Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 321 - Secret To Tell (Unedited)

Chapter 321 - Secret To Tell (Unedited)

Noah's sincere proclamation of his feelings touched Aria deeply and her heart was filled with warmth. She noticed the deep longing in his eyes which could not be faked and this made her want to cherish the man she liked dearly. It was not every day she could chance upon such an incredible man and she considered herself fortunate enough to have met him. He was a gem in his own way and she had to treasure him at all costs. 

Aria smiled at him, her face glimmering in happiness and she leaned in to kiss his lips. Her man was the best and she did not need to shy away from showing her true feelings to him. They would be together for life and there was nothing to hide between them. Noah was not that surprised to be kissed by Aria. He had expected it even before he had expressed his thoughts. His feelings for her were as clear as the sky on a bright sunny day and nobody could change how he felt for her. The duo stared at each other for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact as they poured out all the feelings they had for each other through their eyes.

Aria was still reeling in the heart felt words when Noah's statement made her lose her calm instantly. "Aria, umm, I am still waiting for you to take a bite from me." She glared at him for his audacity and she snickered in anger. She did not until that day how shameless the man could be. It seemed as if the word shameless was coined only after seeing Noah's tactics.

"Shameless, shameless, utterly shameless." She scolded him but to Noah, it came as if she was praising him. His lips curled up in pride and delight and he pressed his bare torso on her body making Aria stiffen her body immediately. 

"How am I shameless?" Noah bit his lips seductively as he pulled her in his arms, closer to his body so that she could be near to his heart. "It was you who desired to run your hands over my body and take a bite from me. I am just fulfilling my sweet girl's desires. If there is anybody shameless here, then that's got to be you." He claimed innocently and his words only added fuel to Aria's slowly igniting fury. She gritted her teeth at him and was ready to burst out in anger but got interrupted when Noah picked her right palm that was on his chest and ran it slowly over his torso. 

Aria gasped when she felt his scorching hot skin under palm and she shuddered lightly. It was unknown whether she was excited or utterly anxious. But whatever it was, she was blushing red and her cheeks were splashed with a beautiful color of red. Noah's heated gaze did not leave her face as he forced her hand to wander over his body, starting from his chest. Their hands slowly descended down and Aria felt his rock hard abs that had gained her attention since the time he had removed his shirt. 

Now she was completely lured and even without Noah's guidance and help, her hand started to move on its own accord. She slowly ran her hand over his irresistible body, admiring each and every crevice and curve. The Gods must have carved out such a fine man just for her and this made her all the more delighted. Who would not want a sexy and alluring man as their husband and unbelievably, Noah had the looks that could make girls drop to their knees and Aria was no exception.

Noah smiled at the way Aria was marveling over his body. He could see the way her eyes were wonderstruck and this boosted his ego and confidence more. Which man would not be happy to get such a beautiful reaction from the girl he loved the most? Noah was more than happy to entertain Aria's thoughts. If she wanted to run her hands on his body, then it was his responsibility and an honor to strip naked for her so that it could be easy for her.

When Noah was lost in thought for a moment, Aria did something he had least expected her to do. He only felt pain near his abdomen. Aria too did not know what had gotten over her. She was still ogling at Noah at one moment and the next second, she had latched onto his body and had taken a bite on his abdomen. Both of them froze for reasons different altogether. 

Aria was not that flustered when the idea had popped up in her mind. But once the realization hit her, she was completely flustered. Meanwhile, Noah had a huge grin on his face. "Aria, I never knew you were such a naughty girl. Were you this eager to get your desires fulfilled. Now I cannot wait to see how the days will go from now on. I am sure that our sex life will be mind-blowing with your active and eager participation. I am thrilled just thinking about it."

Noah's blunt declaration made Aria to punch him lightly on his chest. She did not have the courage to face him after what she had done. So, she hugged him tightly. "Noah, I hate you. You monster."

"Well, thank you. That's the best compliment I could get from you. I am honored."

The couple stayed this way for some time. Aria was still hugging Noah's bare torso while Noah was enjoying their closeness. Why would he reject the opportunity that had come to him on its own? He made full use of it as he claimed it to be his right. When a lot of time had passed, Noah finally broke the silence. "Although I'd love it for us to stay this way, Aria we still have questions to ask."

"Yeah right." Aria pulled back. Her embarrassment had reduced now and she seemed to have returned to her usual self. "Let's continue."

"Yes, you are yet to complete your answer. You told me how you felt about me when I was unconscious. What about later?"

"That," This time Aria looked more confident than before and seeing her face, Noah had a hunch that he would not like the answer he would get. "I found you extremely annoying and infuriating. I just wanted to be done with your case. You have no idea how happy I was when Ian had returned. That day, I celebrated my freedom from you." 

Aria continued to blabber not noticing how dark Noah's face had become. Her answer was like a huge blow to his pride and he was heartbroken. He wondered what he had done so wrong for her to have such an impression on him. His thoughts were voiced out immediately when Aria stopped talking. "Why Aria? Did I do anything wrong for you to have such an impression of me?"

"Don't you remember what you did? The first time I met you after you git up, you threw something at me. If I had not ducked in time, it would have smacked me in the face. What do you think about how a normal person would react in such a situation?"

Her words made Noah to go back to that day and he vaguely remembered doing something like that. He had been furious as Caroline's betrayal had come gushing back in his mind and he had kicked up a fuss with his guards releasing all his wrath on them. At that moment, he remembered Aria entering the room and right the next second, he had thrown something at her.

He now realized how rude he was with her and his face was filled with guilt. Aria was not done yet. "Do you remember that you threw my phone for reasons I still don't know? What did my poor phone even do to you?" Aria asked the question she had wanted to ask the day the incident had happened. But she had been too vexed to even look at his face. So, she had left his ward in a huff of anger.

"I don't know what happened either. One second, it was in my hand and the next second, I was irked and took my anger on your phone. I am sorry." Noah was too embarrassed to say that he had been jealous of the guy named Danny after the phone call. But now he could not help but chide at himself for his foolishness. Danny was nothing but Aria's friend and right now, he was his sister's boyfriend. There were also high chances that they would end us as in-laws in the future if all went well.

Aria did not doubt him at all even the man had hidden some part of the truth. He assumed it to be better if she knew nothing about it, else she would tease him the entire life. "Now, my turn. Why did you like me?"

"What kind of a question is that?" Noah asked in confusion. 

"I mean, what aspect of mine attracted you? Was it my beauty or my intelligence or both?"

"Ohh, none." 

"What do you mean?"

"I liked your straight forward nature first followed by your courage."

"Ohh." Aria had not expected such a reply and she could not help part her lips slightly.

"Yes, you did care about who I was. You were bold enough to scold me for my mistakes and I liked it. Unlike the other women who behaved all well cultured and kept buttering up to me, you were independent. If I remember correctly, you never behaved liked like those annoying women whom I have dealt with before. Meeting you was like a breath of fresh air and I liked the feeling instantly. I was attracted to you and asked Ian about you."

"Did you ask Ian about me?" Aria was perplexed to find out this new revelation. She never knew Noah had inquired about her with Ian and Ian too had not told her a thing.

"Yes, you both are colleagues. It's obvious you know about each other well. When he informed me that you were a good girl, I decided to try my luck with you. Who knew things would turn out this well?" 

Aria again smiled at his answer. However, her smile vanished when she felt Noah's lips on hers, although it was just a peck. "What was that for?"

"That was your reward for my previous question. Now, here's my next question. When did you realize you liked me?"

Aria blinked at him on hearing the question. She had no idea when she had started to like him, but she had a feeling that it all started the day they had gone sightseeing in London. "I think it was when you accompanied me on the sightseeing after I got separated from the group. It was probably the first time I saw you in a different light. You were charming and friendly and approachable."

Her answer made Noah tremendously happy. At least, the girl had not decided on a whim and he was just contented with it. She had taken her time to get to know before coming up with the conclusion. His heart was dancing in ecstasy and in return, he rewarded her with a toe-curling kiss instead of just a peck.

Aria was still panting heavily while cleared her bangs from her forehead. "Now, it's your turn." Although he had told her to ask the question, he waited for her to compose herself. His naughty hands that had stopped after his question, resumed its work once again and now her shirt was raised until her bra. He could clearly see her belly button and he gulped unknowingly.

His darling girl had such a beautiful body that he was finding it hard to keep himself at bay. His white skin was evoking him desires he had no idea he could get. He had never felt like this before and he wondered if Aria was the reason for these profound thoughts and fantasies. Not wanted to alarm or scare his darling girl, he lightly brushed his hand over her stomach before it finally settled on either side on her waist. 

By then, Aria too had calmed down a little. Her mind was busy coming up with a question that she did not realize what Noah was up to. "Ah ha. I have a perfect question for you."josei

"And what might that be?"

"Is there anything else I need to know about you? If yes, do tell me right away. I hate it if people lie to me about trivial matters and it's best that you come clean before I find out about it from somebody else. Next time, I am sure that I would not be this accommodating. It's okay if it not that important. But if it something that would impact our lives anyway, I hope you inform me about it beforehand."

Aria's question made Noah to panic immediately. Yes. He had a secret to tell her and now it was time to tell her about it.

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