Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 598

Chapter 598: Withdraw Troops

The two people who were blocking Hilo were naturally Woody and Broyle.

Woody was originally a federal captain at level 18, but despite his lack of talent, he still hadn't made a breakthrough. However, his basic skills were very solid, especially the "ten-dozen" battle technique that was widely used in the Federation Army, and he was even more proficient in using it. His fighting style was quite similar to Regis's, both of them focused on quick and agile strikes. However, without Regis' pure temperament, his accomplishments would at most break through to Level 20, and it would be difficult for him to advance any further.

The talent of a middle-aged person like Woody was the portrayal of most experts. Those who could step into the Dominant Realm on one foot were all extremely talented people.

Bloy's potential was far from unparalleled, and the Highlanders' aptitude was only a bit stronger than Woody's. However, after experiencing so many small battles, Broyle had also risen to level 17. The closer he got to level 20 Awakened One, the more he could feel the violent power hidden deep within the Hammer of Extinction. As his level continued to rise, even though he hadn't been able to unleash all of the power of the warhammer, he had begun to trigger the tyrannical aura of the Hammer of Forbidden Extinction.

At the same time, the aura of the Hammer of Forbidden Extinction also affected Broy, making the attacks of the Highlanders more violent and direct.

Woody's saber technique was quick and exquisite, and it was at the opposite end of the spectrum from the warhammer in Broy's hand. But now, the two of them worked together to make up for their own deficiencies in skill. The Blade Wind Hammer Shadow forced Xi Luokong to be a large portion higher than the two of them in Origin Energy, but it could only sink the battle into a stalemate.

At this time, the shelling had gradually become sparse. After all, most of Hilo's troops had already charged through the battlefield, and all of them were pressing closer. The real battle followed. However, under the Thunder God Cannon and the Thunder Flame Heavy Rifle, Hilo's army had lost at least one-third of its strength. These bloody figures testified to the horrors of these two weapons of war from the other side.

The Blood Wolf Knights, who had lost more than half of their men in Hillo's army, finally launched a real assault. The shooters of the Thunderflame Heavy Machine Gun had removed the machine gun from its butt and quickly retreated to the back of the line, with soldiers armed with multiple-shot rifles supplemented. The guns, also from the weapons workshop, were similarly powerful and standard. The guns were one grade inferior to the Flame Dragon Rifles, albeit at a higher firing frequency.

These flames, spears, and hands did not attack the Bloody Wolf Knights on the warhorses. Instead, they specifically attacked the four hooves of the warhorses that were not protected by any protective gear. After a round of shooting, more than a dozen warhorses fell down, throwing the knights off their horses. However, these Blood Wolf Knights were all trained to dismount and fight. Everyone quickly rolled and unleashed their swords towards the fire.

Mountain King warriors with shields immediately rushed out. Their average level was below that of the Blood Wolf Knights, but a group of three was able to block the next Blood Wolf Knight. Coupled with the ghostly Dark Blade Assassin, Hilo's elite knight was intercepted for a moment. The Mountain King Warriors used the Origin Energy shields from the King Serpent Base to defend against the attacks of the Blood Wolf Knights. These shields were made of special materials, so it was difficult for ordinary swords to leave a mark on them. Even if the Blood Wolf Knight used all of his Origin Energy, he could only leave a faint sword mark on the shield. Normally, two mountains would work together to defend, while the other mountain king would attack with a fine iron warhammer.

Even the Blood Wolf Knights' heavy armor wasn't comfortable being smashed by the Mountain King Warriors' iron hammer. If he was hit multiple times in a row, he would also vomit blood in anger.

The trump card in Xiluo's hand was suppressed, making it even harder for the remaining Blue Wolf infantry to do anything. Under the lead of the junior officers, several weapons collided with the enemy's defensive line, but it only caused the enemy's defensive line to slightly shake, unable to shake its foundation. At the end of the day, it was the enemy's heavy artillery fire that cut down a large number of soldiers on the way to charge. Secondly, the Blood Wolf Knights who were responsible for the assault were stopped, unable to play their original role, causing them to be unable to shake the opponent's defensive line in a few strikes.

As a commander, Hilo knew very well. Once he and the Blood Wolf Knights were suppressed or entangled, the remaining Grey Wolf infantry would only be eaten in successive attacks. Once the Grey Wolf rifle was eaten, the opponent would only need to complete the encirclement formation. At that time, even if he could break out of the encirclement, the Blood Wolf Knight would probably be buried here. josei

Every knight was a precious asset to Hilo, and to Earl Rackett, it was a pile of moving gold coins. The fact that he had lost half of his men during the charge alone had already made Hilo's heart ache. If the entire army were to be destroyed, Hilo did not dare to look like how he would withstand Count Rackard's wrath after returning.

At that time, the strike was only the slightest punishment.

He gritted his teeth and stepped up his offensive. Helplessly, the two opponents were exceptionally difficult to deal with. Although their ranks were clearly far inferior to his, the two of them were able to withstand his attacks when working together. Especially the warhammer in the big man's hand. Every attack was bound to carry a violent might like a volcano. Even if it was him, it would be very difficult to neutralize it.

After a while, Hilo leapt up and attacked Bloy and the others with sword qi. He took the time to scan the battlefield, but his heart couldn't help but jump. The Blue Wolf Infantry's offensive was thwarted again and again, and now their spirit had lost its momentum. On the other hand, the two wings of the defensive line were closing in on their opponents, giving them a strong momentum of encirclement and annihilation. Hilo sighed in his heart and finally shouted, "Retreat!"

After the order was given, the Blue Wolf Infantry's offensive intensified. They forced the opponent away with a mouthful of spirit, and then they dispersed in an orderly manner. Xiluo and the Blood Wolf Knight retreated as they fought. Seeing this situation, Woody gave the order to stop the battle and let his opponent leave. Broyle was unwilling to accept this. He dragged his warhammer and wanted to chase after Xilo. Woody stopped him and shook his head. "Stop chasing. This is the best outcome."

"Bullshit, didn't you smash the head of the other party's commander? Is that the best outcome?" The high ground people roared like thunder.

Woody dug his ears and said, "Don't forget what Edward said. Our goal is to shock and repel, not annihilate." Besides, I'm already surprised that the two of us are able to capture a Level 20 or above fellow and pester him for so long. Kill him? It's not easy. "Furthermore, even if they retreat, you know that this army is not a rookie who has just entered the battlefield. If we want to kill all of them, we will have to pay a high price."

"Are you planning to send them to their deaths?" Woody looked at the soldiers behind him.

Bloy spat out two streaks of hot smoke from his nostrils. The blood-colored flames on his body gradually subsided. He carried the warhammer and turned around. "It's really cheap for them."

Woody shrugged his shoulders and smiled without saying a word. He looked in the direction where Hilo had retreated and said, "Now, they should know that we are not soft persimmons, but a bone hard enough to pierce their appetite, right?"

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