Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 126 - Devil To Pacify

Chapter 126 - Devil To Pacify

The long night finally ended and the morning light engulfed the city, the sun shining bright. The sky was clear with no hint of dark clouds. Aria was already up, while Ivy was still in her dreamland. She was never a morning person. It was a misery for her to wake up early. josei

Aria did not bother to wake her up. She prepared tea for herself, she could buy something in the hospital canteen. There was still time for her shift to begin. So, she browsed the internet for any gossip. She found an article about a superstar getting involved in a drug scandal that interested her. So, she started reading about it.

"Morning." Ivy came out of her room, rubbing her eyes. Her hair was nothing less than a bird's nest and she looked like she had just made a trip to the horror house. She looked like a zombie herself. Aria chuckled looking at her sister's state.

"Good Morning. I have made you some tea." Aria wished her back and focused on reading her article. Ivy plopped on the sofa in front of her and yawned.

"How come you are up this early?" Aria asked as she sipped on her tea.

"I have to go to meet Max. Kira is spamming me since morning by calling me every few minutes. It's disturbing my sleep. I could as well get up."

Aria nodded. "Oh, I forgot. I will be going to the border to help our soldiers in a few days."

"When?" Ivy's eyes widened.

"Upcoming Monday."

"That's in four days," Ivy whined like a child. "Why?"

"Our soldiers are getting shot every few minutes and there is need of medical emergency. Major Meyer requested the President to send over some medical staff. Our hospital received a mail from them and I accepted."

"Are you talking about Major Ethan Meyer?" Ivy asked, her eyes sparkling with interest. She was nothing less than an excited child who was ready to open her first Christmas present.

"Apparently yes. If that is his full name." Aria shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"You are going to see him?" Ivy's voice increased one level.

"If going on a medical emergency is taken into consideration, then yes. I'll be seeing him a lot." Aria was not sure where her sister was leading the conversation and what she wanted to do.

"Wow. I mean just wow." Ivy stood up and raised her hands in shock.

"What happened? Do you know him?"

"Not exactly. I wanted to do a documentary on a soldier's life and my colleague recommended him. He is so sexy." Ivy said dreamily.

"Is it?"

"Give me your phone." Aria handed her phone to Ivy waiting to see what she was up to.

"Have you seen his photograph?"


"Then take a look." Ivy handed her the phone back, with his photo on the screen.

"I don't think I would need to look at other men. My boyfriend is.....Wow, he is hot." Aria exclaimed ogling at the hot man's photo.

"I told ya."

"Wow, he is stunningly handsome."

"Aria, are you in the mood to cheat on my brother-in-law?" Ivy asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Maybe," Aria said playfully. "Look at this man. He is the epitome of rugged handsomeness."

Though Ethan was handsome, she felt he was inferior to Noah. Maybe because she was his girlfriend and was giving him the advantage. However, she still played along with Ivy and anyway, there was nothing wrong in looking at gorgeous men. Noah was not here. So, she had nothing to worry about.

"Wait till I tell your man about your new crush." Ivy teased as she snatched Aria's phone from her hand. Her phone was still on the bedside table. So, she did not waste energy in fetching it.

"You won't dare."

"Oh trust me. I will." With that, Ivy dialed Noah's number without hesitation.

"Ivy, give me my phone," Aria shouted running behind her.

"You were the one to challenge me." She answered escaping from her sister. Aria could only hope that Noah would not pick up the call. But to her dismay, that was the one thing that happened the next moment.

"Hello, love. Good morning." He replied with his sexy morning voice. The phone was already on the loudspeaker. So, both the sisters heard his voice.

"Umm. Noah, this is Ivy." Ivy answered awkwardly. She realized it was a mistake to use her sister's phone to call Noah. She should have fetched hers.

"Hello." Noah got up immediately. He was still on his bed when he had received Aria call.

"Ugh. Yeah. Noah, keep your woman on a leash, otherwise she will slip through your fingers and you will not even notice."

"Ivy, stop it. Noah, don't listen to her." Aria yelled trying to take her phone back. However, Ivy avoided her attack and stood opposite to her with the sofa separating the two.

"What happened?" Noah asked, still confused with the way the sisters were behaving. He was not sure what they were doing.

"Your woman was ogling another man's photograph on her phone." Ivy winked at Aria.

"What?" Noah was dumbfounded.

"Yes. I don't know what you are doing. I don't want my sister cheating on you. You are a good man, so I am warning you beforehand." Noah could hear the tease in Ivy's voice. He realized that she was pulling Aria's leg. When he was provided with an opportunity to make his girl flustered, who was he to reject it? So he played along.

"Give the phone to Aria," Noah said with a playful voice, giving a hint to Ivy that he was game with her.

"Your man wants to talk to you," Ivy stated with all seriousness and handed the phone to her. Aria glared at her. Her sister was such a troublesome person.

"Hello." She answered so softly and sweetly that it melted Noah's heart. However, he shock the feeling immediately and spoke to her in a stern voice.

"What am I hearing Aria?"

"Nothing, Ivy is just cooking things up. I was just... I was..Umm..." She stammered unable to form any words.

"You were what?" He asked calmly. He couldn't deny that this was fun. Only if he was in front of her, he could look at her flustered self. Just the imagination was making him fidgety and hot.

"She wanted me to see someone. So, I..."

"So, you were seeing his photo." Noah completed her sentence. Aria nodded. But when she realized that he would not be able to see it, she gave him an affirmative answer.

"Aria, I think it's time for your punishment."

"No, no. Noah, listen to me." Aria panicked, making Noah smirk.

"Wait till I get a hold of you. I must remind you who your boyfriend is and you can only ogle at me, nobody else." He replied with no room for discussion.

"What are you talking about?" Aria turned around. But Ivy was nowhere to be found. She had returned to her room long back.

"When you have such a handsome man as your boyfriend, you still want to see other men. This is unacceptable. No way." Noah smiled. His girlfriend was so cute and adorable and his sister-in-law was a sweetheart giving him opportunities to stay close to his woman.

"Noah, wait. It's not what you think it is."

"Wait for me. I am coming to pick you up." The call ended.

Aria groaned. Her sister had now created a problem. She was genuinely worried, she did not know it was all an act. Now she had a devil to pacify.

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