Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 307 - Spilling Secrets

Chapter 307 - Spilling Secrets

It was not surprising to hear that Jared was the mastermind behind the virus given how the man was as vicious as a snake. He sure was evil and cunning to think about harming innocent people. If it were others, they would have been surprised to hear how horrible he was, but to Noah, it was not that shocking. He had personally witnessed how brutal the man could be.

The one thing that he could not comprehend was why Jared was trying to bring about mass destruction in the country. What would he get out of hurting people he did not even know? Was it some sick fantasy of his or did he have a motive? If he did, what motive was it? His eyes fell on Tim who, at that moment, was still looking at him. 

"Why do you think he is doing this?"josei

"I am not sure about the reason as to why he is doing this. But I know one thing." As soon as he said this, Noah's eyes rose up in curiosity. He crossed his legs as he leaned back slightly to get a better view of Tim. 

"Although he is the one who issued the orders to his men to perform all these crimes and the mastermind behind it, there is someone above him who has issued orders for him."

"Are you talking about his Godfather?" Noah asked, his interest completely piqued now. He wanted to know more about this man who Tim was talking about. He wanted to know everything about him and how he was even associated with Tim. Were they related by blood or was it just an unexpected relationship? He wanted to know everything, but Tim had already told him that he did not know much about the man and it was always Jared who met him in secret.

"Yes. Jared once told me that his Godfather wanted him to use any method to end this country. Though he had not told him how, he had asked him to use whatever technique he wanted. It was then Jared heard about the deadly virus that was being created and he immediately ordered them to prepare bulks of canisters of the virus and be shipped to him. But the plan obviously got foiled after the secret video went viral and David Peters got caught."

"Didn't Jared try to make any other attempts to release it again?" Noah queried his brows furrowing further. Something was not adding up here and he was not sure what.

"No. Not yet. When David Peters got caught, the police seized all the canisters he had. So, Jared had to buy again from the bioscientist, and manufacturing it again in bulks took a lot of time."

"Took? What do you mean by 'took'?" Noah asked, his eyes becoming alert all of a sudden.

"The scientist is done with his work and very shortly, it will be shipped to Jared. And this time, Jared himself is making all the plans and handling the process instead of trusting someone else. He wants the plan to be a success at all costs. Otherwise, his Godfather will not be happy and he being unhappy is not good news."

"Why do you say so?"

"That man is a nightmare. Although I have not met him or seen him personally, Jared had spoken about him sometimes and every time, it was horrible to hear. It is said that he is worse than Jared and it was he who nurtured Jared to become this way." As Tim recounted everything he knew, his body shuddered visibly thinking about what Jared had said. It sounded heinous to even hear let alone experience it.

"I see." Noah saw the way the man had shivered visibly. So, he did not go deep into it. He had other questions to ask rather than finding out how horrible Jared's Godfather was.

"If Jared is the one behind the organ trafficking case, then why did he devise a plan to release the virus?" Noah immediately realized how dumb his question was. The answer was hidden right in the question and he had not realized it. How weird. But Tim did not give it much thought and answered honestly.

"I don't know what are the effects of the virus. But I am sure that once a person inhales it, he is bound to get an instant death. Since only Jared has the antidote and it a newly created virus, it would take some time to find the drug to curb the effects of the virus. By then, a lot of people would have died and after death, what is the use of organs in their bodies?"

Noah only nodded at his words. He was still embarrassed at himself for asking such a foolish question. But seeing Tim not giving it much thought, he did not probe on it further. "Why is he involved in this organ trafficking? Is it just for money or are there any other motives?"

"Although I am sure about the reason, I know it is not for money. Jared does not need the meager amount he gets by selling organs. It has to be something, but Jared never disclosed to me about it." Tim wiped the sweat drop that had trickled down his face using a towel and let out a deep breath. 

When he was working for Jared, he had just followed his orders and had never questioned a thing about it. He also did not care that if he was hurting people he did not even know in the process. Right now, as he recounted all the things, he realized how barbaric those acts of his was and his heart was filled with grief and remorse. He chided himself for his cruel acts even though he was not the one who had planned it. 

He was grateful to the person now to have recorded the video about David Peters' involvement. Or else, by now, the country would be dead. As much as Jared and his Godfather would be responsible for their deaths, he too would have to shoulder the responsibility of killing innocent people which poked his conscience after he joined hands with Noah. 

"I am happy that David got caught and the plan failed. Otherwise, I can't even imagine what the consequences would have been."

Noah smiled hearing his words. It was true whatever he said and it was all thanks to Ivy. Now that the man had told him many secrets he knew about Jared, it would only be fair to tell him some secrets of his. But this was not out of courtesy, this was a test he was imposing on Tim. He wanted to know if the man was being sincere when he had joined him or was it all an act of his to get into his group. 

"Do you want to know about the person who recorded the video?"

"Do you know him?"

"I do and I think you do too."

"I do?" Tim narrowed his eyes confusion and thought about Noah's words carefully. But he could not imagine who it could have been.

"You might find out the answer when you find out that the person is a she." 

As soon as Noah said this, Tim's eyes widened in shock. He had never in his dreams expected his speculations to be true. "Ivy?" He asked once again to confirm it, to see if Noah was lying. But the man nodded affirmatively and Tim had got his reply.

"Oh my God. Then it was true. It was Ivy who sabotaged his plans. Wow, that girl is awesome."

"She sure is." Noah agreed instantly. There was nothing in it for him to deny. Buth the sisters were awesome and it was no wonder and the two men had fallen head over heels with them.

"Though I had my doubts about her, I never got the actual proof to prove my point. She was always careful."

"You want to know more."

"There is more to this?" Tim asked perplexed. He was already dumbfounded by the first truth and he was not sure he could take any more.

"Yes. Do you remember about the sting operation on the Good City Clinic?"

"How can I not remember it? It was the first sting operation in three years after Oliver and this had come as a blow to Jared. I remember how he had so furious with it that he had shot five men from his gang to curb the anger. Don't tell me that was done by Ivy to?"

Noah just shrugged his shoulders as though it was nothing superficial for his sister-in-law. To her, it was just like a walk in the park. She was a magnet for explosive news and it came naturally to her. She was just brilliant at her work.

"Wow, I don't know what to say now. I am tongue-tied and blown away by the woman's courage. She sure is better than most men I know. The men in the Vipers Gang do not even hold a candle to her. Brilliant." Tim did not hesitate to praise Ivy after listening to her heroic deeds. It was true that she was excellent and he could not help but admire her more. Since the time he had started to keep an eye on her, he had found out some interesting stuff about her. She was daring and quick-witted and was outstanding at her job.

She was just too good and it was no wonder that Joshua had taken a liking towards her. Her character was so admirable that even he would have liked her if he did not have someone else in his heart.

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