Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 309 - Lives In Danger

Chapter 309 - Lives In Danger


Noah had found out everything he wanted from Tim and now it was time to see what the man really had in mind. He left him alone in the arena as he had other things to do. However, he still made sure to keep an eye on him by asking his men to follow him closely and look out for him. The man may do things that he was suspicious of and if he did, Noah would not hesitate to kill him with a bullet through his skull.

Tim sat in his spot for quite some time not knowing anything about Noah's plans. His mind was filled with remorse and self-reproach thinking about all the bad things he had done and all the people he had killed. How ironic.! When he was working for Jared, never had he felt anything like these. He never thought about the people he killed nor about their families. All he was interested in was following Jared's orders and finishing his work quickly.

It was only after he joined Noah's people did he realize how cruel he had been and how dumb he had been to have followed such a loser. The regret was killing him from within and he did not know how to face the people he had wronged. All these emotions were new to him. Yet, he was not unhappy to experience it. After a long time, he had made friends who would not betray him in bad times, unlike the people where he worked before. He understood the meaning of comradeship, of sharing and laughter. It was only after coming here, did Tim get some peaceful sleep. It was as though a huge boulder had been lifted off his shoulders after meeting Noah and if things were to go wrong, Noah would never leave his side, provided that Tim was faithful and honest to him.

Tim finally got up from his place and stretched his body that had gone stiff from all the sitting in he had done. He then went to his room to shower as he was still drenched in sweat. On his way, he stopped suddenly, when he sensed someone's presence behind him. But on turning back, he found no one. Finding it to be odd, he continued to walk and went to his room not noticing the man who had been keeping his eye on him on Noah's orders.

Meanwhile, Noah left the underground base and immediately went to meet Joshua. He had to discuss with his friend, the course of outcome even though he knew what his friend's answer would be. He knew Joshua would want Ivy to stay with him just like how he would want Aria to move in with him. However, he still wanted to make sure of his decision and take him along with him to persuade the girls.

He had called Joshua to meet him at Ian's house as he knew that Ian's work had just finished and the poor guy must have been exhausted by now. It was best that these two men went to visit him rather than asking him to meet him. As expected, Joshua was already waiting for him and as usual, he was eating Ian's head while Ian was trying hard to not snap at him.

Although Ian was not that tired, seeing Joshua had made him get a headache. As soon he had opened the door in his sleepy and hazy state, he had seen Joshua standing outside with a huge smirk on his face. He raised his eyebrows playfully at Ian. However, before he could enter, Ian had closed the door shut on his face. The man was in no mood to go through the annoyance, not especially when he all wanted was to get some peaceful sleep. 

"Hey, hey, hey, open the door, you lazy doctor. Open this door right now." Joshua shouted from outside, but Ian did not hear a thing and he went back to his bed, pulled the duvet over him, and drifted off to sleep once again.

"Joshua banged at the door for quite some time until he realized that the man was not going to open it any longer. He then pressed the passcode and opened it himself. If he had known that Ian would smack the door on his face, he would have opened the door without ringing the bell. He was only interested in pissing off the man as he knew he would be fast asleep right now after his night shift. He found it entertaining to trouble Ian. Since the time he had met him, he had not stopped pestering him, irking him to the core and by now, it had become his favorite pastime.

He noticed his friend's absence and deduced the man to be sleeping in his room cozily. Not wasting another moment, he went to him and pulled the duvet off his body making Ian groan. "What do you want Jo? Get out."

"Get up. I want to speak to you."

"I want to sleep. Go speak with somebody else."

"I am bored and you are the only one here."

"Then, go play with Ivy. I am sure you will not be bored then."

"I wish I could but she has work to do."

"Then go do your work. Don't pester me." Ian said and covered himself with the duvet once again, only to be stopped once again. "Why are you even here?"

"Noah wanted to speak something with us."

"Why did he chose my place? You go talk to him."

"He wants to talk to both of us."

"I don't mind if I am not with you two when you two are discussing whatever it is to be discussed. Just tell me the end results. Now leave me alone."

"No way. Get up. You can sleep after we leave. Get up." Joshua pulled Ian by his hand forcefully making him sit up and the man could do nothing but let out a groan in despair. Joshua did not stop at that. He pulled his friend to the living room and pushed him onto the sofa before he sat beside him like an overprotective brother not allowing him to move away from his seat.

He then started to blabber some nonsense not even caring that Ian was not listening to him. He needed someone to keep him company to kill his boredom and Ian was the perfect person. He did not realize that the man beside him was already sleeping with his head lolling to the side. Joshua's voice had been like a lullaby to Ian and he could not help but feel drowsy.

It was then Noah had entered the house and he immediately broke into a chuckle seeing his two friend's state. One of them was blabbering nonstop without a care in the world and the other was sleeping without caring about anything. These were definitely buddies seeing their situation. His laughter broke Joshua's chain of thoughts and he stopped muttering.

"Why are you laughing?" He questioned in confusion, his hands still high in the air in a melodramatic pose which he had used when he was explaining things to Ian.

"Who are you talking to by the way?" Noah threw him a question of his own instead of answering him.

"Noah, have you gone blind, or has Ian here become invisible to you? Can't you see him?"

Noah did not say a thing to him but pointed towards Joshua's left. Following his line of sight, Joshua noticed that Ian was deep asleep and he had completely given deaf ears to whatever he had spoken. 

Joshua's face scrunched up and the next second, he kicked his friend so hard in the shin that Ian woke up with a start. It was not the pain that woke him up but the kick that had broken his dream. He was still confused and did not know what had happened until he saw a furious Joshua and a smiling Noah. 

"When did you guys come here?" He asked scratching his head. He had completely forgotten that Joshua had come to his house almost an hour back and had tried to hinder his sleep. 

Hearing his question, Joshua huffed in anger like a little girl. "Ughh, I can't believe this man. How annoying!!!!"

"What did I do?" Ian asked perplexed by Joshua's sudden outburst. He wondered if the man was suffering from premenstrual syndrome to have changed his emotions this quickly. 

"You.. you.. you." Joshua did not get to answer the question as Noah had intervened.

"Stop it, you guys. You can fight after we finish with the important things we are here to discuss."

"We are discussing important things here?" Ian asked again taken aback by the revelation. "Why was I not informed?"

Joshua gave him one look before his eyes fell on Noah. "Don't blame me. I told him but he was the one to forget."

"Forget it. I went to meet Tim today and found out some things from him."

"And?" Ian prompted curious about the way the conversation had started.

"And, he told me some secrets about Jared. I'll tell you about it later. Before that, I have some good news for you, Joshua." 

As soon as Jo heard the word 'good news', his ears perked up and his eyes sparkled like a little kid. "What is it? What is it?"

"We should persuade the sisters to move in with us. From today onwards, Ivy will live with you and Aria with me."

These words were like wedding bells to Joshua and his face broke out into a huge smile. However, he still composed himself and asked another question. "Why?"

"Because their lives are in danger."

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