Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 118 - Mad Dash

Chapter 118 - Mad Dash

Cassidy is really sensitive to a forthcoming danger - and luckily for Olivia, she is just as sensitive as she is responsive.

Without hesitating even just for a second, she takes out her pistol and starts shooting at the pursuer behind her. Even though she remains dangling horizontally, her aim is still good enough to hit her target straight to their groin. Her position this time is even better since she can see it clearly despite all the wobbling from their running. 

All three of her companions can only look at her in astonishment. Olivia is more stunned than anyone, though. For a second there, she thought for sure that she was going to shoot at her.

"Oh, don't give me that look, Ofelia. I'm not that evil..." Cassidy quipped with a smirk, amused by her appalled reaction.

"I do miss sometimes, though. So, I'm sorry in advance~!"

"Then, don't shoot anymore!" Olivia cried out in panic, nearly tearing up when she showed her a mischievous smirk.

"You sure about that?"

Seeing her knowing gaze, the blonde takes a second to look behind her. Sure enough, there are more of their enemies catching up to them. If they ever start firing once more, she will be the first target. That being said, she only has two options here - whether to let those people shoot her or entrust her fate to her not-so-trustworthy sister-in-law.

"I'm gonna shoot now, okay? Make sure to evade~"

On second thought, Olivia thinks that her opinions don't really matter here anyway. 

Cassidy, not giving a damn like always, proceeds to fire bullets at their pursuers while she has no choice but to watch it all happen right in front of her. Out of fear from getting hit, she covers her head and shuts her eyes closed as she keeps running. She can't complain. It's her fault for getting left behind and being this much of a slow poke, after all.

With that, Olivia has to trust Cassidy blindly - and she does so while her tears begin streaming down her cheeks for the nth time that night. She really hates the sound of the gunshots. To have it so near her is almost traumatizing. 

"Hey, wait, don't screw your eyes shut, idiot...!" Cassidy then suddenly bolted out, panic in her voice.

"Look out!"

Gathering all her strength, she forcefully shook her way out and broke free from Adrian to rush towards Olivia. This gets him halting on his tracks along with Charles, completely caught off guard by her last minute retaliation. But then, it's no mere retaliation on her part.

Cassidy ran back to Olivia after they passed through an aisle. There, she saw how another gunman came out of there. This time, they were so close that she found it hard to shoot without hitting her as well. Her closing her eyes like that alarmed her more. Because of that, she didn't get to dodge, giving the gunner an opportunity to pounce on her.

"Kyahhhhh...!!!" Olivia screeched in aghast shock when she got grasped by the wrist and spun around.

"Freakin' sexual harasser!" Cassidy exclaimed, brutishly punching the pursuer in the guts before throwing one aggressive kick. 

Adrian and Charles gape at this in utter shock and disbelief while Olivia only freezes on her spot.

With the gunman getting knocked out and landing all the way down to the ground, Cassidy was able to get an opportunity to retrieve the shell-shocked, petrified blonde and scurry out of there with her. As they retreat, both of their companions shoot at the other pursuers to slow them down.

Eventually, they get to catch up.   

Even then, Cassidy can't help but think that Olivia is definitely as slow as heck. She's running like the whole world is on her shoulders. It's distracting her. Already peeved by how she kept getting left behind, she then went ahead and bent a little before swiftly scooping her up in her arms.

"H-Huh?! Cassidy?!" she blurted out in surprise when she suddenly started carrying her bridal-style.

"I'm stronger than what I look. So, just shut up. I won't drop you," she said with a flat and indifferent tone. 

"W-Why... Why're you doing this-"

"You're as slow as a turtle, you're so whiny, and you're annoying to look at when you pant like there's no tomorrow. That's why."

At that point, her perceptions of her are really starting to change. 

Despite her sharp tongue, she knows that she just wants to help. It may not necessarily mean that she has overlooked their past dispute, but it still makes her feel grateful. She could've done a lot of things in this situation to get back to her and her sister, but she didn't try anything else other than roast them.     

'What's more... Had she not appeared to save Irish...' Olivia thought before glancing at her twin who was still getting carried by Charles on his back.

'The bleeding won't stop. It would become excessive. I didn't get to do anything that time because of how distraught I was. I didn't even notice that she was bleeding that much until she pointed it out.'

Indeed, both of them owe Cassidy - no matter what Iris may think once she learns about all of this.

At this point, Olivia is no longer even sure why she has come to hate her so much. Yet she wouldn't blame it to the fact that it took her this long to show her inner confidence and strength. Whether she was the past or the present Cassidy, there was no excuse for all the misdeeds that they have done.   

They had been evil and cruel - perhaps, the first step to self-reflection is accepting that one truth.

"Sir Ray and Asher...!" Charles chimed in all of the sudden, catching everyone's attention.

"They're beckoning us over there, President! To the upper floor!"

That's when he pointed up above them, and there, they did find the companions they left back at the bar. Judging by their current position, they're probably going to do what he did earlier - showering their pursuers with bullets from above, that is. With tons of them still chasing after them, that would indeed get handy.

"Huh...? A-A-A-Asher...?!"

Utterly confounded by the uncalled-for appearance of an old acquaintance, Cassidy ends up coming to an abrupt pause - her jaw dropping and her eyes growing as wide as an owl's.   

Out of complete shock, she suddenly loses her strength and drops Olivia by accident, causing her to fall butt first on the ground. While she groans at that in pain, she only continues exchanging looks with Asher for a long fraction of a moment. She appears like she has just seen a specter, especially with how her face pales out of nowhere.

She is thoroughly flabbergasted.

"Why... Why's Asher...?" Cassidy murmured to herself, her lips quivering a little.

"Cassidy?" Olivia called in puzzlement as she looked up to her, wondering what had gotten to her this time.

Right then, though, a round of gunshots erupted all over again.

Their enemies are nearly halfway to where they are now. That's enough to get them stirring their stumps once more. 

Adrian helps Olivia stand up again and guide her to Charles, telling her to stay close and follow after him. He then moves to Cassidy who still seems a little out of it even when they're back to the danger zone. Though baffled by her actions, he just proceeds to cover her back with his arm and lead her out of that spot.

With that, they resumed with their escape. 

While both Ray and Asher shoot from the upper floor where they are headed, they continue to hasten away and make their way to the stairs. Everything still gets to go smoothly despite the furious onslaught of bullets. So far, it's smooth. That's all until a whole new stunt joins the commotion, taking all of them aback.

A smoke bomb has been thrown in their direction.

"The freaking heck is a smoke bomb for?!" Cassidy bolted out, disconcerted by this turn of events.josei

"A trap! That's what!" Adrian exclaimed before dragging her and swerving to a different direction at the last minute.

Before the smoke scattered, he managed to see that Charles and Olivia have already reached the stairs. But other than that, there is also a looming figure who unceremoniously shows up ahead - all prepared to throw them off guard and catch them by their feet once they make it there. It even gave him the impression that whoever that was has allowed their other companions to pass through. 

As for the two of them, Adrian highly doubts. That's why he immediately changes direction.

Then again, he has Cassidy with him, and she is their target. They must have been planning to use the smoke bomb to separate them. In the end, all they are really after is no one else but her - 

And they're aggravatingly persistent, to boot.

"Ughhh...  So revolting..." Adrian growled vehemently, already getting furious by everything that were happening around his wife.

"They're definitely gonna get it. They won't get away with this."

Whoever is behind this has done more than enough damage, and once Adrian finds out who it is, he will absolutely make them suffer a painful death. 

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