Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 117 - Intensifying Pursuit

Chapter 117 - Intensifying Pursuit

As Charles proceeds to scatter bullets all over their enemies from above, Cassidy keeps staring at him in awe and astonishment from below.

She is sitting right beside him along with Olivia and Irish, hiding behind the balustrades of the terrace. He didn't let her join him in shooting down their pursuers this time since she's the one they're after. As much as possible, she needs to stay away from them. More preferably, she should really avoid showing herself up. 

"So cool...! That's so cool, Charlie!" Cassidy cheered blithely, catching his attention.

"No, it's not. I'm barely hitting anyone down there. It's so dark in this place..." Charles sighed until his ammunition ran out.

"Oh, I'm out of bullets."

"Well, in your defense, you only did that to distract them, right? No need for bloodshed. Oh, and your hand signals earlier too! That's very cool!"

"You were watching the whole time?"

"Of course!"

Though already used to compliments, he can't help but feel a bit flattered by this one. It's just that she appears so exhilarated that she is blushing a little. He himself can't help but blush, thinking that she really looks endearing right now. Yet he immediately averts his gaze the second he realizes that, denying his thoughts. 

"Anyway, let's wait for the President and the others for a moment. They're on their way here," Charles continued as he bent in one knee right in front of Cassidy, hiding behind the balustrades with them. 

Adrian had already managed to catch up with Ray and Asher at that point. They're now backing one another up as their opponents carried on in firing more bullets. On their way to the stairs that lead to the second floor, though, there is something that all three of them have noticed in their pattern of shooting. 

'Why does it seem like they're more onto Sir Ray and Slimy over there? It even feels like they're trying to avoid confronting me...' Adrian wondered right after he observed that particular detail. 

'And I bet those two also noticed it.'

Right then, Ray glances at him and nods his head towards the stairs, silently gesturing that he should go ahead of them if that is indeed the case. He hesitates to follow since he doesn't want to leave the two of them there. Asher saw his reluctance and clicked his tongue in annoyance, not taking him for the goody-two-shoes type. 

Though he thinks that he should just be better off being left there instead of them, he has to admit that one of them does need to go ahead and protect Cassidy. As her husband, he should be more than enough. Besides, he and Ray are great back-ups. This should slow the pursuers down.

"By the way, Shade, it's back to you...!" Asher then bolted out to Adrian all of the sudden, much to his surprise.

"If something happens to Cassie, I'll kill you in an instant!"

He doesn't need to say more for him to understand that he should really go ahead. Then again, his wife is their priority there. If the enemies got their hands on her, all of their efforts would be in vain.

"Alright then! I'll leave this to you two!" Adrian told them for the last time before heading for the stairs and rushing to the upper floor.

"The President's coming," Charles said as soon as he noticed him hurriedly making his way to where they were. 

Both Cassidy and Olivia perk up at that, standing up along with him and preparing for another sprint out of the bar.

That is until the redhead suddenly catches sight of a gunman aiming at him from the first floor, making her eyes widen in aghast shock. Without sparing any second, she hastily ran towards him and pushed him out of the way. At that exact second, a bullet did fly through in their direction, but with her rapid response, it missed its target. 

With that, Charles ends up yelping out in pain and landing flat on the floor while Cassidy crashes on his chest. 

"Ma'am Cassidy! Are you okay?!" he cried out in both nonplus and worry, embracing her a little so as to keep both of their balance.

"I'm fine, I'm fine... My breasts do hurt a little, though. Talk about a heavy fall," she groaned as she hoisted herself up and pulled away from him. 

"Y-Your w-what?"

Once again, Charles finds himself blushing - a bit too fiercely this time.

As if some invisible force has magnetized him, his gaze was suddenly drawn to her chest, letting him get a glimpse of its hollow. It then drags itself away from the sight in panic - almost like it has been burned. Now, he feels like he just tainted her. But before any impure thought slides in his head, he distracts himself by combusting madly on the spot. 

"Uhhh... Charlie?" Cassidy called out, confused at how flushed his face had gotten out of nowhere. 

Without both of them realizing, Adrian is already standing right in front of them, witnessing the entire thing in plain sight.


It's happening again.

While he knew that his wife just tried to save his secretary from a gunshot, their closeness didn't settle well with him. It stirs something in him, and for some reason, he keeps getting the impression that there is an underlying meaning every time they share a moment like this. Whatever that meaning is, as much as he doesn't want to admit, the fact that one even exists is infuriating him.

"Cassidy, let's get going," Adrian ordered as he unceremoniously barged in and picked his wife up as if fetching a toddler after playtime.  


Cassidy was taken aback when he put his hands on her underarms and scooped her away from Charles. Too startled, she only gapes while her husband continues to hold her like a dangling doll. Even when he saw their other companions and reacted all shell-shocked, he did not remove his hands on her. It even seems like he is not listening on purpose.

"Hey..." Cassidy deadpanned, watching him fuss over his sisters while she was still dangling like that. 

"You should release me first before chatting away-"

"What happened to Irish?" Adrian asked with a worried expression, ignoring the redhead.

"You seriously gonna ask while I'm-"

"Got caught in the stampede. There was bleeding, but she did not receive any serious injury - or so I hope. Cassidy gave her first aid earlier. But at any rate, we had to get her to the hospital at once," Olivia calmly explained, also ignoring the redhead.  

"I see. We should get going now, then. Charles can carry her."

"Wait, that's my job-" 

"Charles, carry Irish." 

For the whole exchange, Cassidy kept getting cut off. 

And that leads to her foul mood as they carry on with their escape. They hasten out of the bar and into an empty hall that should steer them to a lobby. For that entire time, though, she isn't looking pleased despite their successful retreat. It just happened that, much to her vex, her husband was still not letting up with ignoring her demand to be put down. 

Apparently, Adrian has his arm around her abdomen this time, carrying her at his side while her front body is facing the ground. On his other hand, he is holding a rifle which he can still easily use even when he has an extra luggage. 

"What the hell is up with you? Can't you see that we're in a serious situation?" Cassidy hissed underneath her breath, unable to take his pushy attitude any longer.josei

"Not like I'm playing around to begin with," Adrian coolly replied, his face devoid of any emotion.

"Then, why are you treating me like this?!"

"Just because. I'll let you go once I'm sure we're at a safe spot."

"Everywhere's not safe at the moment, bossman! This position will slow us down if another encounter takes place!"

And soon enough, another encounter does take place. 

There's actually a group of pursuers in the lobby that they're just about to reach. Though they got to back away and hide behind the wall in an instant, their footsteps were still able catch their attention. Their ammunition won't able to hold off against the number of their opponents this time. 

With that, they had to go back to the hallway and search for a place to hide in the meantime. 

"The police should have already arrived along with our other back-ups. Let's just buy time for now and hide," Charles told Adrian as both of them took the lead in their feverish dash.

"Sir Ray said so earlier as well. It's a good thing that this hall looks like a labyrinth. We have lots of routes to go through and rooms to use." 

While the two were having this conversation in the middle of their sprint, Cassidy turns her head a little and takes a look behind them. That's when she sees Olivia barely catching up. She's panting so heavily that she appears like she's going to faint at any given minute.

'Must not have enough exercise, huh... Bossman should carry her sister instead,' Cassidy thought with a flat expression as she just continued to pity her.

That's until a gunman appeared from the corner that they just passed through, aiming straight at Olivia.

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