Everything will be my way!

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

At 2 p.m., the guards opened the gates for the young people who were on the guest list.

Kyon took a seat in the cozy nook of the party hall with a good view of the main table where Juno would be sitting at the head. His ultimate goal was observe things accurately.

The courteous waiters were serving delicious treats. The musicians were getting ready to play. The guards were expecting the guests.

Everyone admired the decor of the party hall. It’s not every day they had a chance to see luxury at its finest, worthy of a first-rank family.

Kyon noticed a badge on everybody’s chest that showed the family they belonged to and the rank they had. It was convenient to determine the status and affiliation of the person you talk to.

Kyon took out the token of the 3rd rank in the Stone family and put it on his chest. He had acquired it from the unlucky killers (Makar and Sicily).

Meanwhile, more and more people were entering the hall.

Everyone around Kyon was shaking hands and taking seats. The Stones were seated closer to the main table with Juno at the head, the Browns were a little further away, and the Romanovs even further. Everybody was seated according to the ranks in the kingdom.

By a simple visual analysis, Kyon determined that only the top ten family members of the 4th and higher rank were invited to the party. He didn’t see anyone from other families above the 2nd rank. It confirmed his guess that the kingdom looked down at this party. Nobody from the Grands (0) had arrived. In obedience to the patriarch’s order, the most powerful young Stones had come, including the descendants of pure blood (the children of the elders). The shiny beauty of their red-ruby tokens was mesmerising. Crowds had gathered to greet and compliment the important guests.

Everyone in the hall had a high opinion of the descendants of pure blood. They were known for having high moral values and excellent manners. Their fathers, the elders, had tremendous power and influence in the family. Everyone was afraid to offend the descendants of pure blood. They were indecently rich, born with a golden diaper on the ass, brought up and trained according to the best traditions of the family.

A dark-haired 19-year-old boy entered the hall, a ruby token on his chest. He was handsome, of athletic build. His friend with a similar token was accompanying him.

«Welcome, Lee!» … « How was your trip?» … «You shine brighter than anyone! So happy to see you!» … «Thank you for coming! There would be no party without you» … «No doubt, you will be the king today! I am ready to bet all my money for your victory!» – The crowd exclaimed joyfully, glorifying the noble young man.

Eric, his companion, couldn’t escape the attention, either. The elegantly dressed 18-year-old boy inspired respect at first glance. Everyone could feel his noble aura.

«Thank you, my friends. The trip was great, with no accidents. No need to worry… It’s very kind of you.» – Lee replied politely.

No doubt, he was the most revered guest in the hall. The young men looked at him with awe, the girls flirted with him at the first opportunity. It was everyone’s dream to get to know the influential elder’s grandson.

Lee wasn’t born a descendant of pure blood. His father, unlike his grandfather, was no elder. The rank dropped with each generation if not passing the qualifying test. Lee amazed everyone when he had passed the test before even reaching the noble phase! Everyone in the younger generation respected him after that.

Kyon had learned from the conversations around him that Lee was the most powerful and the most respected among the young Stones. His father and grandfather, along with the best masters, made every effort to nurture a strong warrior in him. As a result, Lee had the highest development and excellent skills.

Kyon also remembered that Lee’s grandpa was elder Boe, one of the most influential people in the Stone family. It could explain how Lee had managed to pass the qualification test and become a descendant of pure blood before he even reached the noble phase. It would be nice to make friends with him.

His friend Eric was second in strength in the young Stone generation. Eric’s mother had died, but his rank remained. Kyon wasn’t interested in him, though. He had no influential father or mother, after all.

Kyon’s eyes flashed when he saw another elder’s daughter!

A girl was approaching Lee, Eric, and their brown-nosers. She was sporting a red token on her chest.

Everyone parted to let her pass.

«It’s Ms. Stephanie! She is the third in power! The best girl I’ve ever known! If only she would notice me…» – Somebody whispered.

«She’s cool as ever… I really like her! I’d love to be as strong and confident as she is.»

Stephanie said:

«My condolences about the loss of your aunt, Lee. Bilya was a good doctor. I’m sure lots of patients owe her their lives. What monster could do this to her?»

Lee closed his eyes, sighed and turned away. «Stephanie, don’t. I didn’t know her well. But if I ever find her killer, I will ensure the triumph of justice.»

Everyone became solemn. The latest news was that someone had brutally stabbed one of elder Boe’s daughters while she was treating a patient! It sounded ghastly, almost sacrilegious. Who in their right mind would kill a doctor? Everyone around Lee thought so.

Only Kyon was jubilant in his nook. He was happy to get rid of the ravening sadist. {Apparently, Yegorka killed her in the end. Your balls were worth it, buddy.}

Stephanie said:

«Rumor has it that Mr. Flitz, some nameless guy, and Yegorka had an appointment that day. Flitz and the unknown boy had left the hospital before the tragedy happened, but no one saw Yegorka leave. Perhaps, the elders’ favorite boy was somehow involved…»

«Yegorka? The little bastard?!» – Lee asked angrily and looked at those around him. – «Let me know if you see Yegorka today. I’ll find out everything from him. Justice must triumph!»

Everyone nodded in agreement. Some enthusiasts had already left to scour every corner of the mansion in search of the notorious little bastard. He could not have missed the party. The patriarch himself had ordered everyone to come. Those who knew his friends, Makar and Sicily, began to look for them, too. But in the end, everyone was in for a big disappointment.

Kyon smiled. It seemed that his sworn enemy wasn’t going to live long. So much the better, one problem less for him. It’s better to dispose of dangerous enemies at once. Juno and Dinah fell into that category. He had found a good use for Juno, the sly fox, but he had yet to settle the question with the maid, and with Yegorka as well. Only, he had cowardly fled.

Kyon noticed some guests from the Brown family (2). One of the boys left his family circle and walked confidently to the table where Lee was sitting. He was dressed in a white uniform and was wearing a token of the 2nd rank that depicted a furious tiger, the Browns’ coat of arms.

It turned out that there was an outsider at the party who had the 2nd rank. It means that his father or mother had the 1st rank, i.e, someone of his parents was an elder. He might have gained the rank after the qualification test, only he needed the development of the 4th phase for that and, consequently, he was given his rank at birth.

«Greetings, Lee. My name is Tsayan.»

There was confusion in Lee’s eyes when he shook Tsayan’s hand with a polite smile.

«You don’t know me. I’m Kiyan Brown’s brother, elder Stephen Brown’s youngest son.»

«Kiyan?! The very Kiyan?!» … «Oh my God, how is it possible?!» – The guests cried out, stunned.

Everyone knew that Kiyan was the 2nd most powerful fighter in the Brown family. There were a lot of different rumors about his power. His fame surpassed Lee’s.

Lee smiled, carefully hiding amazement on his face. «Pleased to meet you, Tsayan. Where is your brother?»

«He has better things to do.» – replied Tsayan.

The Stones felt uncomfortable. Everyone understood this party had ridiculous prestige. There wasn’t a single outsider of the 2nd rank, except Tsayan.

«I see. Tell your esteemed brother that I won’t lose to him at the family tournament.» – Lee said, his voice had a hard edge.

«Of course, I will.» – Tsayan replied in a mocking voice. Then he returned to the Browns and was immediately surrounded by a group of followers. He seemed to be the most reputable Brown to arrive.

All of a sudden, the doors to the hall opened loudly.

Two short-haired arrogant boys came inside with insolent smiles on their faces. Both of them were no older than 16 years old. They had a blue token of the Grand family (0) on their chests, both had the 4th rank. The first guests from the royal family had arrived with an attitude of being the stars of today’s event.josei

All eyes were on them. The orchestra died down. Silence reigned in the hall. The arrival of the Grands at the “little” party came as a great surprise.

«Come on, gentlemen. We are no kings to stop the fun because of us.» – One of them said and headed for the remarkable table that had his number. As expected, the Grand zone was empty.

The music continued to play. The servants returned to serving treats. The guests went about their business, looking with caution at the royal couple.

One of the Grands came up to Lee and shook his hand tight. «Dear Lee, I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time. My name is Hong. I am an average member of the royal family. The usual mediocrity. How is your training going?»

Lee’s face flushed red. He was about to explode with tension but said nothing, only grunted quietly.

Many guests looked at each other and couldn’t understand why the Stone leader was so tense. Was he scared of a Grand?

Finally, Hong released him from his iron handshake.

Lee groaned and hid his injured hand in the pocket, pretending that nothing had happened.

«Glad to meet you, Mr. Hong. Everything’s all right. I’m evolving little by little. How are you doing?» – Lee smiled politely.

«I’m doing great! My elder brother was just like you when he was 13. He was also in the middle of the superior phase and kept training. He is 19 now, and I can’t imagine the reason why he wouldn’t want to attend this grand event!» – Hong finished his loud tirade with a good share of snide.

Some of the Browns giggled malevolently.

The Stones blushed but said nothing. Was his brother at the same stage of development as Lee at the age of 13? But Lee was already 19! His little brother was as strong as Stone number one! What stage of development was his brother now?

The reason his brother wasn’t present at the party was clear for everyone. The Stones had to endure another slap in the face. The royal family had always looked down on everyone. It’s better not to argue with them. Fools who dared to oppose them didn’t live long.

«I am not going to ruin your fun, kids.» – Hong said and went to join his friend at the table with a pleased look on his face.

The Stones breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong and his friend had come to this miserable semblance of a party to humiliate losers, get in the spotlight, find a beautiful girl for the night, and find out what precious Juno tasted like.

Kyon discerned their motive at first glance. {I see… The royal family must be very respected if the scum of the 4th rank allows themselves to behave like this. I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of their useful resources.}

However, Kyon was in no hurry to act. First, he needed to explore the situation.

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