Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 320 - First Impressions (Unedited)

Chapter 320 - First Impressions (Unedited)

Noah did not allow Aria to let out even a word of protest as he kissed her fiercely, pouring out all the feelings he had for her and hoping that they would reach her heart through the kiss. He pulled her body close and now they were plastered to each other as he nibbled on her lips lightly. His hands wandered down from her waist to her buttocks and he groped them slightly, making Aria moan in the process. As soon as she parted her lips slightly, he delved his tongue into her mouth. 

The temperature in the room soared to an all time high even though the weather outside was quite chilly. Aria was slowly losing breath from the toe-curling kiss and she tapped on Noah's shoulders for him to let her go. But the man was as adamant as ever. Instead of letting her go, he walked back with her still in his arms and his lips still sucking her swollen lips. With utmost ease and care he plopped onto the bed with Aria below him and only let her go when she was trapped completely in his arms. Now, there was no way she could escape from his clutches. She was trapped and even if she wanted to escape, the man would give her a chase until she was back in his arms, safe and secure.

Aria panted heavily and it seemed as if she had just finished a sprint in the Olympics. Her face was flushed red and her lips were swollen making it all the more seductive and alluring. Noah pushed her bangs to the side before he started to caress her cheeks as he waited for her to come back to earth. Although his breathing was slightly rugged, he seemed perfectly fine, better than Aria at least.

"Did you like the kiss, love?" He questioned, his voice coming out hoarse and all the more tantalizing. Aria was immediately lost in his sexy voice completely forgetting their predicament. She did not even realize that they were on the bed and she was lying right under him.

"Your voice sounds amazing," Aria muttered, her eyes shining brightly like stars on a dark night. Noah was taken aback by her statement. Instead of answering his question, she had uttered something else. However, he was not annoyed with it. He was pleased with it all the more. His girl was coming out of her shy self and praising him and what could be more satisfying than getting compliments from the girl he loved the most?

"Is it? Do you like my voice?" Now that Aria was opening up, Noah wanted to see what else she liked about him.

Aria nodded as soon as he heard the question only to receive a peck on the lips from him. "Words, love. I need words. Although I know what your answer is, I would love it if you answer me with your sweet voice. Okay?"

"Okay." This Aria replied to him obediently and Noah smiled at her in satisfaction.

"Good girl. Now, let's play a game. Shall we?" Noah adjusted himself next to her so that his weight did not suffocate her. But he was still hovering above her with her trapped in his warm embrace.

"What game?" Aria stared at him confused. She was completely bewitched with him right now that she did not even what was happening. It was as though the kiss had hypnotized her she was now completely under Noah's spell.

"Just a normal question and answer game. Okay?"

Aria nodded once again and once she saw Noah raising an eyebrow at her in dissatisfaction she answered immediately. "Okay."

"Good. Here's the first question. What was your first impression of me?" Aria was about to answer him, but Noah shushed her by placing his finger on her lips. "And, please answer me honestly. I want to know everything about the way you feel about me and it does not matter how bad your answer could be. Don't worry about me getting hurt by your words. We need to have a strong foundation before I start doing the things I have in mind and it's best we find out how we feel about each other before we proceed to the next stage. Okay, love? Are you comfortable?" Noah enquired about her well being to see if she understood his intentions for asking her these questions at such a crucial when they had just shared a passionate kiss.

Aria who seemed to be in a trance a while ago, broke out of it when she heard Noah's sincerity. Only then did she realize how compromising their position was. But she did not shy away this time. Whatever he said was the truth. They needed to know about each other's feelings if they wanted to stay with them for their entire life and she could not agree to it more. Though both of them knew how they felt for each other, they had not been that wordy about it and now was the perfect time for them to confess everything they had in their heart.

"I understand, Noah and the rule applies to you too. Okay? I'll ask you questions of my own and I hope you answer them truthfully."

"Sure. Will I get a kiss as a reward?" Noah asked with a devilish glint in his eyes and Aria could not help but smile at his excitement. 

"No, I will reward you something else once the questionnaire ends," Aria answered with a blush. Her ambiguous declaration made Noah curious and now he wanted to know what she was planning.

"What are you going to?"josei

"That, my dear, is a secret. But I am sure you'll love it." Aria said with a wink. Aria did not reveal a thing about what she had planned for him as it was too embarrassing for her. She had decided it in the spur of the moment and now that she had made up her mind, she did not want to go back on it. She wondered how Noah would react when she put her thoughts to action and was waiting for all of these to end just to see his wonderstruck face.

Meanwhile, the man in question had no idea about the things Aria had thought for him. If he had the ability to see the future, he would have known how erotic and exciting things would get once their questionnaire ended. If that was the case, he would he skipped it directly and had jumped to claim his reward from her.

Now, Noah was more intrigued. However, he knew he would get nothing out of Aria even if he pestered her. So, he gave up. "You didn't answer my question yet." He pointed out as he ran his fingers on her cheeks.

"Which one?"

"What was your first impression of me and be honest?"

"I have two first impressions, one when you were unconscious and the one I had when you gained consciousness." Her answer made Noah to smirk wickedly. "When you were still unconscious, I sometimes had the urge to... to.." Aria stopped suddenly when she remembered how wild her thoughts had been when she was his doctor in charge. She was embarrassed by just reminiscing about. How could she tell them out loud to the man directly?

Aria's hesitation increased Noah's curiously by ten folds and he now wanted her to complete her sentence. He could not wait any longer. "Urge to? Complete the sentence love." He prompted her only to get a glare from her. He could not help but chuckle at her as his mischievous hands settle on her waist. His intention was the question her while he did the things he had in mind at the same time. This was, Aria would not be too embarrassed and he could slowly introduce her to the things he in mind.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to get up soon so that I could take a good rest. That's it." She lied blatantly and hoped that Noah would not realize about her lies. However, the man was not that easily fooled. He knew that this was not the answer Aria had in mind and he would make sure she revealed the truth completely. 

"Aria, darling. We established rules before we started the game and not even the first question has passed, you are breaking them already. How rude?" He scolded her softly and he when noticed that she was completely distracted, he raised her shirt slightly.

"It is the truth. I am not lying." Aria tried to counterattack only for it to backfire on her.

"Aria, I want the truth and please if you start lying now, I will also hide my feelings for you. You decide." Noah said with a stern face and this time Aria surrendered. She could not fool him and it was she who had shot her own foot by revealing her thoughts. So, she closed her eyes, unable to meet Noah's thoughts and took a deep breath.

"I was seduced by how you looked in the hospital gown and wanted to run my hands on your chest muscles and biceps. I also wanted to take a bite of your body." Aria blurted out in one breath and she sighed in defeat. She waited for Noah to laugh at her or mock her for having such wild thoughts even before they knew each other. But she heard nothing like that. There was no response from him. 

Perplexed and surprised, she opened her eyes slowly only to meet Noah's intense gaze. He was grinning at her, his teeth biting his lower lip seductively. Aria blinked at him confusion and before she could ask him anything, her lips were sealed with his. Completely taken aback by the sudden kiss, Aria did not have the time to respond. But before she could even relish the kiss, Noah had pulled back.

"Aria, you just had to ask for it if you liked my body that much. I belong to you and it's obvious my body belongs to you too." Noah got up suddenly and pulled his shirt over his head.

"What are you doing Noah?" Aria was now alarmed seeing his behavior and could not help but get anxious at it.

"I am satisfying your desires." Noah removed his shirt and now his bare torso was revealed before her eyes for her to feast upon.


"You can now run your hands on my body and take a bite from anywhere you want." Noah declared making Aria's eyes go wide in shock. Seeing her stare at him dumbly, Noah took her hands in his and placed them on his chest near his heart. Aria could feel his fast and powerful heartbeat and she marveled at how sexy he looked right now. His eyes were just about to move away from his face so that she could take a good look at her man when she heard Noah speak again.

"Can you hear my heartbeat, love? That is how my heart feels for you. Although I had a heart before, it only started to beat this crazily after I met you."

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