Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Shadow Of Nothingness

In the dimly lit alley, the man lifted his hat. Beneath the hat was a face that was very similar to a human's. Alan had also come into contact with quite a few aliens like him. Like Lucy and Edward, they're practically the same as humans. As for this man, his outline was similar, but his skin was light blue and he did not have a nose. However, there were gill-like organs on the left and right sides of his cheeks.

The two fish gills were opening and closing, as if they were breathing. josei

He patted his head, gently pinched his throat with his fingers, and then spat out a sentence from his mouth, "You should understand this, don't you?"

This was the common language of the planet, and although it was stiff, Alan could understand it. The man opened his hands and walked over to Allen. "Then should we have a brother hug? You know how rare it is to meet in the vast universe."

Alan didn't bring Qianjun with him. He could only praise the devil behind his waist and say, "I do have quite a few brothers, and they can't be said to be friendly. However, I am sure that there is no one like you among them."

The man laughed, "Don't say that. Before this, we didn't even know who each other was. But you should feel that we have the same bloodline and have the same ancient and great gene. Feel it with your heart. My brother, our blood is cheering and resonating with each other when we meet."

The light blue skin was streaked with streaks of light, and the man's body emitted an aura of Origin Energy. Alan's heart skipped a beat, and the scenery in front of him was disappearing one by one. As the streetlights, alleys, and even the entire Ark Harbor disappeared from his sight, a dense bloody light rose from beneath his feet. Alan lowered his head and saw that blood was constantly emerging from the void.

They flowed through Allen's feet, past the man, all the way to the other side of the void, forming a bloody path that winded through the darkness. Then, flames rose from the bloodline, illuminating Allen's eyes and illuminating the dark world. At the end of the bloody path, a curtain of fire rose. Within the curtain of fire, the ancient and dignified throne was silently summoning!

Blood Burning Road!

In an instant, Alan knew. The man in front of him was one of the seven inscriptions on the path of burning blood that he had sensed earlier.

The vision dissipated, and the world reappeared in the senses. When Alan looked at the man again, his gaze had already turned serious. He rushed out and said, "Who are you?"

After saying that, he realized that he was using a completely unfamiliar language. Alan was sure that he had never heard of it, much less used it. It had a strange pronunciation, as sweet as music, with an ethereal and dreamy feeling, as if an ancient soul was whispering in his ears.

'"Look, what a standard pronunciation. This is the first time you've used it, right? Use the language of Eboynes. That's the singularity of the universe, the place where our bloodline originated. We came from it, and we're going back. It's going to be an ancient, sacred ritual. And the prelude will be me and you!" The man exaggeratedly placed his hand on his chest and bowed, "To thank you for your dedication, I, Seguris, pay you the highest respect."

He was using the same old language, and this time Alan understood every word. It is noteworthy that the so-called Eboynes, if translated into the language of the earth, is the meaning of the abyss. This reminded Alan of the first time he stood on the path of burning blood, when that voice had once mentioned that the universe would return to the abyss. Now, by contrast, if you look at it literally, it's a return to Eboynes.

As for what it meant, or what would happen, it was not something that Allen could understand now.

Moreover, at this moment, there was no time for him to think more. The man who bowed suddenly charged forward. Alan could clearly feel the cold killing intent on his body. That was killing intent directed at him. Although he didn't know why, the man in front of him was clearly thinking of killing him. Of course, Alan wouldn't surrender.

Origin Energy rumbled as strands of light formed a seal on Allen's forehead. In the blink of an eye, Ceglis was already close, but he made a gesture that Alan could not understand.

Seguris raised his right hand and punched at the space beside him.

Time was slowed to its limit. Alan saw that the fist he swung out was like it had traveled through space, and half of his arms had disappeared into the air. Almost instinctively, Alan's body reacted faster than his brain. He retracted his body and raised his head. Seagris's hand suddenly pierced through the space beside Allen, grazing the tip of Allen's nose.

Alan slid back, and a few silver hair floated down in front of his eyes. If it hadn't been for the quick flash earlier, his face would have blossomed.

"Not bad, not bad. I reacted quickly. Only then would I have the qualifications to be a sacrifice!" Seguris laughed loudly and stomped on the ground. Something strange happened. The ground was like a void, and Seguris disappeared with a kick.

Almost at the same time, the shadow pulled out by the light behind Allen twisted. Then, a shadow exploded, forming a blade-like shape that stabbed towards Allen's back.

When Alan noticed this, he could only swiftly turn around and graze the shadow saber to his waist, drawing out a line of blood. At this moment, Seguris raised his foot and the shadow saber dissipated like smoke. Ellen frowned and looked at Seagris. "Your ability is really strange."

"Strange? How rude. You should call it magical. The magical Mr. Seguris naturally possesses magical abilities …" He spread out his right hand and a black shadow engraved on his palm. "This is a shadow of nothingness. As long as there is a shadow, it is my territory."

'"So that's the case" Alan waved his hand, and the devil's salute pulled out a flickering ray of light towards Seagris.

"How rude. Shouldn't all gentlemen listen to him before taking action?" Segris smiled and didn't dodge. As the flames flashed past his waist, his figure twisted.

A chill rose from Alan's back. Without thinking, he swiftly turned around and swept the dagger behind him.

With a ding sound, Alan saw Seguris' light blue face amidst the flames. He didn't know when he appeared behind him, but when he missed, Seguris floated backwards and disappeared like an illusion. Alan leaned against the wall. The phantom that had been struck by the flames now had a texture. Alan was sure that Sergis had returned to his original location.

The attack just now didn't seem to be the result of high-speed movement, it was more like some sort of ability. Something that would allow Seguris to teleport behind him instantly was like Belmond's black mist. However, Seguris' ability was even more bizarre, and there was no trace of it. By the time they discovered it, the attack was already within reach.

What a dangerous man. Alan thought.

The devil's praise was like a ferocious beast that had opened its eyes, emitting a cold killing intent. The dagger lengthened, forming a dark red dagger, completing the process of awakening to the first stage. Seeing the dagger in Alan's hand, Seguris gasped, "Praise the devil! Where did you get this Origin Tool!"

This time, it was Alan's turn to be stunned. Until now, apart from a few of the closest people, no one else knew about the Origin Tool in his hand. However, this man in front of him had only met for the first time when he called out the name of the Origin Tool. It could be seen that the other party knew far more than Alan.

Seeing the devil's praise, Seguris laughed, "What a pleasant surprise. Not only did I see you tonight, I also saw it."

"It's mine!" Segris pounced over, using both hands and feet to launch a bizarre attack at Alan.

His hands and feet would disappear into the air from time to time, and then a fist or shadow knife would suddenly emerge from somewhere. Alan concentrated all his attention and dealt with it carefully. He discovered that Seguris' attacks were not completely irregular. For example, a part of his body had disappeared, and his fist had only penetrated space to attack. However, Seguris' foot would activate the power of the shadow and form a blade from the shadow of anything around Allen to launch a sneak attack.

Moreover, this method of attacking that ignored space could not be used at the same time. This meant that although the ability of the Void Shadow to engrave was strange, there were some limitations. However, Seguris's movements were very fast, and his fists and feet attacked the Void and Reality Gloves, even though he could feel the laws of his abilities. But for a moment, Alan could only defend passively and defend against the opponent's amazing attack.

Dang! Alan had just opened a shadow knife from the shadow of the lamppost when he was struck on the cheek by Seguris' heavy punch from afar, and he was immediately thrown flying. Alan rolled in the air and landed on the ground. Raising his head again, Seguris was standing in the light and smiling maliciously at him.

Alan looked at the street lamp above his head. His eyes turned cold. Suddenly, the street lamp exploded and a flame burst out. The lights disappeared, and the entire alley became even dimmer. '"You don't think you can limit my abilities by blowing up the lights, do you? Don't joke, there are more shadows here now. My attacks will appear anywhere, and your situation will get worse." Segris smiled.

"I know." Allen smiled and said, "I didn't expect that extinguishing a street lamp would have any effect on you, but you were indeed distracted by it, weren't you?"

'"What do you mean?" Seguris smiled stiffly.

"I mean, when you're distracted, I've already arranged it." Alan pressed his palm against the ground and a wave of Origin Energy spread out. It was like an activation button, and a dense red light spot immediately appeared beneath Segris' feet.

"Damn it." Seagris could only say this, and his figure was immediately drowned by the blazing pillars of fire that shot into the sky. The thick black-and-red pillar of fire erupted three times in a row, causing the ground to shake slightly. The torn-apart pillar of fire illuminated the entire nearby street with a fiery red light.

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