Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 636

Chapter 636: Earthquake

"Is that true? Oh my God, the Jondons' army has arrived in the Holly Forest. Those rude and dirty beasts?"

After hearing Reina's report, Lieutenant Colonel Ned looked as surprised as a girl who had seen a man's body for the first time. He was just short of screaming. The Lieutenant Colonel showed extreme unease as he walked back and forth in his not spacious office, his veined hands constantly rubbing the corners of his clothes, as if he could not make up his mind.

Reina wondered why the Federation would send such a useless supervisor to Castellan Base. However, he recalled that in the past, Castellan Base was just a snow crystal transit station. There were very few opportunities for them to be threatened by war, and there weren't many combatants in the base, so there really wasn't a need for real experts to take charge. Ned's own strength was even more mediocre, and he barely managed to sit on the lieutenant colonel's chair.

It was normal for such a person to hear that the base might become the target of an outsider attack. josei

Reina asked, "How many people are there in the Castellan base that can fight? What are the defensive firepower we have deployed?"

He asked a series of questions. Lieutenant Colonel Ned was not a decisive person, but he knew the base like the back of his hand. The next time he answered Rena's question, Castellan Base only had 500 regular troops. Adding in the civilian personnel of other administrative, maintenance, and logistics systems, the total number was only 600-700. The base's defense system was based on intelligent multi-purpose turret arrays. This type of turret controlled by a smart brain, which could automatically capture and correct trajectories, was more than enough to defend against the attacks of the planet's natives. However, they were not considered heavy firepower. Although there were still two missile silos in the base, the amount of stock in the warehouse was limited.

As for other weapons and ammunition, they could only be used to maintain daily consumption. Once they were attacked by the Catus or the Grai Giants, it was a question of how long Casterly Rock would be able to defend it.

"Listen to Lieutenant Colonel Ned, believe that the army we killed should be the enemy's front. We don't know how many main forces they have, so you need to report this to the General Staff Headquarters. We might need backup. You can also issue some combat missions, such as scouting the enemy. I think Reese's team would be happy to accept such missions. For example, the military would probably not be stingy in giving military merit rewards to assisting combatants if they were to transfer back all the hunting teams that were on missions outside the base, right? "

Lieutenant Colonel Ned hurriedly said, "Of course, there is also a rule in my orders that I can change the contents of the mission according to the actual situation. This is within my authority and does not even require the approval of the Military Department."

"That's enough. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and act."

Ned immediately called in an adjutant and told him to notify all the people on missions to return. At the same time, he issued urgent missions, including reconnaissance and combat appointments. Reina had work to do and was just about to leave the office when he suddenly felt dizzy. Then, he noticed that the building and lamps were shaking continuously, and the frequency became more intense.


This was the first thought he could think of. Reina leaned on the door frame and watched as the windows of the office shattered in the violent earthquake. The cold wind with snow powder immediately poured in, blowing Ned's desk full of documents that he didn't put away in time. Then the chairs and tables shifted, the cabinets toppled, and thin cracks appeared on the ground base. Fortunately, the situation did not continue to deteriorate. The tremor lasted for more than ten seconds before finally stopping. However, the entire base was in a mess.

"Is this an earthquake?" Reina frowned. He didn't know much about Frost Star and didn't dare to make any assertions.

Ned leaned on the wall and stood up with a puzzled expression. "There shouldn't be any mistakes. But there are few volcanoes in frost, especially in the Holly Forest area. I haven't been hit by an earthquake in my ten years here."

"Forget it, forget it. Continue to do our job." Reina didn't care about natural movements. Even without volcanoes, the occasional movement of the planet's crust wasn't surprising.

For the surface, the tremor brought only a few headaches to the creatures on the surface. Kaiyan base did not suffer too much damage. The base was small, but the construction standards were completely in line with the requirements of military buildings. Not to mention this level of vibration, even if it was a few levels stronger, it might not be able to shake this base. The damage caused by the earthquake only shattered a window, lamps, knocked down a chair table, and a few unlucky ghosts suffered some minor injuries.

Underneath, however, the damage caused by the tremors was catastrophic.

Allen had personally experienced this.

The beast tide pushed deeper underground, and Alan and Catherine chased after the beasts once again. However, the chase did not last long. The two of them and the beast tide collided with each other, causing the ground to tremble violently. The labyrinth of the cave was like a piece of linen that had been tightly grasped by a large hand and kneaded into a ball. Countless branches had been compressed, and those wild beasts that had no time to escape the collapsed passageway had been crushed into meat paste by an irreversibly powerful force.

The earth cried out in horror, rocks pouring down, flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Under such circumstances, even Catherine could no longer pursue Ellen and could only protect herself. The two sides of the cliff continued to squeeze towards the middle, and the stalagmites fell from above their heads, their sharp tips nailing down the beasts that ran past them. The ground was like an esophagus wriggling violently. Not only were they rugged, they were also undulating up and down. Occasionally, a herd of beasts would be thrown out, and most of them would fall into the cracked ground, reaching the abyss that was constantly blowing with the wind.

The situation in front of him was chaotic. Alan could only concentrate all his attention. Even Catherine's threat was forgotten. He kept moving between the herd of beasts and the rocks, using Blood Concealment to cut through the obstacles one by one, in order to open up a difficult path of survival. After an unknown amount of time, it was about a dozen seconds, and it was as long as a century. The tremors finally stopped, but the chaos continued.

Alan was even thrown to the ground by the beast. If he did not climb onto the body of another beast in time, he would probably be stepped on into meat sauce in an instant. Along the way, there were already many seemingly strong wild beasts that were crushed into meat paste the moment they stumbled and fell, leaving a deep impression on Alan.

He didn't want to be one of those pieces of meat paste.

Avoiding another stalagmite that descended from the sky, the cries of wild beasts and the screams of lurking monsters suddenly sounded in front of them. Alan instinctively felt danger. Just as this feeling rose from his heart, his eyes suddenly lit up. He and the herd of beasts rushed out of a passageway, but the exit of this passageway was not flat ground, but the void. Alan could clearly feel the feeling of falling down from a strange beast.

The earth dragon beneath him was slashing its four claws randomly, but it helplessly descended into the void. Alan stepped on the ground dragon's feet, causing it to fall down at an accelerated speed. The scream produced a long and mournful sound, and the earth dragon had already disappeared in the blink of an eye. Alan used his strength to pounce on the dangerous cliff. Xue Yin stabbed heavily into the cliff wall and finally stopped after sliding for several meters. At this moment, he turned around and saw a scene like hell.

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