Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 104 - Guilty Preston

Chapter 104 - Guilty Preston

Aria limped back on her way once she left the ward. Her leg was throbbing in pain, maybe she had sprained it when she fell.

"Great, just great." She said sarcastically.

Nurse Thomas looked at her limping. "What happened my dear? How did you get hurt?"

She held her hand and helped her to the nearest empty ward.

"I slipped and fell." Aria lied.

"You should be careful dear."

"Yes, Mama." Aria laughed, making the nurse to laugh along with her.

"Let me take a look." Nurse Thomas made her sit on the bed and looked at her leg.

As the nurse removed her shoes, Aria stopped her.

"I'll do it myself."

"You just sit. Let me assist you."

The nurse removed her shoes and then her socks, her ankle had swollen and had become a little pink."

"Oh my." The nurse held her ankle delicately and inspected it. Aria took a deep breath, it pained like hell.

"You have a sprained ankle dear. You need a bandage. I'll be right back."

The nurse left the ward and came back within five minutes.

She placed an ice pack on the swollen ankle. Aria sighed in content, the ice pack had reduced her pain.

Nurse Thomas then put an elastic bandage on her ankle.

"You cannot use your shoes, so I got you a pair of slippers to wear."

"Thank you."

"Sit for a few minutes for the pain to lessen."


The nurse carried the tray and went outside the ward. On her way, she bumped into Preston.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine. How about you?" Preston questioned back.

"I am fine too."

The nurse walked away leaving Preston alone. He lingered outside the ward, thinking whether or not to go inside. He had seen Aria go inside the ward with the nurse a few minutes back. He wanted to go inside, but his ego was stopping him. He did not know how to face her. He stood in his place confused.

After ten minutes, Aria stepped out of the ward. She saw Preston standing outside.

"You, is anything the matter?" She asked calmly.

"About the time in the ward.." He started.

"What about it?"

"I wanted to say sorry."

"Why? What did you do?" Aria looked at him puzzled.

"I pushed you in anger."

"That, not a problem." Aria gave him a smile.

"Are you not angry?"

"Why should I be?"

"I pushed you?" Preston stressed on the word pushed.

"No. I am not angry."

"Oh." He did not know what to say.

"If there is nothing else, I'll take my leave," Aria said and limped away.

Preston saw Aria limping.

'Is she hurt because of me?' He pondered. He remembered that she was perfectly fine when he brought her into the ward.

'So, I hurt her.' He was filled with immense guilt.

He ran to her.

"Excuse me."

Aria stopped. "Yes."

"I am sorry."

"Why are you sorry again?"

"I hurt you."

Preston looked at her bandaged ankle. Aria followed his line of sight and looked at her ankle.

"This, it was my mistake. I was not careful."

Preston looked at her speechless. He was not sure why Aria was blaming herself when it was his mistake.

"I'll get going then," Aria said and started walking.

Preston saw her in pain and chided himself. "Let me help you."

"That's fine. I have to go on rounds anyway."

She held her shoes in one hand and supported herself using the wall. Preston waited until she was nowhere to be seen. He then slowly dragged his body towards Valarie's ward.

The nurse was still inside. She stood up as soon as he went in.

"I'll stay here. You can leave."


Preston sat on the chair heavily. He recalled the way he had behaved with Aria, yet she had not given him even an ounce of scolding. In fact, she had even forgiven him for his mistake. He felt very apologetic. He then remembered how Aria had dismissed him with a smile. It was not until then did he realize that she had a very beautiful smile.

His mind was filled with her smiling face, her eyes sparkling, and her cute confused face when he apologized.

He sighed. Why was he even thinking about her? She was not even related to him. He had much better work to do than to think about her. He pushed her thoughts to the back of his head and started testing his hacking skills again.

Meanwhile Aria kept her shoes in her cabin and went to take care of her patients. All of her patients were sleeping, it was way past 11 at night. It took her almost an hour to finish her rounds. By then she was tired. So, she thought of taking a nap in her cabin.

On her way back, she walked by Rachel's ward. She saw that Rachel was still not sleeping. She went inside.

"Not asleep yet?" She asked when she went inside.

Rachel looked at her in surprise. She observed at the woman in front of her. She was beautiful.

"No. I slept all day. So, now I am wide awake."

"Hmm." Aria looked at her health chart.

"You are Ian's patient."


"So, right now you are my patient then." josei


"Yes, I am in charge of Ian's patients right now. He is resting."

"I know. He gave his bone marrow."

"You know about it?"

"Yes. I am Rachel Carter by the way."

"Carter. Are you related to Noah Carter by the way?"

"Yes, I am his sister. Why do you ask?"

"Ohh. Nothing." Aria smiled. " I am Aria West."

"You are Aria?"


"I know about you. You are my brother's girlfriend."

"You know about me? How?"

"Noah has told me about you. A pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. What happened to you?"

"Got involved in an accident."

"Ohh. You look fine. You may be discharged by tomorrow if all is well."

"That's great." Rachel was excited. She was bored of staying there even though it was only for a day.

Aria raised her eyebrows.

"You see, I don't like staying in a hospital."

"I agree."

"How is the woman who was admitted along with me? Ian told me she was in a coma." Rachel said sadly.

"Hey, hey relax alright. She is fine, she gained her consciousness."

"Is it? That's great. I want to see her. Can you take me to her?"

"Now, it's a little late. Also, she was given a high dosage of painkillers. So, she might be sleeping. You can meet her tomorrow."

"Fair enough."

Rachel's phone rang at that moment. It was a video call from Daniel. She picked it up without hesitation even though Aria was still in the ward.

"I was waiting for your call." She said happily.

"I am sorry. I had some work till now. Have a case tomorrow."

Aria heard a familiar voice and she raised her eyebrows. Was that Daniel?

"I want you to meet someone."


"My brother's girlfriend."

"Aria meet Daniel, my boyfriend."

Rachel turned the phone to Aria. Now she could see Daniel's face clearly on the phone.



Both of them said each other's name in shock.

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