Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 226

Chapter 226: Her and The Guild

Chapter 226: Her and The Guild

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny

After defeating the trolls and rescuing the captured villagers, Celia returned directly to the guild where she had received the request.

It took some time because she had to send the villagers out of the forest, but for Celia, who can use instantaneous movement, the time for travelling was nothing.

She received the request this morning and was able to return to the guild that evening.

“Ce,Celia-san, are you alright?!”

As Celia entered the guild building, a receptionist she knew ran up to her. josei

She is a petite woman with brown hair tied back. She is about the same age as Ceilia.

“I’m home, Lusha! As you can see, I’m not hurt!”

“Good……so where are the villagers? Were the people kidnapped by the trolls safe?”

The reason why Celia attacked the troll settlement was because she received an urgent request from the guild.

A village near the forest had been attacked by trolls, and the villagers had been kidnapped, so she was asked to go and rescue them.

Celia rushed to the village as soon as she received the request, but by the time she arrived at the troll settlement, half of the kidnapped villagers had lost their lives.

“I couldn’t save more than half of them…. but I did send the ones who were alive back to their villages.”

“I see…..”

When Celia reported with a darkened expression on her face, receptionist Lusha also became somber.

“I didn’t expect trolls to appear in a place like that……There’s been an increase in damage from demons lately, hasn’t there?”

As Lusha said, the appearance of demons has recently increased.

Even in areas originally inhabited by a large number of demons, there are reports that the demons have clearly strengthened and not only adventurers but even knights are being sent out to defeat them.

“Massive outbreaks of demons……since that earthquake, no, since the night of the red moon.”

Celia bites her lip.

As the holder of the Holy Sword, Celia knew the cause of the increase in demons.

It was because the 『Six Witches of Doom』 had returned after the night of the red moon, known as the 『Witches’ Resurrection Ritual』.

‘Neimilia was a good girl, but…..other witches are still enemies of humans. Even that earthquake was said to have been caused by one of the witches, so we still have to fight them when we confront them……!’

Ceilia is prepared in her heart.

She has reconciled with a witch called Neimilia and made friends with her, but that will not be the case with other witches.

Even if she distances herself from the imperial army and the royal court, the time will eventually come when she will fulfil her duty as the holder of the Holy Sword.

Defeat the Witch of Doom and save humanity. Celia was chosen by Claíomh Solas for that purpose.

“Oh……by the way, Celia-san. While I was away, someone came to the guild who wanted to meet Celia-san. It seems he came from the royal palace……”

“Are they the Knights again? They’re really persistent!”

Although she was left alone by her father, Emperor Zacharias Von Arslanian, many people were trying to bring Celia back to the royal palace.

She has been using her instantaneous movement to spread around the guilds here and there, but every once in a while someone with good instincts sniffs out her whereabouts and barges in at the guilds and inns.

‘Do I have to move from this town too? I’m starting to like this, the food was good’

Celia sighs softly.

It would be troublesome if she came face to face with a messenger from the royal palace. It’s already dusk today and she’s determined to get ready for her journey and leave town tomorrow.

‘The inn where I’m staying might be guarded up, maybe I should stay at Lusha’s house tonight? It’s evening already, and they won’t come up to the guild, will they?’

Celia ponders in this way, but against her expectations, the guild gates open behind her.

Entering were soldiers in the armour of the Imperial Guard. And a girl with emerald hair and azure eyes.

“Ooo! I found you, my sister!”

“Eeeeeee?!! You are…”

“Seriously……adventuring in such a remote town. I thought I would have to search all over the empire for you!”

The person who appeared was someone she knew. Celia’s half-sister.

A half-breed born to Emperor Zacharias and an elf woman.

She was the fifth imperial princess: Alex Rainmakina Amaltu Arslanian.

TL: THE TOMBOY ELF HAS APPEARED…and her name is still mouthful…..

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