Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 308 - Tim's Warning

Chapter 308 - Tim's Warning

Noah observed every expression on Tim's face, not letting go even a minute change. He wanted to see what he had in mind and whether there were any malicious intentions running in his brain. Now was a good time for him to execute his plans if he was just acting in front of him, given that he had found out a lot of interesting stuff right now, especially about Ivy who was responsible for drowning all of Jared's wicked plans. 

If it was all Jared's new attempts at tricking Noah by sending Tim to him, then Noah would find out now when Tim attempted to contact Jared by hook or by crook to relay the message. Of course, in this tactic of his nobody would get hurt, especially Ivy and he would make sure of it. He had just used her and her work as bait so that he could clarify the doubts he had about Tim. He wanted to make sure that the man was not playing with him and was not having any bad intentions.

Noah secretly apologized to Ivy in his mind and made sure to increase protection around her for now, especially when she was going on a mission in a few days. Although Kaito was more than enough, he still did not want to take any more risks. So, he had ordered Ronnie too to go with Kaito. He could be of help when needed and with him around, there was no need for him to worry about Ivy. Ronnie was the best when it came to matters like these and he would not allow even a scratch to grace Ivy.

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Yes," Noah still had three more questions to ask and these were the most important ones. He needed an answer to them more than anything else.

"Go ahead." Tim prompted leaning back just like the man beside him.

"What do you know about the meeting between the local traders that is going to happen in a few days?" As soon as Noah let out the question, Tim's calm expression cracked. He had controlled his poor heart after a long time as this had been a day for him to receive one blow after another. But Noah was not allowing any of it. He was still hellbent on shocking the man and Tim even wondered if he was planning on giving him a heart attack. 

"How-How do you know about this matter?" Tim was greatly perplexed and he could not control his tongue this time. He had asked the question without thinking.

"Let's just say I have men everywhere who keep their eyes and ears open." Noah lied bluntly. There was no change in his expressions, not even guilt. It was not his men who had given him the information, but Ivy who was a lot more resourceful than any person he could think of. She could get her hands on information like these within seconds which even he could not do although he was a lot more powerful than her. He wondered who her sources were and how they even found out about these matters in the blink of an eye.

"Your sources a quite up to date and I must say I am impressed. I wonder how this matter even leaked outside our gang. This meeting was decided just two days before I came to seek your help and now you are asking me about it. How amazing!!" Tim sassed. This time he was not mocking Noah or his source, but Jared who had no idea about anything that was happening around him. Tim now realized how miles apart Noah and Jared were and also the reason why Noah was way better and well respected than Jared. It was obvious who the king was and why nobody could stand a chance against him. 

Noah was always a thousand steps ahead of everybody else and he thought about all aspects and all possible points of view, unlike Jared who only thought in the same way. If ever a day came when Jared would have a face-off with Noah, it was fixed that Noah would emerge victorious without even having to do anything. He had already prepared himself for the battle and he already had control in his hands. It was just a matter of time when Jared would provoke him head-on.

Noah was waiting for Jared to strike first as it was not his style to attack without any reason. But once if he got a solid reason, there was no stopping him if the man had attacked him or not. For now, Noah was waiting patiently for Jared to fall into his trap slowly but surely and once he did, there was no saving him at all. He had already extended his stay on earth and it was time to clean the world of this scumbag.

"Tell me everything you know about it," Noah said, although it came out order. But Tim remained unfazed by it.

"Sure. This is a meeting between the traders who handle the hospitals in that city and they keep track of everything the hospitals do, like how many people they have operated on and how successful they were in doing their job. It is these people who collect the organs from the hospital and ship to Jared's laboratory."

"Jared has a laboratory?" Noah asked suddenly, interrupting Tim who still had things to say. 

"Yes, he does. But I am not sure of its location. It is a secret not many people know about."

"I see. What are they going to talk about in the meeting?"

"I am not sure. But from what I have heard, it must be a discussion of the statistics, and also now that the flame has been ignited once again after the exposure of Good City Clinic, they might even discuss the new course of action. They will have to prepare a backup plan now, in case things do not go their way. These are just my assumptions, I have never been to these meetings before. So, I cannot tell accurately." Tim breathed as he took another sigh.

Once again, his heart was filled with regret for joining Jared's gang where people did not even hesitate to torture their own people for their gains. They were monsters with no hearts. The gang had no rules except for one: Obey Jared at all costs. It was hell and Tim was happy to have left the gang before he invited his own doom. He got nothing in return even though he had worked loyally for the man he had started to loathe. The man had turned a blind eye to all that he had done and had issued a death warrant on him. Tim could only smile at his foolishness. How naive had he been to join the Vipers?

"Does Jared know about Ivy? I mean does he suspect her like you did?" Noah asked his next question and this one question that was making him nervous as it involved Ivy's safety. Already, his sister had caught the evil's man fancy and he did not want another woman he cared about in his life to get entangled with him. He was worried about Ivy as much as he was worried about Rachel.

To protect his sister, he had already ordered fifteen men to keep an eye on her everywhere she went and these were people who were well trained and well experienced. Yet, he was still anxious thinking about her safety and he did not want another woman to get noted by Jared. He hoped to get a negative answer, he sincerely wished that Jared knew nothing about Ivy. But the answer he got from Tim proved him wrong.

"Jared knows about her and he is more suspicious of her than I was." Tim's eyes then fell on Noah who was deep in thought. He could not help but reprimand himself for everything he had done. It was he who had reported every detail about Ivy and now her life was in danger thanks to him. Again, he was filled with shame and self-reproach. "I am sorry." He apologized but Noah did not give him any answer and Tim did not mind it. He knew he was in the wrong and it was right for him to angry at him.

"What all does he knew about Ivy? Anything I should be careful about?" Noah asked after some time.

"I don't think so. He knows only more or less whatever I know as it was I who kept an eye on Ivy."

"Do you think there is any threat to Ivy's life? Is there any possibility for Jared to attack her?"

"Hundred percent. Jared will only tighten safety now that I have left his gang. He would not want anybody out there to threaten his position and Ivy is one of them. He might want her killed even though he is only suspicious of her. So, I suggest you to increase the security around her. Also, let me warn you about something else. At any cost, I repeat at any cost, do not let any woman around you to get caught by Jared or his men. He is just a monster and no woman has made it out alive after being captured by him. He is a sadist and he gets sick pleasure in torturing women in his bed."

This time Noah was visibly spooked and his heart was thundering wildly as though he had run a thousand miles. He could not even imagine how cruel Jared could be and what all he did for his own gains. Now that he knew almost everything he wanted to know, the first thing he had to do was to increase the security around the three most important women in his life.

Since Rachel was still living with his parents, there was no threat to her, and the guards his father and he had appointed for her were more than enough for her protection. It was Ivy and Aria he was scared about the most. Ivy was the woman Jared was suspicious about and just the fact that Aria was Noah's woman was enough for Jared to attack them.

The best possible way to evade this danger was to bring Aria and Ivy to any of the three men's houses where there were top-notch security and the next second, Noah made the decision. Aria would have to stay with him and Ivy would have to move in with Joshua. This was the only solution and he was sure everybody would agree to it, especially Joshua who would be as excited as he was right now. And why would they not when they could get their women to stay in their houses? josei

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