Everything will be my way!

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

The new day had finally come. Today, there was a grandiose party at 2 p.m. Bai was throwing it to find a life partner for his granddaughter. But first things first, Kyon needed to examine the situation and cover all the bases.

Kyon headed for the party hall right after he got up and had a shower.

It was a spacious room with hardwood flooring. There were heavy curtains on the windows. Leather chairs were set against the walls, and next to them were dark oak tables covered with sumptuous hand-embroidered tablecloths. Soon everything would be filled with exquisite dishes made by the best chefs of the family.

There was a high stage near the entrance. An orchestra of musicians in tuxedos was rehearsing something soundlessly under the strict guidance of the conductor. Even if music could be recorded in the formation and then played like a tape recorder, the live performance was still considered a sign of good taste, and grandpa Bai wanted to do everything in the best possible way. But he wasn’t there, though.

Beside constantly fluttering servants, Kyon noticed a large number of guards. And small wonder. The drunken youth could do anything, and there didn’t seem to be any alcohol laws.

It’s was the first time Kyon had seen the guards open the massive gates to the park. They had always been locked and even merged with the wall. The only other entrance to the mansion was locked at the moment.

Each guard had the guest list. Young family members arrived at the estate yesterday, but they spent the night in the hotels. The entrance to the park opened at two pm sharp.

Kyon looked at his black clothes. They were neat and smart, but it wasn’t what he wanted. He should dress up appropriately. He wanted to ask the servants to pick something for him, but it would be a shame not to take advantage of Dinah, his new slave.

Kyon asked Juno to remind Dinah that she was now his slave and order her to come to his chambers. Had he done that any other day, he would have been exposed, but Kyon had won the bet. It was all fair.

The maid arrived dressed in her indecently attractive uniform. Kyon loved her playful black stockings that highlighted her slender legs. Her silky black hair covered a part of her face in graceful curls. She’d had her hair done. Her snow-white face was beautiful as ever. This time, she had lined her eyebrows to make them captivating, emphasizing her natural beauty. She was wearing delicious gloss on her lips, and Kyon felt an urge to bite into them with a hot kiss. However, her gray eyes remained cold, penetrating deep inside with contempt. In fact, Dinah would gladly rip out his heart right now.

«I order you to take my every word when I speak to you as an order. I order you to always have a sound transmitter with you and not to break it so that I could call you anytime.» – The initial training of the slave was over. He had to give her a dozen more orders, and then some more orders that forbade her to cancel his orders. Kyon was going to control this maid until the end of the party. Then he would take it from there.

«Now, put your hands above your ears, stick out your tongue and jump on the spot twenty times in a row.» – Kyon “asked” playfully.

Dinah grimaced in a fury, her eyes sparkled with an urge to kill, but her body dutifully jumped. The scene resembled the arrival of a bloodthirsty killer bunny.

Dinah was acting like a clown before the former slave, the present servant! She wanted the ground open and swallow her up, her cheeks were burning red. How did it come to this? She was serving this douchebag, taking his orders…

Kyon laughed softly. Everything had worked perfectly well.

«Great… just fine! That’s what I’ve always dreamed about! My obedient little Dinah, taking all my requests as if she was created for this! Mind you, I said requests, not orders!»

Dinah hissed furiously as soon as she finished jumping and hid her tongue back:

«You… you must have a death wish, sick bastard! If you dare to do anything else to me, I will torture you so much later that you will pray for death!»

«Considering everything that has already happened between us, I am firmly convinced it does not matter how events will develop further, you will try to kill me anyway.»

«But in the best-case scenario, I will kill you painlessly!» – retorted Dinah.

«I don’t care, death will be death. You’ve made your point, and I am not going to make things easier for you. I will do whatever I see fit.»

«If you touch me with a finger, I will tell the lady, and she will have you executed!»

Kyon could hardly hold back laughter so naive she was. She didn’t know anything…

«My little Dinah, it’s not good to sell people out.»

«Don’t you dare to call me “my little Dinah!” And who has been selling me out the last five times?! You, not me!»

«You are too talkative for a slave. On your knees, now!» – Kyon said imperiously, pointing to the floor.

Gasping with humiliation, Dinah obediently sat on her knees. Kyon casually put his hand on her hair and roughly patted it.

«Good bitch. Your owner is pleased with you.» – He scooped up a handful of her hair and put it to his nose, inhaling deeply. He seemed to be flying away into the world of bliss… The shampoo she had been using smelled so nice! Besides, her perfume matched it impeccably. For a killer, she was too feminine, and for a superior maid (a living mirror of the family status!), she was too good.

Dinah gritted her teeth. She wanted to rip out his eyes, scratch his face, snap his neck!

«Follow me skipping just like you did not so long ago. Don’t forget the “ears.”» – With those words, Kyon left his chambers, heading for the central family store.josei

When the servants saw the superior maid skipping after the boy, they froze into blankness. Some of them stood still, some crashed into the wall, the others stumbled or dropped things. All of them had one thing in common: they couldn’t believe their eyes!

Kyon was well aware that he should not attract so much attention, but he could not resist the temptation. It was a matter of honor and pride for the recent humiliation.

Anna came out into the hall when she heard the clatter of falling trays. When she saw her sister meekly skipping after Kyon, she stared at them blankly with her mouth open.

«Dinah… Dinah, what are you doing?!»

The hopping maid blushed crimson red and skipped outside without turning around. If a bolt of lightning struck Dinah now, she would only be grateful. Now, her sister was going to think all sorts of things…

{I will… I will kill you!} – Her eyes were gnawing an imaginary hole in the back of Kyon’s head.

The huge family store was situated in the center of the estate. It sold absolutely all kinds of goods. For the sake of convenience, it was divided into the sections of clothing, weapons, armor, medicine, etc.

The store provided the service of home delivery. The customers ordered by the sound transmitter, and birds delivered anything in the ring. But the delivery service was seldom used. People wanted to check things personally before buying them. The store was teeming with shoppers.

Kyon was not interested in anything but a nice tuxedo and some perfume.

He had quickly chosen his perfume. He found the best fragrance among the ten most expensive ones that corresponded to his preferences.

Kyon had given more thought to the choice of his clothing. Among fifty options, he had selected five of those he liked, piled them on Dinah’s arms and went with her into a small changing room.

A married couple happened to see them hiding behind the curtains. The woman blushed and squinted at her husband. He sighed enviously, lost in his thoughts, and received a well-deserved slap in the face.

«Undress me down to my underpants.» – Kyon ordered her.

Dinah gave him a searing look and began to take off his black clothes. When he had only his briefs on, she made a quick step back, taking a look despite herself. His abs, biceps, chest, waist, neck were perfectly sculpted and had ideal proportions.

With Synergy, Kyon didn’t have to worry about the state of his body. It had never been a problem to grow his hair or nails or even his penis. He could easily get rid of some extra kilos or get himself pumped. All he had to do was to give his body proper instructions. Then it was a matter of time when. He could eat anything. What harm could it do?

When Dinah finally looked up, Kyon’s black eyes glittered slyly.

«Do you like it? You can only dream about me, bitch.»

His audacity stopped Dinah’s breath in her throat. – «I don’t care for scum in a nice wrapper, jerk! Besides…» – Her lips parted in a sarcastic smile – «…poor thing, you are not a man anymore. You’ll never ever have another hard-on in all your life. Let me do your hair, instead. And you know what, drop this tuxedo, I’ll help you choose a beautiful dress. Maybe you’ll find a pretty boy at the party.»

Kyon felt an urge to drive her taunting words back into her cocky mouth, but he pulled himself together.

«The less said, the better. Come on, get your master dressed. And stop ogling me. Let’s see how you handle temptation.»

Kyon chose a tuxedo based on Dinah’s reaction: the more vicious she looked, the better the tux.

«You gave me five darting glances. Shame on you. Now pay for the purchase. I’ll be waiting for you at the training ground.» – Kyon ordered her.

«But I don’t have any money on me.» – Dinah answered through her gritted teeth.

«I don’t care.» – Kyon said impassively and left the store.

Soon, the gate to the training ground creaked. Dinah handed him the things he had chosen (god knows how she paid for them), giving him the death stare. When she tried to leave silently, she heard him say:

«Bring me a milkshake and do two hundred push-ups after that.»


After yesterday’s humiliation, Juno felt so insulted as a practitioner that she was eager to become stronger. Even on such a momentous day, she decided to have a training session with a dummy. However, when she opened the gate and saw her servant drink a milkshake, imposingly sitting on Dinah’s back while she was doing push-ups, Juno changed her mind. {He’s a freak… a total lunatic…}

Kyon caught a glimpse of Juno’s curious face peeping in and disappearing in a panic.


When Dinah finished her two hundredth push-up, she growled, wiping the sweat off her forehead:

«I will destroy you! You will regret this, I swear. I will rip out your heart and crush it right before your eyes! But before that, I’ll break each of your fingers one at a time, savouring your suffering…»

Kyon knew he couldn’t sleep peacefully. This bitch would find a way to live up to her sadistic fantasies. He couldn’t take it anymore. There still was some time before the party.

«Follow me.»

«What else do you want from me?!» – Dinah asked him menacingly, but she had to obey. She had a bad feeling about that. She had no idea how the-soon-to-be-dead-jerk was going to humiliate her.

Kyon came to his room, sat down on the nearest chair and flexed his muscles with a plaintive look.

«While you were doing push-ups, I got tired of sitting on you. My shoulders are numb. I want a nice massage.»

Reluctantly, Dinah, or rather her body, had to do what he said but Kyon stopped her:

«No, not with my clothes on. Undress me.»

Muttering curses, Dinah obeyed and stripped him to the waist.

Kyon closed his eyes and felt her tender, cool hands touch his shoulders. Her thin fingers gently flexed his muscles. He was about to take off to heaven. After all, he didn’t resent Dinah physically. It felt good to humiliate her, but it felt even better to exploit her.

Kyon moaned softly. A visible bulge grew in his pants.

Dinah was diligently massaging him when she accidentally noticed it. Her eyes were wide and staring. She froze in fear, her breathing stopped.

Kyon was slowly and blissfully nodding his head, getting quite understandable pleasure from the massage when suddenly, he lowered his underpants and put his hand on his manhood completely unashamed. The sensations spread throughout his whole body as the pleasure built gradually along with the repeated movements of his hand. He couldn’t hear his beautiful masseuse breathe. Dinah must have understood what was going on but could not utter a word.

And there it was the moment of bliss… Kyon let out a sweet moan and leaned back in his chair.

Then he turned to Dinah. She looked devastated. She turned pale, her eyes full of shock and disbelief, her eyelids trembling, her lips slightly apart.

«My little Dinah, you look too anxious. I heard that excessive stress makes your skin age faster. I have a little gift for you. Stand still.» – He reached her pale face and carefully smeared the slimy, smelly stuff. He didn’t miss a single part, covering everything: her nose, eyelids, forehead, tender cheeks, earlobes.

«This natural anti-aging cream is incredibly effective and valuable. Do not wash your face until the party, and you will feel its full effect. The skin on your face will be soft and smooth for many years to come!»

Dinah’s lips moved in an attempt to say something, but she could say anything. Her whole body was trembling. Her face turned white like a sheet of paper.

«Alright, you may go to your room now. Take a rest or something. My heart aches for you when I see you so exhausted. You push yourself too hard.» – Kyon said thoughtfully.

Dinah obediently turned around and left the room.

Kyon watched her with a pleased look on his face, then he frowned and listened to himself. Something was going on in his soul. He infused Synergy inside and discovered that his core that had not been showing any signs of life was now spinning.

Meanwhile, Dinah met Anna on the way to her room.

«Dinah, what was that? Why were you skipping like… like a bunny?» – The blonde maid looked anxiously into her sister’s half-empty eyes. She was confused to notice something weird on her face.

«What’s happened? And what is it on your face?»

Dinah’s glossy skin with a weird smell attracted her attention. Anna’s curiosity prevailed. She took a drop accumulated on Dinah’s chin and rubbed it between her fingers. Her eyebrows raised in surprise when she sniffed them. Anna grimaced, but when she decided to lick her fingers, Dinah quickly grabbed her hand.

«This face cream is too bitter.» – She whispered, barely moving her lips.

«Is it face cream? May I have some?»

Dinah grimaced in disgust and went to her room without saying anything.

«Silent again… Well, suit yourself.» – Anna returned to her work with a displeased look. Her sister had always been cold and taciturn, but today she was especially distant. Anna decided that her sister had lost a truth or dare game she was playing with the servant who was in love with her. It was a wild guess, but nothing more reasonable came to her mind.

Dinah was lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She had a feeling that her whole face was covered in slowly drying wax. She could not believe that she had his sperm on her face. The servant’s sperm… The one she despised and hated… He had smeared her with his sperm… Her, the superior maid…

A lot of high-ranking men in the Stone family and even one elder tried to hit on her. They gave her expensive gifts, flowers, paid all their attention, invited her to the restaurant or a more interesting place, in short, they wanted to make her their woman. But she never reciprocated. She always acted cold, depriving them of all hope, especially the most persistent ones. She was not ready to say goodbye to her position as a superior maid for an unworthy man. Only virgins could be superior maids. And then this low-life scum appeared among all the god-like heroes and dared to do things to her that would make their hearts stop…

Dinah’s experience with master Jean had saved her psyche from a nervous breakdown. Dinah had an urge to kill him. She gritted her teeth and dug her nails into her palms till she felt the blood. Her face was soiled, but she accepted this humiliating blow because her reaction wasn’t long in coming. She would have her revenge soon, and it would be terrible!

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