Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 125 - Nagging Feeling

Chapter 125 - Nagging Feeling

While Noah and Joshua were busy trying to figure out their next course of action, Ivy was in deep thought. She couldn't get the nagging feeling out of her head. She had a hunch that somewhere something was wrong. But she not sure where. josei

Aria too was having similar thoughts. She clearly remembered having seen the two pen drives in the pouch. 'Where did they go?' She wondered. She couldn't have lost it. She had brought it home the day she had found it and had not touched the pouch since then.

"Ivy, there's something wrong," Aria stated looking straight at the wall. She was vexed thinking about the pen drives. She had an inkling that there was something in them which would be of importance.

"Absolutely. No doubt in that."

"I am sure I haven't lost it."

"I have this feeling that we are missing something which is right in front of our eyes." Ivy voiced with uncertainty in her voice.

"Ugh...I am done. I have to get up early tomorrow. Good night Ivy."

Ivy then remembered that she had not told Aria about her job.

"Aria wait. I am resigning from my job."

"Why? What happened?" Aria knew how much Ivy loved being a journalist. It was her life and the fact that she had decided to resign out of nowhere was quite a shock for her.

"Do you remember Max? I told you about him."

"Yes. He is your boss or team leader, if I am not wrong."

"He is our chief editor and we are in his team." Aria was looking at her patiently to continue. Though she was tired and sleepy, she was also worried about her sister.

"Our complete team has been sent on an indefinite furlough." She said giving a faint smile.

"What? How? Why?" Aria was appalled. She couldn't even speak properly hearing the news.

"Apparently the management feels that the news we are providing is not true and is misleading the public."

"How is that even possible? You were doing the same thing for years. The management was not unhappy back then. Why is there a sudden shift in their behavior? There's something fishy."

"Yes. We have the same feeling too. There is someone who feels threatened by our work."

"Who?" Aria asked bringing her head forward.

"No idea."

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"Max has a plan. We are meeting tomorrow to discuss it."

"That's great. Be safe alright." She looked at her in concern, patting her hand. Ivy glanced at her sister and she couldn't stop herself from saying, "Aria, don't look at me that way. I will think that you are falling for me."

Aria narrowed her eyes and punched her sister's hand lightly. "I don't need to fall in love with you. I have an amazing man for that and I am happy with him."

"Yeah. I can see that. You guys can't keep your hands off each other."

"Look who is speaking. Who was the one I found on the floor entangled with Joshua? By the way, what's happening between you two?"


"It does not look like there is nothing. There is an obvious tension in the air. Even Noah sensed it."

"Aria, don't cook things up. There is nothing between us and Noah and you are dancing on the same tune. Whatever you say, he just goes along with it."

"If you say so. But I would definitely be happy if you end up with Joshua, he is a great guy. Anyway, I am going to go to sleep." Aria yawned and went to her room leaving Ivy alone. She thought about the time she had fallen on Joshua and the words he had told her in the kitchen. Her heart fluttered immediately and she blushed without her knowledge. Though she found Joshua attractive, she was hesitant to proceed further. He didn't seem like a guy who would commit to a serious relationship and she was not interested in a casual fling.

Ivy sat thinking about Joshua for a long time. Realizing what she was imagining, she patted her cheeks thrice to remove the trance she was in. She then wondered who could be Tim working for and if he was the reason for her team to lose their jobs.

Meanwhile, the man in question was reporting the day's events to his Boss on the phone.

"Tell me clearly. What happened?" The man spoke from the other side.

"Boss, the team has been removed according to your words," Tim replied honestly. He gulped although there was nothing for him to worry. He had done exactly what his boss wanted of him.


"I have followed all the people we had doubts about and there is nothing suspicious about them. But.."

"But what?"

"There is this one woman, Ivy. She is acquainted with Joshua Martin."

"Joshua Martin. Is that Noah's friend, Joshua?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Then what happened? Did you find out anything?" The man asked in interest.

"No Boss. They met at a cafe and then they went to the girl's house."

"Did anything else happen?"

"No Boss."

Tim had left just twenty minutes after Ivy and Joshua had reached her house. So, he had missed Noah who had come a few minutes after he vacated. If he had known about Noah's presence, then he would have been shocked to death.

"That's interesting. Is there something going on between the two? Keep an eye on her." The man ordered still wondering why Joshua was involved with Ivy.

"Okay, Boss."

The call ended and the man sighed. His assistant handed him a glass of water.

"Are you alright Master?"

"Yes. Have you added the drug?" His assistant nodded and the man gulped down drugged water in one go. He waited for the drug to take its effect.

"How is your search for Kane coming along?"

"Boss, the man has disappeared without a trace. We are still in the process of searching for him."

Hearing his assistant's words, the man flared up. But the drug's effect had started which calmed him down and his eyes were already glistening in ecstasy. However, his mind was still sober.

"Find him at any cost." He said in a calm voice. But only his assistant knew the situation was anything but peaceful. Kane had got himself in trouble by getting caught while committing a crime. Now, he was a wanted criminal. However, his mistake of getting caught had created a problem for his Boss as he was the man behind the organ trafficking.

"Yes, Boss."

"And kill him. We do not want him revealing about us." The man said take a deep breath. The drug had taken its effect and his mind was high. It looked like he was in euphoria.

"Is the woman ready?" The man stood up and removed his coat.

"Yes, Boss. She is in your room."

"Good. You may leave."

The assistant bowed his head and left the hall while the man walked to his room to have his prey. The assistant could only pity the woman who knew nothing about what was going to happen to her in a few minutes and how in a matter of few hours she would end up dead just like the other women.

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