Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 631

Chapter 631: Burning Heaven

The world in Allen's eyes had already been dyed by the azure light of the spear. The momentum of the spear was so intense that it was as if it was going to pierce through his body and soul. Lava burst out from the depths of Allen's pupils, and strands of bright red fine lines quietly appeared. The natural disaster circuit in his body was activated, and the two outer nodes of his heart and shoulder fossa shone brightly.

A slight distortion appeared in the air in front of him, and the spear light that shot towards him deflected like refracted light in the water. The azure light that was originally shot towards his chest shot to the right, brushing past Allen's shoulder, bringing along the fragments of the armor and blood. After that, he instantly left, illuminating the dark cave behind him. Finally, there was a sound of rocks cracking and rolling down.

At this critical moment, the ability to twist saved Alan's life. Although the gap between the two was too large, allowing the distortion to deflect at a limited angle, avoiding fatal injuries was already a blessing in disguise. Ellen was glad that Luck hadn't left him, and hoped that the gods would take care of him for a longer time. The Heavenly Calamity Circuit lit up once again, and countless tiny veins within those veins were driving the Origin Energy to form another ability.

Catherine's eyes suddenly lit up, and figures made of flames flashed out of Alan's body one after another. Their outlines were roughly similar to Alan's, except that their bodies were made up purely of rising flames, and there would occasionally be dark red vortexes of flames floating within them. As soon as they appeared, the temperature of the entire passageway soared, and even Catherine couldn't help but feel droplets of water rising from the corners of her forehead.

The Fire Shadow Legion was another ability of the Heavenly Calamity Circuit. These flame shadows also held large sabers made of pure flames in their hands, and their styles were no different from those of Blood Concealment.

Six fire shadows surrounded Catherine in a circle. The girl said coldly, "What's the use of these puppets?"

"General, you'll know if you give it a try."

Allen grinned, his mind moved, and the fire shadows stabbed into the ground at the same time. The cavern passageway immediately surged with Origin Energy. Catherine's eyebrows finally knitted together, and a large amount of red light floated from beneath her feet. At some unknown time, there was already a red spot on the ground where she was. The bright red light was so dense that it almost made people think that it was standing on top of a sea of magma!

"So it's …"

Catherine had just opened her mouth when her figure was drowned by a dark red pillar of light that shot up from the red spot. It was also a blazing charge, but it was only a move made by six fire shadows at the same time. Under the influence of the Heavenly Calamity Circuit, the number of pillars of fire released by the Blazing Earth Charge increased to four, while the Fire Shadow Legion was equivalent to twenty-four pillars of fire overlapping and erupting. Although the Fire Shadow Legion's strength was not comparable to Alan's, even so, it was comparable to the power of the twelve pillars of fire that Alan had unleashed.

Using the Fire Shadow Legion to unleash his own abilities was also an attempt by Alan. After a test, it was indeed feasible. In this way, the role of the Fire Shadow Legion would increase dramatically. At this moment, the twenty-four pillars of fire formed a pillar of explosive flames, and its momentum was brilliant. Even Catherine's aura was concealed.

The karst cave was shaking, and the tremor quickly spread to the surface. A moment later, a dark red pillar of light suddenly rose from a holly puppet. The pillar of light struck the sky like a spear and instantly sank into the clouds of the Frost Star. The clouds in the sky instantly surged, and the clouds constantly flickered with red light. Then, the fire waves sprayed downwards, igniting the clouds and eventually forming continuous fire clouds that spread out.

Such might!

Underground, Allen waited for the explosion to shake before sticking his head out from behind a huge rock that was used as a mask. With a swing of his head, a pile of mud fell. Looking at the giant rock, the rock on the side facing the fire wave melted. Sparks rose and fell on the charred surface one after another, and a third of the entire hard rock was burned away. Its surface was burnt into holes by the flames. Looking at the passageway, there was smoke everywhere. There was no wind underground, and the smoke lingered around, making Alan feel like he was in a fog.

He frowned as Xue Yin swept out and pulled out a blade wind to disperse the thick smoke nearby. He then looked at the place where Catherine was just now. The ground there had been burned into a black pit. Even the Fire Shadow Legion had disappeared. It should have been detonated by the heat and flames released. josei

Alan didn't care about confirming Catherine's life and death, so he immediately turned around and left. Not long after he left, footsteps sounded in the cave. A moment later, a petite figure emerged from the smoke. It was Catherine. However, she looked a lot more miserable. The two strange-colored ponytails were charred with many strands of hair, and there were also traces of burning on her clothes. The right sleeve and left trousers were directly burned, revealing slender hands and thighs stained with soot.

She looked in the direction where Alan had disappeared and murmured, "Isn't this your own power? Could it be that this is the power given by the king snake?"

There was no answer to this question. Catherine knew very well that the answer could only be found in Alan.

Fine snow drifted everywhere, and the heavens and earth were vast and boundless.

This was already the third day he had left Casterly Rock Base. With Raynor at the lead, Bescot's team was going deeper and deeper into the Holly Forest. Ever since he taught Laurie a lesson, Reina went west. Taking Kaiyan base as the starting point, he drilled straight into this vast primeval forest. The trajectory of the flying car drew a sharp straight line on the electronic map. Along this line, they encountered a small tribe of headhunters, as well as several nests of dangerous creatures.

The result was naturally knocked out in one breath.

With Ellen gone, Reina naturally took his place. The two of them had different styles of conduct. The only thing they had in common was that their strength was enough to make one feel at ease. Rena had already completed the advancement of the Awakened ones, and although the condensed Lava Giant was not a peak projection, it was also midstream. Under the influence of the projection, Reina's fighting style was similarly simple and rough. Especially the heavy nuclear magma bombs that he usually used. With a single hit, they would form a desperate zone within a dozen meters, allowing him to gain the most advantage in group battles.

In the attack on the Head Hunter Tribe, Rena alone had supported more than half of the battlefield. Sixty percent of the Head Hunter warriors had died under his warhammer, which could be said to be meritorious. That battle had also established Rena's position in the team.

As the troops advanced deeper into the forest, the terrain gradually became steep. The twisted ancient trees in the forest were still there, but there were rugged limestone hills. They were covered with long, cold-tolerant grass and shrubs, with occasional narrow torrents running through the low hills, winding around hills and ancient trees into the depths of the forest beyond sight. Ice and snow were always the subject of Frost Star, and thick snow could be seen everywhere in the holly forest. The canopies of those ancient trees were covered with layers of gray-blue snow. Whenever the wind blew, snow powder would scatter down like drizzling rain.

On this day, the team stopped not far from a shallow stream in the forest. It was dusk and night was approaching. During the past few days of traveling, everyone had fully realized that it was dangerous to travel through a forest with complicated terrain at night. The night before yesterday, the procession advanced in the darkness of the night. The flying car that Regis was in accidentally overturned when it passed a hill. Although it did not cause any damage, it was inevitably a false alarm.

Moreover, at night, even an expert like Reina's eyesight would be greatly limited. At this time, the headhunters and even some frosty planet natives would be like fish in water. The night was not only unable to obscure their line of sight, but would instead become their best cover-up. It had already been more than one night since he had been attacked by the natives, so it was dusk now, and even Reina did not want to rashly advance. Instead, he chose a place to camp.

The two flying cars, one on the left and one on the right, became the natural barrier of the camp. In the middle of the camp, Lucy was fiddling with some dry branches, which had already lit a bonfire. Even if the fire attracted the attention of the natives at night, to humans, even if it wasn't for the sake of warmth. The warmth of the flames always made people feel better in the vast night, which was due to psychological needs.

Reina was not opposed to this demand. He himself had a strong desire for fire. At this moment, he stretched out his big hand and was roaming the campfire, burning the dirt on his hands with flames.

Regis and Belmond weren't in the camp. One went to the stream to fetch water, the other went to fetch some wild beasts in the woods for barbecue. There were only Rena and Lucy left in the camp, and the atmosphere was rather subtle.

He retracted his palm and looked at the dust on his hand with satisfaction as it was burned clean by the flames. A smile appeared on Raynor's face.

"You and Alan have very different personalities, but I found that you two actually have something in common." Lucy stood up and clapped her hands to find a clean place to sit.

"I don't want to have anything in common with that guy," Reina said, putting away the smile on his face.

"But you are brothers after all."

"Brother?" This time, Raynor did not refute directly. He just casually said, "Perhaps." He added, "Your Highness, there are probably many people who don't understand why you treat that fellow Allen differently."

'Because I know he treats me sincerely. Allen is not a complicated person. In many ways, he is even innocent. If you know more about him, I think you will get along with him.' Lucy said with a curved smile.

"Stop joking," Rainer said, "who wants to get along with him? Not to mention that he's in the middle of death."

Hearing this, Lucy's expression darkened and she turned away. Rena knew that he had misspoken, but he didn't want to change the topic. "This kid is too slow. It takes so long to draw water. This slow temper is really unbearable."

Before Lucy could reply, a clear howl sounded from the direction of the shallow stream. At the same time, an aura as deep and vast as a river of stars rose up. Lena and Lucy's expressions changed at the same time. It was Regis' aura! He must have met his enemy.

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