just now. The few companions behind him wanted to pull him back, but they shook him off. He tidied his clothes and straightened his back, "Hey, my name is Marco. Are you that Alan?"

"If there is no second Alan, I think so."

"I heard you killed Duruf."

"It was just a fluke."

Marcus waved his fist and said, "Then, can you spar with me?"

"No." Alan said calmly.

"Why?" The young man said unyieldingly.

"For no reason, my saber is only unsheathed for battle, not for performance."

"Are you guilty?" Marcus smiled.

"I don't understand, Mr. Marcus. I'm a little tired. Goodbye." Alan was about to leave.

"No, wait!" Seeing that he was about to leave, Marcus quickly reached out and grabbed his collar, pulling Ellen.

The surrounding crowd looked over. Alan's eyes were already filled with anger. He said in a low voice, "Let go."

"Let go, why? Because you're scared? Everyone, look at this country bumpkin. Did anyone recognize him before yesterday? No, but today, someone suddenly jumped out and said that he killed Duruf." The young man's face shone with excitement as he shouted, "Who is Duruf? He is Baron Hungry Wolf. He is a Baron of strength. Do you believe that someone can easily kill him?"

"No, no, no, no. I'm the first one who doesn't believe me." Marcus looked at Ellen and said, "So I want to ask this gentleman to spar with me. Unfortunately, he doesn't even have the courage to agree. How could such a person kill Duruf?"

Belmond lowered his hand and whispered in Alan's ear, "I can't watch anymore."

Ellen snorted and turned to face Marcus. "I wonder if Mr. Marcus is a baron or a viscount?" He asked indifferently.

"I'm not a knight yet, but I'm already a knight. Very soon, I'll have my own title," Marcus said.

"So you are a knight, then I understand." Ellen smiled coldly. He reached out and gently patted Marco's palm. He exerted a slight force, causing the young knight to shout softly. Alan slowly pulled his hand over and pressed it down. Marcus felt that his hand was about to be broken by Alan. In order to make himself feel better, he had to lower his body.

The crowd cried out in alarm. Alan said indifferently, "When is it possible for knights to offend a baron in Ark Harbor? That's a little different from what I know."

'"And you're questioning me. You have a lot of guts, Mr. Knight. Since you doubt my strength so much, I don't mind showing you. It's just that there's a price to pay. The price is your life. What do you think?" Alan smiled brightly.

However, in Marco's eyes, it was undoubtedly the smile of a demon.

At this moment, someone shouted angrily, "Stop!"

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