Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 105 - Shall We Tell The President?

Chapter 105 - Shall We Tell The President?

"What is so important that you have come to meet me now?" Frederick Clarke asked annoyed. It was way past the time he usually went to sleep. But he couldn't blame Ryder either, his job called for it.

"It better be something important."

"Yes, Chief it is," Ryder said.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"No Chief, I am fine."

"So, tell me what you want to say? And where is Valarie?"

"Chief, Deputy met with an accident."

"What? When did that happen?" Frederick asked perplexed.

"Yesterday. She is still unconscious right now."

"Where is she?"

"She is at Regal Medical Medical Hospital."

"How is she? What did the doctors say?"

"She is doing well. She might wake up within this week."

"That's great. Is anybody there with her in the hospital?"

"Yes, Preston is there to look after her."

"Good good."

"Chief, I have something else to tell."

"Yes, go ahead."

"Chief, we believe that there might be an attack on us."

"What attack? We are already at war with our neighboring country."

"I mean we do know that David Peters was not working in this mission alone, there was somebody else supporting him from behind."

"Yes, but we don't know who he is."

"Now, since David is dead, all the traces that lead to him have been erased."

"I speculated it to be a murder too. So, I have asked the police to hand over the case to the Intelligence."

"Chief, now that everybody's attention is elsewhere, I think the mastermind behind this virus attack may put forth his plan."

"You mean to say he might release the virus anytime soon."

"Just a speculation, but the possibility is very likely."

"How did you end up with this theory?"

"Just a thought." Ryder did not say it was a theory brought to their notice by a journalist. He did not want to take her name here, that would be awkward.

"Hmm. I see."

"Yes, Chief. I suggest we take look into this matter. It is not as simple as it looks."

"What do you want to tell?"

"Shall we tell the President?"

"You want to tell the President about something you are not sure of?" Frederick said widening his eyes.

Ryder sensed that he was angry, but he did not know why he was angry.

"Yes. It's better to be safe than sorry." Ryder reasoned.

"No, I don't agree with this."

"But Chief..."

"No. The President already has a lot on his plate, I don't want to increase his worries by some unbelievable speculations which might not even become true."

"But Chief, we can at least try and have some precautions."

"No." Frederick deadpanned. "I disagree. Now you may leave."

Ryder left Frederick's house dejected. He had made a wasted trip here. He got in his car and drove towards the hospital. He did not know what else to do. He did not have the President's contact and even if he did he could not go against his Chief's orders.

"What did the Chief say?" Preston asked as soon as Ryder entered the ward.

"He disagreed to do anything right now."

"What? How could he? Isn't this a serious matter?"

"Apparently, he believes we should not do anything if this is just our speculation. He wants proof."

"Nonsense." Preston hissed. He then realized that his voice might have been loud.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you something." josei


"Deputy woke up today."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. she even spoke a little."

"What did she say? How is she? What did the doctor say?"

"She did not say much. The doctor has given her painkillers, so she is sleeping. She will be fine by tomorrow."

"This is great news."

"Yes, it is."

Hearing the word doctor, Preston's mind went back to Aria and her pretty smile. But he got out of his thoughts immediately.

"Now what do we do about this matter?"

"I am not sure. We cannot defy orders." Ryder said dejected.


"How is your hacking coming along?"

"Still bad."

"We could try a professional hacker."

"No. What if our secrets leak out."

"Right, only if Margeret was here." Ryder sighed.

"Tell me, why did she even leave her job?"

"I don't know that either. There were rumors that she was forced to quit, but I am not sure. Only the Chief and the Deputy knows about it. However, they have kept their lips zipped."

"I think there was a huge drama that took place."

"Definitely. No denying that."

"We can use hackers from other departments too right? There are so many of them."

"I don't know, Deputy doesn't seem to trust them that much."

"Did she have a fall out with them?"

"Not that I know of." Ryder shrugged.

"This is crazy. I am trying to hack for a long time and I have ended up nowhere. Want to try?"

"I am bad at it too. I have tried and got tired now."

"What are we to do? Agh. There are so many things for us to do now."

"Let's sleep. I am tired and my brain has become a roasted chicken. I need a break."

"Me too. But before that, I am going to take a walk. I cannot sleep if I mind is not at peace."

"Sure." Ryder slumped on the chair and made himself comfortable while Preston went to take a walk.

The hospital was silent, not many people were walking at this time of the night. He sauntered through the silent hallway, keeping his eyes and ears open to notice anything strange. He had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

Going on a walk was actually a lie, he had come out because he had sensed danger. He had noticed someone staring at him when he was talking to Aria. And as expected, he could still sense someone.

He came down from the third floor to the first floor. There were quite a lot of people on that floor. He walked past them and went towards the canteen. He was hungry, he could as well eat something.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Aria drinking coffee with another woman.

"Why am I meeting Aria everywhere I go today? What is happening?" He spoke to himself. He bought a cup of tea and sat at the farthest table, away from Aria.

If he saw her once more, he felt might end up becoming crazy.

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