Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: Her fight

Chapter 225: Her fight

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny



Celia swung her holy sword with a cracking spirit.

A thunderbolt from the holy sword Claíomh Solas cleaves several trolls and burns them all together.

“Imperial style swordsmanship――【Tonitrus:thunder and lightning】”


The battle between Celia and the Trolls began in hostile territory but it could no longer be called a 『battle』.

The trolls are huge monsters, nearly three metres in height. The herds of twenty of these monsters are chased,burnt down and cut to pieces by Ceilia, repeatedly.

At first, the trolls resisted, but now they have passed the point of complete defence and are simply running away.

For a troll weighing several hundred kilos, the human creature was not an enemy. They were prey to be chased, caught and eaten.

Although there are occasionally species clad in metal shells, they should not be defeated unless there is something wrong with them. josei

However, the enemy in front of them: Celia: was clearly different from the humans that the trolls had hunted in the past.

She wore no armour or helmet. She was small and didn’t look like she was built to fight.

In fact, the meat looked tender and should have looked like the finest foodstuff, but they noticed that it was them who were being hunted.

Each time Celia swung her sword, her fellow trolls died.

Some of them tried to escape by moving quickly despite their huge size but they were instantly shot out of the air by a thunderbolt and stopped moving.

Having been exposed to the horror of the human creature for the first time, the trolls are already reduced to about the number of fingers on one hand. It is probably only a matter of time before they are wiped out.


But one troll had an idea.

He guessed what had caused Celia to fly into their settlement.



A troll dragged a human being out of the cage and held her up like a shield. The hostage was a young girl around ten years old.

“……taking hostages. It’s petty and clever and it really pisses me off.”

Celia squints disapprovingly at the troll who used an underage girl as a shield.

All but the troll who had taken the hostage had already been defeated. There was only one left. The troll, his face contorted in ugliness, was trying to back away with the little girl in his arms.

“I can’t tell you to let go of the hostages. I don’t even know if you understand my language and I know from seeing this place that you people have no mercy.”

Celia’s voice was quieter than ever, but inside she was raging with anger.

The trolls’ practice of literally preying on humans was unforgivable. Of course, she doesn’t believe that the natural world is a predator and that eating other animals is evil, but such logic was not in Celia’s mind.

Celia will defeat the demons that are tormenting people. This is the justice that Celia believes in today.

It is the truth that she has derived from her various experiences in the Kingdom of Zain and which is unique to her.

“I’m going to kill you now. No hard feelings.”


“Imperial style swordsmanship――【Fulgor: Instant Thunder】”

A flash of lightning flashes and Celia moves instantly behind the troll.

She thrusts her holy sword into the back of the startled and bewildered troll,and then pierces it straight through to its chest.

“Gu…… Fo……”

Celia’s blow accurately pierced the troll’s heart but the troll, with a life force as massive as its body, did not simply die out.

With his last ounce of strength, he tries to clutch the body of the young girl she is holding as a hostage as the least resistance he can muster.

“As if I let you!!”

“Guoooooooooooooo …!?”

Lightning shot out from the impaled Claíomh Solas and pierced the troll’s entire body.

The precisely controlled electric current ran only through the troll’s body and did not try in the slightest to flow through the young girl in his hand.


On the contrary, care was even taken to ensure that the electric current did not cause the muscles in the arm to contract and crush the hand. Only the muscles that stretch the joints, called 『extensors』, were precisely stimulated to release the captive girl.


“Oops! It’s dangerous!”

[It’s abunai]

The young girl was released from the troll’s arms and was caught by Celia. With blinding speed due to instantaneous movement.

“You are………”

“Sorry it took me so long to come and help you….. you’re going to be safe now.”


“Don’t cry….”

When Celia stroked her head, tears welled up from the little girl’s eyes as if her worries and burden had disappeared.

Clinging to her chest and sobbing, the young girl was soothed as Celia walked towards the cage the troll had built to rescue the other villagers.

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