Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started a Farm

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: I, Jiang He, Am Not Good With Words

Chapter 415: I, Jiang He, Am Not Good With Words

It was fortunate that the combat blade which the Blood Demon Sect’s Golden Immortal was wielding was an acquired soul treasure. It was immeasurably durable and was not even damaged by the Golden Immortal’s self-destruction.

The blood-hued combat blade was therefore a little consolation for Jiang He, and as he picked it up, he said, “The finishing on this thing is incredible, though I might be able to craft an innate soul treasure sword if I reforged it.”

“Right, there were also many weapon fragments left within the explosive radius!”

While the Strengthened Heavenly Thunderbolt Atomic Hand Grenades had wiped out the attacking immortals in both soul and body, some high-grade immortal items were not completely vaporized, with fragments of them left floating through outer space.

“Not bad, not bad!”

“If they could survive the atomic thunderbolt, they must have been premium-grade immortal items back when they were complete... eh, there’s even a sword?”

Jiang He’s eyes lit up.

He realized that it was the acquired soul treasure sword which Zhou Li from the Penglai Sect wielded, and promptly retrieved it.

One of the other two Golden Immortals had wielded an acquired soul treasure as well, though he was now nowhere to be seen. It could have been blown inside the spatial rift after the Strengthened Heavenly Thunderbolt Atomic Hand Grenades detonated, and now that the spatial rift was closed, Jiang He could not be bothered to look for him, and promptly turned around to fly toward the gaping immortals some distance away.

Right then, those elites who had returned from the celestial battlefield were all looking astonished.


Several powerful factions combined, boasting a force of four Golden Immortals, a dozen True Immortals, and more than a hundred Heavenly Immortals, all gone in no time at all.... no, it was five Golden Immortals if the Black Bear Spirit before was included!

As they looked upon Jiang He again, reverence filled their eyes.

After the cultivators in the various sects introduced him, all of them got a rough idea, even approaching Jiang He, offering their respects.

“My lord!”

There was a flash of immortal radiance then—Unknown Fox had dived to Jiang He’s feet, tears covering his face as he hugged Jiang He’s legs while bawling, “My lord, it’s so wonderful is that you could come back alive!

“Go away!”

Jiang He’s face darkened and he kicked Unknown Fox away while scolding, “Mongrel, you’re just worried that you would have to die with me, don’t you?”

Unknown Fox tumbled infinite times as he was sent flying miles away, while Jiang He laughed out loud.

“I’ve made a fool of myself, Brothers... anyway, now that everyone has returned from the celestial battlefield after being away for thousands of years, why linger here at outer space?”

“Come, let’s return to the homeworld. I’ll hold a feast for your homecoming.”

Jiang He greeted and had a jovial time with the Golden Immortals as they all returned to Earth.

Wang Hou had observed everything through the Star Map, and welcome Jiang He and the other immortals after they crossed the atmosphere, offering a fist-palm salute. “Greetings, Elders.”

The immortals leveled him an uninterested look and gave him the cold shoulder.

In their perspective, a commoner elite who was not even immortal was insignificant.

Wang Hou took no offense, however, and secretly communicated with Jiang He before smiling, “Everyone must feel worn by the return journey from the celestial battlefield. The Hua Nation’s capital stands below you and boast endless good food—why not allow me to be your host to settled everyone in?”

“This way please, Elders!”

Though Wang Hou had been very polite, one True Immortal sneered at him and said, “We have feasted on dragon liver and phoenix guts at the celestial battlefield. What could match that in taste in the commoner’s realm?”

He looked towards the distance and said, “I’ve been away from the homeworld for more than two thousand years. Now that I’ve returned, I really can’t wait to return to check on my sect. Excuse me, Brothers.”

The True Immortals offered a fist-palm salute to the other Golden Immortals and True Immortals, and was about to leave with seven Heavenly Immortals in tow.

However, he sensed a killing intent even before he could move.

He turned to find that Jiang He was trimming his fingernails with the Golden Radiance Blade, and could not help shudder at that. At a loss of what to do, he could neither leave or stay.


Jiang He blew at his nails just then and put away the Golden Radiance Sword before smiling at the many Golden Immortals, True Immortals, and Heavenly Immortals. “Brothers, it’s just one meal—it won’t take much time.”

“You must be from the Jiuhua Sect, aren’t you?”

“Minister Wang had been supportive of your faction, permitting your sect to spread your teachings in the nation, open a cultivation academy, as well as recruiting dozens of disciples. And now, you are not giving face when he’s treating you to a meal?”

That True Immortal and seven Heavenly Immortals were shuddering.

Jiang He’s tone was even, but his killing intent was eating at them, holding them from moving an inch.

The Jiuhua Sect was not actually a strong faction.

They did not have a good time at the celestial battlefield, with several of their elites killed in action and leaving only two Golden Immortals. That was why only one True Immortal was leading their return party—and would he dare to provoke Jiang He?

Promptly smiling apologetically, he said, “It’s a misunderstanding, Brother Jiang He. How could we, the Jiuhua Sect, be so impolite after receiving Minister Wang’s grace?”

Jiang He withdrew his killing intent then and grinned. “Brothers, you might not know the situation on the homeworld after being away for so long. I’ll brief you about present circumstances as well as the laws here, and I hope that everyone can restrain their own disciples when that happens to be law-abiding citizens, or don’t blame me if I suddenly change my mind.”

As he spoke, he took out a bundle of Strengthened Heavenly Thunderbolt Atomic Hand Grenades, throw it in the air and catching it repetitively by explaining, “By the way, none of you had seen this thing, yes?”

“Allow me to introduce you—these are my homecooked bombs, crafted with a special technique and extracts of ninth-retribution heavenly thunderbolts. I call it the Heavenly Thunderbolt Atomic Hand Grenade, and everyone here had seen its power. Without any defensive acquired soul treasure, you would be maimed even if you don’t die to its explosion.”

Turning towards the Scaled Dragons’ Golden Immortal, Jiang He said, “For example—the scale dragons’ old lair is at Shennongjia, yes?”

“If I throw this there, all of Shennongjia would be leveled, let alone your Secret Realm. Throw a few more, and there would be a hole that runs through our homeworld.”

The Golden Immortals all paled at that, with the Scaled Dragons’ Golden Immortal looking as if he was forced fed feces.

Jiang He hence put away the Strengthened Heavenly Thunderbolt Atomic Hand Grenades and smiled. “Of course, Earth is my home, and would I really use such a devastating weapon?”

“Moreover, creating these hand grenades is a difficult task and I did not craft too many of these.”

The returning immortals did not even have time to be happy when Jiang He’s tone changed and said sinisterly, “Since I’ve only crafted hundreds of these, I hope no one forces me to throw them at the doorstep of your sect.”

Before the Golden Immortals could respond, Jiang He breathed a long, weary, sigh.

“Ha... I really hope everyone could be understanding, Brothers.”

“I’m quite bad with words, and my threats just seem so pale and lifeless. I can’t tell if anyone likes hearing it...”

Like hearing it... my foot!

Who the hell likes being threatened?

And so what if we don’t like it? josei

Could any of us even get a word in?

Still, Jiang He was not concerned with what any of them was thinking.

What does anything you think have to do with daddy?

Just don’t provoke daddy and cross the line.

Right now, Earth was Jiang He’s domain. Return all you want, but start trouble and Jiang He would not mind bleed a few Golden Immortals.

Hence, the immortals all landed in Jingdu City majestically.

Their arrival drew countless gazes, and the media outlets swarmed toward them.

The barrages of clicking camera shutters left the immortals most displeased, but Jiang He was all smiles as he introduced them to the media, saying, “Greetings, everyone from the media and the audience in front of your tv... today, good news has arrived for Earth!”

“The immortals who have left Earth, journeying across the stars over two thousand years to fight on the celestial battlefield had returned...”

“Look, at the front, the one with scales on his head is from the Scaled Dragons clan...”

Nearby, Wang Hou ultimately did not manage to stifle his laughter.

Only Jiang He could do something like this.

Still, it was a good thing—the immortals’ stride could use a little trimming, or Wang Hou would not be able to stop the immortal sects running rampant around Earth with their elites’ return.

Soon, they were inside a famous hotel in Jingdu City.

The immortals numbered over a hundred, so they reserved the whole lobby.

After they had eaten their fill, Jiang He picked up his wine goblet with a smile. “By the way, Brothers... I have a deal to make with everyone, and I wonder if you’re interested...”

A deal?

Over at a corner, Jin Sidao’s eyes lit up. Standing up with a whoosh, he loudly said, “Mister Jiang, just tell us if there’s anything you need. I would try to get it for you even if the Ten Thousand Swords Sect does not have it.”

He had remembered the time when he had helped Jiang He trade spirit stones, which was the happiest day of his life.

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