Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 439

Chapter 439: Initial Meeting

A man separated from the crowd and angrily walked up to Alan. Even in his rage, Viscount Grayer, who was eyeliner and dressed in exaggerated clothes, did not look imposing at all. Instead, he looked a little ridiculous. He shouted at Alan, "Let go of your hand, damn it, what are you trying to do to my nephew!"

"Uncle, save me!" Marco shouted.

"So this brave knight is the viscount's nephew," said Allen with a faint smile. "So the viscount instigated the knight's rudeness?"

Viscount Grayer's expression stiffened, and he roared, "How is that possible? This is slander, this is definitely slander!"

"Baron Allen, I'm seriously warning you now. If you don't let go of Mark, I'll be impolite to you!"

"Is it about being impolite in that respect?" Alan didn't seem to hear what he said. His hands were often pressed down, and Marco's face immediately turned pale.

Grar's face was filled with heartache. If his gaze could kill someone, Alan would probably have been torn to pieces by him by now. "Don't you think a knight who offended a baron shouldn't be punished?" Allen smiled.

"Are you preaching to me?" "Then should a baron who has offended a viscount also be punished?" Glar sneered.

"Of course." Alan nodded seriously.

"If you have the ability," Allen continued, startled.

"This … what does this mean!"

"No offense, but the truth is, you can't punish me at all." Alan said coldly. josei

"Arrogant! This is too arrogant!" '"Who gave you the power to be so presumptuous in front of a viscount?" Glar said angrily.

"Nobody. I only rely on my own strength." Alan said indifferently, "With my strength, I will soon be promoted to viscount." And you, for the rest of your life, will probably only be able to stay in this position. However, I will continue to move forward, so you'd better be careful of what you say and do. At the same time, take care of the people around you. If they bark like wild dogs, I don't mind using my own methods to shut their mouths! "

Alan waved his hand and threw Marcus back to Grar. Alan gestured and Belmore followed behind him. After taking a few steps, Allen turned around and smiled brightly, "By the way, you can't even be called an obstacle on my way. Honorable Viscount, it's better not to do anything that would make me misunderstand."

"This is my personal advice."

Grar's face turned green and pale. In the end, he stomped his feet and pulled Marco away from the venue.

All of this made Ou Ban see it in his eyes.

"What an arrogant little fellow." Oban smiled and shook the glass in his hand. "But we just happen to lack this kind of person. Let him kill Glar and the others with arrogance, so that these idiots don't really think that money can settle everything," he said.

Behind the count, the black-clothed man from the east said in a deep voice, "But I see ambition in him. Such a person will not bend his knees forever."

'"I know. It depends on whether my pool is big enough. Don't worry, Mr. Long. If I can't control him, it won't be too late to think of a way. Now, I'll have to rely on him to deal with Daniel."

The count suddenly saw something. He raised his glass and nodded, then walked over. The man known as the dragon looked at him silently and whispered, "I'm afraid that by then, there's nothing you can do about him."

Looking in the direction where Alan was, the dragon turned around and left, silently merging into the crowd like a ghost.

Alan seemed to have a feeling. He looked at where Chao Long had been before, but that person had already left. "I heard that Marcus is Grar's son," Roger said.

Beside him, Belmond said in surprise, "Wait a minute, isn't that Rice Butt Grar's nephew? If he was the Viscount's son, wouldn't he say …"

Roger shrugged and said, "What's so strange about the erosion of noble life? Especially Glar, he doesn't seem to know what morality is. But then again, it's rare to see Lord Allen so … arrogant, hey."

Alan smiled faintly and said, "It is only natural that we would become a thorn in the side when we first arrived and were promoted by the count." If we don't act tough at this time, people will only think that we are easy to bully. Marco gave me the chance to use this opportunity to play. Of course, I need to make good use of it so that those who have thoughts on the field can properly weigh their weight before making plans. "

"There will still be trouble, but it will be much less, won't there?"

"Then, what is Lord Allen's plan next?" Roger frowned and said, "Although the count has promised to give you the three villages after you defeated Drouf, this territory is too small to even be called a baronet."

"Three small villages, a thin piece of land. Of course, it's not a good thing. But what I want is not this small territory. What I want is the title of the rights granted to me by this territory. That's enough." Ellen raised his glass and signaled the three of them to drink before continuing, "Now that we have this territory, no matter how small it is, I am nominally one of Earl Oppen's subordinates. This way, I have the name to conquer Viscount Daniel. The town I have captured is my real territory!"

Roger showed a thoughtful expression and followed the rules of the game between the nobles. A noble like Allen, who was attached to Earl Oppen, took over the new territory. The territory would belong to Earl Oban nominally/and Allen would have the power to govern effectively, only paying annual dues to Earl Oban. Once Allen's power expanded and Earl Oban was unable to control him, Allen could choose to leave.

Usually, at that time, it would be accompanied by a series of major actions, such as the promotion of the title, the expansion of territory, the expansion of the army, and so on. In these movements, Roger saw a lot of opportunities. It's always good for every businessman to work with big shots. Because their world is bigger, it means more business opportunities. There were differences between big shots. Those who enjoyed high seats, but had been stagnant, would have more stable business dealings, but that also meant that their profits would be stable as well. Partnering with someone like Allen who is constantly advancing to a higher level of power is a venture capital investment.

It required the merchant to judge by his own experience and vision, which Roger had trusted so far at least.

The banquet ended late at night, and Alan received many invitations, most of them from the salons of noble ladies, and a small portion from the Count's subordinates, who could be considered Alan's companions. Alan could refuse the noble ladies' party, but he could not ignore the invitation of his colleagues. Otherwise, it would not only be arrogant, but also rude.

Alan and Roger left together after setting a simple time for the party. Since he had just offended Viscount Gerald, Alan asked Belmore to send Roger back so that Viscount Gerald wouldn't take it out on him as a collaborator. As for Allen himself, after declining the count's carriage, he walked back to the place the count had arranged for him to stay in the city.

For Alan, this was a rare opportunity to be alone. Walking through the night in Ark Harbor, looking at the unextinguished lights, Alan could feel the vigor of the city. This was the first time he had carefully observed the city since arriving at Ark Harbor.

Ark Harbor has improved a lot compared to the cities on the border, although there are no cars on the streets. However, the lighting in public places, the families of wealthy aristocrats and businessmen, had already used electricity. On the outskirts of Ark Harbor, Allen could see a power station from afar, powered by steam engines and hydraulic engines.

With electricity, the efficiency of Fangzhou Port in production was naturally not comparable to that of the cities in the border area, which was also the basis for the prosperity of the city. However, it could be seen from this that the Bailey Empire's use of energy was not that lagging behind. If Fang Zhou Port was still like this, then the imperial capital in the northern border, the city in the heart of the empire, should be even more developed.

With his understanding of the planet, Alan had gradually withdrawn his initial contempt. Perhaps the civilization of this planet had not reached the height of Earth, but if it was underestimated too much, it was likely that it would be hated here.

What he saw now was only a Bailey Empire. But this planet was so vast, who knew what else was outside the empire?

Looking up at the night sky, Alan couldn't help but think about it. At this moment, his heart trembled slightly. It was the feeling of being stared at. Alan remained silent, maintaining his original speed as he turned into a remote alley. There was only one street lamp in the alley, and it was clear that the lights could not illuminate the entire alley. Alan walked to the street lamp and suddenly stopped. Then he said, "Come out."

A gentle breeze suddenly rose in the alley. He turned around and saw a figure standing at the entrance of the alley. From the looks of it, it should be a man, tall and big, emitting an invisible pressure. Alan could barely see a cloak on his body by the light, but his skin was light blue in the exposed part of the cloak.

It was obviously not a human, but a mutant. Alan frowned. Up until now, the only mutants he had seen in the empire were the Naga tribe of the Santa Trina Sea. The mutant in front of him was naturally not those enchanting and beautiful fishmen. This fellow appeared in Ark Harbor and was obviously coming for him, which made Ellen feel very strange.

"I've found you, my dear'brother '. This will be an interesting meeting."

Said the man in the cloak, but he spoke neither Earth nor the language of the planet. It was another language that Alan was completely unfamiliar with, and although he could not understand it, he could read the unfriendly tone of the words.

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