Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 597

Chapter 597: Sharp Weapons of War (2)

In the afternoon, the army gathered.

Seeing that the soldiers behind him were already in formation, Hilo rode his horse back and forth and made his final mobilization, "Look, the timid unicorn army has been beaten away by us." Now, it is their reinforcements, but today, they are destined to taste the bitter fruit under our iron hooves. Now, I need you to fight with all your might. And tonight, I will drink with you in Unicorn Castle. "

Xiluo took a deep breath before slashing the steel sword forward, "Charge!"

After squeezing out this thunderous roar from his chest, the Blood Wolf Knights rushed past him on both sides, followed by the Blue Wolf Infantry. Hilo pinched the horse's belly with his legs and sprinted forward as well. The army flooded through half the battlefield like a tide, and their murderous voices rushed towards the enemy's position.

While charging forward, Hilo saw the soldiers in front of the other party scatter from both sides and push out mobile artillery from behind. The cannons, which he had never seen before, were much smaller than normal cannons. Xiluo did his utmost to see dark yellow lines radiating from the muzzle of the cannons and extending towards the back of the cannons. The lines looked like lightning and had an imposing aura.

Seeing the enemy firing their cannons, Hilo could clearly feel a trace of unease on the soldiers' faces. He immediately shouted, "Don't be afraid. Spread out the formation. We …"

At the end of his words, a cannon was fired from the other side. A heavy, thunderous cannon interrupted Shiloh's words. As the cannons rang out, a cannonball dragged its tail flames and swept through the air in an arc. It quickly passed over Hilo's head and finally landed behind the army that had yet to disperse.

With a flash of fire, a fireball rose from behind the team. Within the exploding flames, the figures of the soldiers were thrown up, and they quickly landed in other directions with mournful tails. Only then did the scorching airflow explode from the rear, causing the army formation to be slightly chaotic.

With such a long range and such great power, the other party's cannon attack completely overturned Hilo's understanding of the cannons. Before he could regain his senses, the enemy's position had already been bombarded with continuous gunfire, one moving artillery after another firing continuously. The flickering flames from the muzzle shocked Hilo to the extreme. The range of these small cannons was comparable to that of the annihilation cannons used by the elite artillery groups of the Empire, although they were far inferior to the strongest Titan's Wrath. After all, the other party was only a baron's army. It was something that Hero had never imagined that a mere local private army would be equipped with such powerful cannons. josei

Moreover, the firing frequency of those cannons was even higher than that of annihilation cannons. Since the first shelling, the sound of the cannons hadn't stopped. The cannonballs fell like a rainstorm, blasting the army behind him to the ground.

"Spread out! Spread out!"

The officers shouted loudly, telling the soldiers to disperse in order to avoid being completely killed by the enemy's artillery. Xiluo gritted his teeth and shouted with all his strength, "Blood Wolf Knights, assault! Assault! Capture the enemy's artillery position!"

"Fire. Gun Camp cover! Cover!"

After issuing several orders, Hilo also charged forward with the Blood Wolf Knights. The gunfire flickered, and the flames of the explosion could be seen everywhere. Hilo's cavalry charged past the flames and headed straight for the enemy's artillery position. Their intentions could not be clearer.

At this moment, a group of soldiers quickly stepped forward. The two of them were in groups, each carrying some metal components. Hilo's eyelids twitched as he had a bad premonition. He saw the enemy soldiers quickly assemble the metal parts together and form a very rough gun. It was like a strange gun with three barrels and three firearms combined together. There was actually a design like the rotating shaft of a round wheel. It was unknown what use it had.

These strange guns looked very heavy. Hilo saw that the soldiers in charge of lifting the strange guns were all very strong. Even so, they were still struggling to carry it. Xiluo couldn't help but laugh. Even though this kind of gun was powerful, it wasn't conducive to actual combat. However, Hilo's expression changed when he saw another soldier quickly put up the metal butt of his rifle. The butts of these guns were auxiliary equipment. Sure enough, after the two soldiers joined forces to fix the strange guns on the butts of the guns, one of them put a round metal object on the guns and gave a thumbs-up.

It was a ready-to-finish gesture.

The soldier in charge of shooting laughed sinisterly. His large hand landed on the handle of the rotating shaft of the round wheel, and then began to spin.


One of the barrels of the strange gun spat out flames, and then the barrel swirled. When the second barrel came to the middle, another muffled gunshot rang out. Following that, the three barrels rotated faster and faster, and the firing frequency gradually increased. When dozens of these strange guns were fired at the same time, the continuous barrage of gunshots converged into a monotonous but resounding note that resounded throughout the battlefield!

Hilo's face was illuminated by the flames. His eyes were wide open as he watched the metal flame whips swept out from the strange guns of the enemy's position strike the Blood Wolf Knight's body. They were struck by the flame whips. Whether it was the horse's harness or the armor on the knight's body, they were easily torn apart. Then, flames and blood sprayed out from within, reflecting each other, depicting beautiful but fatal paintings.

Compared to his opponent's terrifying firearms, the Flame Dragon Rifle used in his Fire and Spear Camp was like a child's toy. Even though the gunmen were desperately shooting, they hoped that they could suppress their opponent's firepower and provide cover for their knights. However, when a group of tall warriors surged out from behind the enemy archers and a platinum shield was erected, all of Hilo's previous arrangements were in vain.

The Flame Dragon Rifle's bullets that could pierce through armor nailed onto the opponent's platinum shields only ignited sparks, but it was unable to injure the warriors and firefighters behind it. Thus, less than a hundred meters away from the enemy's position, half of the Blood Wolf Knights had already fallen on the road of charge forever. This heavy figure made Xiluo almost unable to breathe.

The Blood Wolf Knights had suffered heavy losses, not to mention the Grey Wolf Infantry that was second to him. Scattered formations were undoubtedly the best way to deal with artillery bombardment, but that was also for ordinary artillery. Unless the army is disbanded on the spot, the greatest loss is expected to be averted by the shockingly high firing rate of artillery fire. Otherwise, just like now, one fireball had just risen, the other fireball had already burst out impatiently, and the third cannonball was already in mid-air …

The rain of cannonballs bloomed everywhere in Hilo's army, and every single flower of flames represented the silent loss of countless lives.

War is always cruel.

Xiluo could no longer pray for the mercy of the benevolent god. He squeezed out a loud roar from his chest, and the Origin Energy flames around his body burst out, attracting the attention of the two flame whips. When the two flame whips intertwined towards him, Hilo had already soared into the sky, but he did not have the ability to sit on a warhorse and was struck by the two flame whips. The horse's harness shattered, and the warhorse instantly fell to the ground with a mournful cry after being hit by countless bullets.

In midair, Hilo swept his sword and swept out a half-moon shaped sword Qi towards the opposite shooting position. Within the range of the sword qi, the shield-wielding warriors gathered in the middle like a tide. Following that, the shield's Origin Energy light surged like water waves, merging together to form a faint barrier of light that covered the warriors and firefighters behind them. The sword qi exploded on the screen, causing an explosion. The flames of origin energy colliding with each other blew out in all directions, enveloping the surrounding space of more than ten meters.

After the massive explosion, Hilo watched in disbelief as the dozen or so shield-wielding warriors fell to the ground, their noses bleeding. Although their appearances were miserable, none of them suffered any casualties. The wounded warriors were quickly dragged back by their companions, and a new batch of warriors filled their original positions.

Before Hilo could attack again, two auras suddenly rose from the opponent's camp. One of them was as thick as iron, causing Hilo's cheeks to ache faintly. The other imposing aura was extremely agile, giving off an unfathomable feeling. The soldiers in front of the enemy formation retreated from both sides and a tall iron man suddenly rushed out of the formation. A bloody light wrapped around his body as he dragged a rough warhammer wrapped in dark yellow lines in his hand. The body of the hammer was like stone and iron. It was impossible to tell what kind of material it was made of, but one could feel that it contained a violent aura. It was as if he was in a volcanic crater that was about to erupt, and that violent aura pounced on his face.

The other person dragged his faint figure towards Hero like a sliver of smoke. He was much faster than the hammer-wielding iron man, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of him. A saber glittering with a cold light was handed over to Xiluo. Halfway through, the saber had already transformed into millions of saber lights. The dense waves of saber waves caused waves to rise again and again, engulfing Xiluo in it.

Xiluo's eyes were completely devoid of anything else, and he could only see the saber shadows that filled the sky. He let out a long howl and injected Origin Energy into the sword. The precision-cast sword instantly swallowed its flames and swung its sword towards the opponent's saber wave, immediately producing a series of clanging sounds. Just as he broke through the opponent's saber shadow, a loud roar was like thunder on the flat ground, causing his chest to tremble. However, he saw that the burly man had already rushed over. He swung his warhammer on Zhou Yi, gathering enough strength to sweep towards his chest.

The warhammer brought with it a violent gust of wind, causing him to howl unsmoothly. Such might, how could it be forcefully withstood? When the sword was dragged back, the warhammer brushed past him by a millimeter. He rubbed his body and leaned forward, then slashed his sword towards the man's throat. However, the figure in his eyes blurred. A man with a lazy smile on his face blocked the figure of the burly man. He flicked the saber in his hand and picked out the middle section of Xiluo's sword to neutralize the sword strike for his companion behind him.

Following this, the two of them continued to fight intensely with Hero. Their weapons were light and heavy, and their fighting styles were fast and slow, but they complemented each other. In terms of fighting alone, Xi Luoruo was much more powerful than the two of them. Unfortunately, under their joint efforts, they could not find any flaws in retreating from the enemy. They could only continuously use their complacent moves and hope to use their Origin Energy advantage to overwhelm the two opponents.

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