Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 310 - Lovesick Fools

Chapter 310 - Lovesick Fools

"Because their lives might be in danger." As soon as Noah uttered the truth, there was pin-drop silence in the living room. Nobody said a word for a long time, each of them carried away in their own thoughts. But all the three had only one intention in mind, to protect the girls around them at all costs.

After a few minutes passed, Ian finally broke the silence. "What did he mean by that? And who do they have a threat from?"

"Jared is suspicious about Ivy and he has a hunch that it was her who vandalized his plans. So, Tim wanted me to take care of her as there are chances that Jared would want to eliminate her before she brought more trouble to him. And Ivy being in danger is just the same as Aria being in danger as they are twins. He may use this blood relationship to get to her. Supposedly if he didn't, there are chances of him finding out about me and Aria as we never hid our relationship. When that happens, he would definitely target Aria to break me."

This time all the confusion the two men, other than Noah, had got cleared. Noah had revealed to them the entire situation and now it was up to them to come up with a solution where nobody would be harmed. 

"The man already had his eyes on Rachel and now, there are chances of Ivy and Aria becoming the next targets. That man is getting out of control. We need to do something before the situation blows up." Joshua suggested, his face completely serious, unlike the time when he had been jovial while he irked Ian. "Have you planned something for him? We need to stop him forever. We can not entertain his acts and ignore it as a small thing when it involves the lives of the girls around us."

"My first step would be to get the girls to move into our houses. At least we will not have to worry about them consistently when they are not with us. Since Ivy will be working under me, I'll make sure she will stay safe." Noah added, pondering over his thoughts carefully.

"And I will take care of Aria at the hospital, although it might be a little difficult since it is a crowded place and there will a lot of people going in and out. But I'll try my best. And to keep your heart at peace, I'll adjust my schedule such that our shifts match from now on." Ian stated, his eyes unwavering. Since it was his hospital, nobody would question him in case he wanted to change shifts.

"That could be done." Noah nodded although he had made silent plans to keep his woman safe. He would appoint guards to follow her everywhere she went even in the hospital in case Jared decided to approach her in a place, like was the hospital where they did not have any restrictions for entry. "And Rachel will be safe since she is staying at the Carter mansion and has a lot of trained bodyguards around her. I do not want any of the girls coming in contact with Jared lest he should do something to them. From whatever I heard from Tim, I am sure he is a monster and just the thought of it makes me shiver even now."

Noah's words were like hot molten lava poured on the two friends. Although he did not elaborate, they could guess what he was trying to tell and even they shuddered at it. At all costs, they had to make sure that the girls were safe. 

"What else did Tim tell you?"

"Just that it was Jared who intended to release to the deadly virus as well as the mastermind behind the organ trafficking incident, although there is somebody else backing him. And the worst part was that all his doings were revealed to the public by Ivy or Oliver, completely sabotaging his plans."

"Do they know about Ivy and Oliver or anything about their relationship?" Joshua enquired, his eyebrows furrowing in stress. Everything was becoming chaotic now and he was sure that trouble was just lurking around and very shortly they would be hit by a horrible tsunami.

I don't think so. It did not seem like Tim had a suspicion about it. Otherwise, he would have asked me right away?"

"Jared has a backing? Isn't he operating alone?" Ian asked the thing that was bugging his mind since the time Noah had spoken about it. It seemed weird to hear that a man like Jared had a backing and it seemed weirder to think that the man was working under his orders. It did not seem like Jared was a person to follow orders given the way he was an egoistic maniac and a horrible scumbag.

"That was what Tim told me and the looks of it, the man seems to be terrifying with the way Tim was briefing about him. He finds the man to be a nightmare."

"How horrible could this man be? Even more than Jared?" Joshua queried, curiosity flashing through his eyes.

"Apparently yes. Jared became the way he is because of him."

"What more did he tell?" Ian's gaze, which had narrowed suddenly, fell on Noah and waited patiently for an answer. He too could feel the upcoming disaster and it looked like their life would become completely chaotic. 'Wasn't their lives already not chaotic enough? Was there a necessity to add more to it?'

"Nothing substantial. Just the crimes Jared has committed and the ones there is a possibility he could be committing in the future. Yeah, that reminds me. Jared has ordered another bunch of canisters of the virus to be manufactured from some foreign bioscientists. It looks like he wants to proceed with the plan he had initially prepared and this time he is handling everything himself."josei

"Ohh, that calls for precautions then."

"Definitely, I'll order all the men to gather around and keep an eye on Jared. It's best we strike first rather than waiting for him to strike."

"What do you have in mind?" Ian asked, getting the hint Noah had thrown at them.

"I am just going to repeat the things how it had gone the last time Jared had planned this virus attack."

Ian and Joshua guessed what he had in mind immediately seeing his evil face. They were too well acquainted with him and without even him telling them about it completely, they could guess what was running in his brain. In fact, it was the same for all three. They could guess what was running in the other person's brains and this was a result of their unbreakable bond they had since childhood.

Although Ian and Joshua were equally capable of planning out the things just the way Noah had done, they had given up the job to him on their own. They felt that he was a better strategist than them though that was not how Noah felt. To him, Joshua and Ian deemed to be more capable than him and knew the actual reason why they had entrusted this work on his poor shoulders.

While Ian was busier than Noah with him being an expert doctor, Joshua was a lazy bug who did not want to give more stress to his already exhausted brain. Now the only man who remained was Noah and since somebody among them had to step up and take up the job, he had done it. which the other two did not mind at all. They were in fact happy to have gotten the burden off their shoulders.

"So, you are going to tip off the Intelligence?" Joshua was the first one to speak and his face was blooming as though he was happy to have guessed it right. Seeing his excitement, Noah and Ian could only let out a chuckle in amusement. If anybody were to ask who was the mood maker and the mood lifter in the group, they would not hesitate to point their fingers at Jo. He sure was gifted when it came to matters to like these and it was highly necessary to have a person like this around who could boost up one's confidence and energy.

"Well done, Jo. You guessed it accurately this time. You have become quite smart." Ian teased with a playful smile on his face only to get a punch on his right bicep in return. 

"I was born smart alright? Unlike some guys here who had to be inflicted with a drug to become smart. Otherwise, you guys would be dumb as ever." Joshua sassed and this time Ian did not have a comeback reply. The man was good at spouting nonsense and it was better he did not provoke him more. And what was with the drug thing? They were born intelligent. Okay!!!

"Yes, I am going to inform the Intelligence and they will take it over from there. But the question is how am I going to contact them?" It was not a problem for Noah to find out about the people who worked at Intelligence. But the problem was, why would they believe him out of nowhere. It would only make him suspicious if he contacted them out of a blue. 

"I think I can help in this matter. I know people from the Intelligence. Last time, one of them had been admitted to the hospital and she was the one whose car bombarded into Rachel's. They wanted some help from me and I think I still have their contact with me." Ian said remembering the two men who had come to meet him when he was recuperating after his bone marrow transplant.

"Could you do that?"


"That's solved then. They will take over from there and we can wipe our hands off this matter." With that said, Noah stood up suddenly. "Jo, are you coming?"

"Where?" He asked confused with the sudden change in the topic.

"We are going to meet the twins to convince them to move in with us right now."

"I am in. I am in." Joshua jumped up with joy. "How could I miss such a good opportunity that would make my sweetheart to be with me forever? No way."

Ian again laughed out loud seeing his friends and he could not help but comment inwardly, "Lovesick fools."

"Don't fret over it. It will not be long before you will meet the girl you will like and I am sure, given your personality, you will be more lovesick than us." Noah mocked and Joshua gave him a thumbs up for his befitting reply.

Ian did not have any good reply to his mockery. He could only push them out of his house in anger. "Get out. I need to get some much needed sleep now and don't you dare disturb me. Otherwise, I'll complain against you two to your respective girls." However, his words fell on deaf ears as the two had already left by then, not caring about what nonsense Ian was speaking.

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