Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 630

Chapter 630: Killing Intent Absolute

[Sentinel ants are one of the most common creatures in underground caves. Adult Sentinel ants are the size of werewolf dogs. The antennae on their heads can sense vibrations several kilometers away and can identify hundreds of different frequencies. Therefore, when natural enemies approached, they would always be able to discover them in advance, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. This was also the origin of the name Sentinel Ant. However, Sentinel Ants were mostly found in shallow caverns. For example, it was rare for these large ants to appear in a cave about two kilometers away from the ground.

These big ants were attacking a strange snake that Alan had killed. The sentinel ants were very good at dividing the work. The first two were responsible for attracting the attention of the monster snake, while the few ants on the left, right, and back continued to attack. They had already bitten the monster snake to the point of bloodshed. In the end, a sentinel ant pounced forward and tore off the meat pouch on the monster snake's head. This was undoubtedly fatal to the monster snake. It wrapped itself around the big ant in pain, and its powerful body continuously contracted, causing the ant's entire body to ring lightly. In the end, it died together with the sentinel ant.

The rest of the ants were happily tearing open the monster snake's body, pulling out the water sac from its body accurately and feeding it cleanly. Only then did the ants eat the corpse of the strange snake. As for the heroic companion who had sacrificed his life, he would eventually become the food in their bodies.

The tremor was sudden, without warning. With the alertness of the Sentinel Ants, they didn't notice any signs at all. When they sensed the intense tremor, the entire cave passageway was already trembling. Countless amounts of mud powder were scattered from the stalagmites above, and the irregular rock fragments on the mountain wall were shattered by the shockwaves. The Sentinel Ants didn't care about food. They crawled in circles uneasily, and the tremors seemed to come from all directions. This disturbed their judgement, leaving the big ants completely at a loss as to where to flee to.

At this moment, one of the ants raised his head, and his two large black eyes reflected the wall of the cave that was covered with moss. The moss on the cave wall was falling off one after another, revealing the cracked bare rock behind it. A beam of light shot into the crack in the rock. It was a warm light. The orange-yellow warm light was like the light emitted by magma flowing in the depths of the earth's core. However, the warmth instantly transformed into scorching heat, and strands of wind drilled in through the cracks in the mountain wall, causing the temperature of the passageway where the Sentinel Ants were located to rapidly rise.

In the next moment, a ball of orange flames pushed open the mountain rocks and poured into the cave like a flood. A beautiful but fatal flower of explosive flames bloomed in the Sentinel Ant's large eyes. The ant didn't even react, and in the blink of an eye, it was engulfed by the pouring waves of fire. A series of soft explosions of the shell exploded from the blazing flames. Strong rays of light flashed from time to time in the flowing flames. These beams of light were extremely penetrating. A sentinel ant's head was hit by a beam of light in the blazing fire, and half of its head was immediately lifted up, shattering as if it had been hit by a sniper rifle.

Whether it was blazing flames or flowing light, it was a disaster for the underground creatures in the cave. By the time the flames subsided and the light disappeared, the passageway was already in a mess. Large patches of moss and ferns were burnt to ashes, the green and yellow walls were charred black, and sentinel ants, strange snakes, and other unknown creatures turned into toasted corpses. They lay scattered on the ground with the remaining flames, forming a group of hellish scenes.

A wall was burned through, and under the continuous spray of sparks, it finally collapsed with a loud crash. When they landed on the mud that shook the ground, a figure rolled in. He coughed softly twice and covered his head, face, and body with mud. He could only raise his hand to wipe it, and under the fire, Allen's face was full of helplessness.

The walls between the tunnels of the caves could be very thick, so thick that it was as hard to penetrate as armor in a stronghold. It could also be too thin to withstand the impact of Alan and Catherine's Origin Energy, causing it to collapse and flatten.

This time, Catherine's attack was obviously much heavier, and she was almost unable to produce the projection of her ancestor. The ghostly scorpion spear and the snake sickle made it extremely difficult for Alan to deal with it. Not many battles had taken place, but he had already been shot three times on his body and had been beheaded by a sickle. If it weren't for the fact that his combat skills had also been constantly improving and growing these past few days, and that his subtle teleportation had caused Catherine's attack to fall into a critical position, he would have been lying down by now.

Even so, the few holes in the blade armor and the wound on his waist that had almost cut him into two reminded Alan of the danger he was facing. The sound of footsteps rang out, and Catherine stepped on the stone fragments on the ground. She left and right spears, and calmly walked in from the other side of the gap in the mountain wall. There was no expression on her little face, only ruthless indifference and killing intent.

She has made up her mind.

Although this made her hesitate for a few days, she still made a decision.

This was undoubtedly the worst situation for Alan. That meant that Catherine had no reservations. If it weren't for the limited space in the cave, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the projection of the ancestor. I'm afraid Catherine will release the Snake and Scorpion Empress as soon as she appears. With the power of her projection that day to kill nearly a thousand flying knights of the Saber Demon Tribe, it won't be difficult for her to kill Alan.

At most, it would only be a little troublesome.

"It's pointless to resist. It's just a waste of our time. Stand there and don't move. I promise I won't let you feel any pain." Catherine said expressionlessly.

Alan stood up and slid down a first aid potion. "I don't have the habit of closing my eyes and waiting for death."

'"Why bother? No matter how hard you struggle, the ending can't be changed. Well, I'll give you some extra benefits. Tell me who you want to kill. After you die, I promise to send them all to the same place."

"You're so generous." Allen threw away the syringes that had been completely empty and laughed dryly, "But when it comes to the words of my enemies, I think it would be better for me to say it myself."

Catherine nodded. "Well, I respect your decision. You can fight back, and I will let you die like a real warrior."

"Thank you so much!"

The blade armor suddenly lit up. Behind Allen, a pair of wings made of Origin Energy saber light silently spread out. With the saber light as its feathers, the moment the pair of blade wings appeared, the feathers on them disintegrated and shot towards Catherine like streaks of induced lightning. For a moment, the light and shadows in the passageway were dazzling.

Blade Wings had limited lethality, and its greater use was to harass the opponent. Alan didn't expect to use it to retreat. As long as Catherine was slightly distracted, she would be worthy of the Origin Energy consumed to activate this ability. As soon as the saber light appeared, Alan took the opportunity to pounce on him. His feet moved in a completely irregular pace, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes short, forming a series of eye-catching movements. This kind of movement undoubtedly consumed a lot of Origin Energy, but the advantage was that with Catherine's eyesight and experience, it was difficult to predict the time, angle, and location of Alan's approach.

Catherine had to admit that under her pursuit, this young Beth Cod was growing at an astonishing rate. If this kind of speed could be maintained forever, it wouldn't be long before he would catch up with him and even surpass him! josei

However, there was no "if" in Catherine's dictionary, and Allen was a corpse from the moment she made up her mind.

Even though he was still alive and kicking.

Blood disappeared into a streak of red lightning in Allen's hand. Catherine silently raised her right hand. The scorpion spear flickered as it pointed at the blade of the heavy saber. Blades and spears collided, producing ear-piercing sounds. The collision of Origin Energy produced surging thunder sounds that echoed endlessly in this passage. Alan smiled bitterly in his heart. He had used the Wings of the Blade and the clever steps he had learned from Catherine, but he was still unable to distract the young major general's attention.

Otherwise, how could Catherine hit Blood Hidden with a single shot?

He took a deep breath and put the success or failure of life and death behind him. He only focused on wielding his saber. His mind gradually condensed. The twist of his wrist, the output of Origin Energy, the angle of the blade, and every detail were clearly reflected in Allen's mind. At this moment, he didn't even think about how to use the next saber. Instead, he focused all his attention on this moment.

Even Allen didn't know that his life was a part of his life after days of fighting, his insights and experiences at the moment of life and death. It was like a human breath, breathing in and out of nature. In Catherine's eyes, Ellen's saber had a hint of perfection, and it was as natural as breathing between drawing and withdrawing the saber. With a single saber strike, it naturally included several groups of movements, but it was completely integrated. Even if he was as tyrannical as her, he wouldn't be able to force Allen's saber path to be interrupted by skill alone.

At this point in time, his saber skill had already been considered a great success.

Admiration was admiration, but Catherine had no intention of letting it go. The lines of the scorpion spear lit up, and the Origin Energy condensed into essence. The spear moved like wind and thunder. Every time it stabbed out, it would definitely suppress Alan's attack. Ellen was not discouraged, and he used his saber after saber like a tide. The Hundred Styles Battle Skill that he had obtained from the Blood Lion General had been tempered and mastered by Alan at this moment. The saber moves were easy to come by, several moves refined into a single saber move, and the power instantly increased dramatically.

Especially with a tyrannical opponent like Catherine for him to practice his saber, Alan felt more and more happy. His heart gradually matched the heavy saber in his hand, and there was no difference between the saber and the person. Just as he was about to make a move, Catherine's momentum suddenly surged, and her scorpion spear stabbed three times in a row like a bolt of lightning. The three shots were undivided, and Alan felt that they would pierce between his eyebrows, his neck, and his chest at the same time.

The landing point would be connected in a line, as precise as a miracle.

At this moment, the heavy saber could not be transported any further. The wings of the saber flapped with all their might, and the feathers formed from the saber light struck the scorpion spear like moths, causing countless streaks of light, wind, electricity, and fire. Alan retreated at the same time, but Catherine's spear was like a maggot in her possession, chasing after him. The scorpion spear pierced through countless blade lights, and the three spears suddenly merged into one spear. A green light suddenly lit up at the tip of the spear, and the entire passageway was dyed with a layer of dense jade light.

At the end of the spear, the green spear light had already arrived in front of Allen's chest!

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