Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 336 - Furious Father

Chapter 336 - Furious Father

The President did not go deep into it as he knew that it would be an invasion of privacy. So, he gave up and decided to serve them tea. But the couple rejected his offer and decided to return home as Ivy would be going on a mission the next day and she had already warned Joshua about it. Although the date of her leaving was fixed, nobody knew when she would return home. This was one of the reasons for Joshua to sulk silently, not daring to voice out his thoughts in front of his woman. And even if he did, who would listen to him?

Ivy had already prepared herself for the tough days ahead and Joshua's pleading and begging would not work on her, not when she was going to track down those bastards who destroyed many people's lives, including her and her families.

The couple first returned home to prepare food for everyone and then they went to the hospital. The entire time, Joshua had been silent as though he was angry at Ivy. But that was not it and Ivy knew it. She knew that the man was throwing a tantrum because she had not given him much attention and she would be leaving in less than eighteen hours. Ivy was scheduled to leave at six in the morning and right now, it was one in the afternoon.

Ivy chuckled seeing Joshua's cute face. "Joshua, why are you sulking?" She asked directly waiting for the man to confess himself, rather than trying to pacify him. She found it entertaining to torment the cute man beside her. The man was as adorable as ever and she had the immense urge to bit his lips which right now were pouting in annoyance.

"Ivy, I think you know why I am behaving this way. Do you even need to ask and add more to my misery?" Joshua whined while he continued to drive. He had asked Kaito to rest for the day just like how Noah had ordered Ronnie to as the men would be busy starting from the next day. So, he become Ivy's driver for the day.

"My baby, you must be feeling dejected." She patted his hair as though she was talking to a dog. "Don't worry dear. Once we are done with Aria's discharge and finished dealing with my Dad, I'll be with you for an entire day." Ivy tried to appease him and the man seemed to be satisfied to some extent. He smiled lightly before he started to concentrate on his driving again. 

"You better remember your words. Once we reach home, I'll not allow you to leave me until morning." Joshua warned, his voice taking a serious tone. "You better not leave me if anybody disturbs us."

"Okay, sweetie. I won't. Once we reach our home, my time is all yours." Ivy coaxed the grumpy man. But her words were not a lie. Just like Joshua, she too would miss the man dearly, especially when she had no idea when she would be returning. It was not that she was going to another city to carry out the mission. No. The issue was that she had made up her mind to follow the meeting until the end and find out everything she could. Although she had a hunch that she would not be finding out anything about the man behind the organ harvesting issue, even though she knew it was Jared behind all these crimes. 

Noah and Joshua had told her everything she had to know and Ivy had been shocked, terrified even to find out that a man like Jared was this horrible. She wanted to bring his true face in front of everyone and send him behind the bars. But the problem was she did not have substantial proof to validate her point and it would only attract more danger if she attacked him without any evidence. And that was something which everybody around her was against.

"Great. Then. I'll look forward to our day." Joshua winked at her. By now, they had reached the hospital and the crowd seemed to have lessened significantly. Ronnie's words and the President's recorded video which he had released after the press conference had done wonders and the crowd too had come to realize their foolishness.

Even then, the situation was not completely under control as the number of deaths had increased and people were still getting affected by the poison. The area where the event had been held had been sealed and was off-limits to everybody. Even though the situation was under control, it was not under control.

This time, Ivy and Joshua did not have to struggle much to reach the hospital entrance. They reached Aria's ward safely and the girl seemed to be better than the time they had left her in the morning. Her face had gained some color and she seemed to be smiling at something Noah had said.

"What are you guys smiling at?" Joshua enquired, as usual butting his head in between the couple's talk. Ivy could only sigh in helplessness. The guy was as crazy as ever and what could she do when she liked him this much? She could only bear with his antics.

"Nothing you should be aware of." Noah sassed, not giving him much face. The man had clearly invaded his sweet time with Aria. How could he not be vexed?

"Calm down, hot shot. We have got you lunch and once you are done, let's go home." Joshua said with a wink while Ivy silently handed a box each to Noah and Aria. She had prepared light and easily digestible dishes for Aria. Her stomach was still weak and she could not eat heavy food.

The lunch went on with Joshua pulling the other couple's legs with Ivy occasionally adding her comments, adding more fuel to the fire. Ian too had joined them after dealing with one of the patients. Since the man had been in the hospital for more than fifteen hours, he decided to call it a day. He needed rest too and any more work would only make him collapse. Now, they did not want another patient in the group. So, they dragged Ian with them and all the five people drove towards Noah's mansion with Joshua taking over the role of the driver once again.

The drive to Noah's house was filled with laughter and fun. However, to Aria and ivy, it was not so. They were worried about how their father would react at finding out about Aria's condition. 

Noah noticed Aria's anxious face and held her hand in his. "Relax, Mr. West already knows about your condition. Ronnie has already informed him everything."

Noah expected the girls to calm down. Instead, their expressions turned horrible and Ivy even turned pale on hearing his words. "Noah, please tell me you are lying." Ivy pleaded, his eyes staring at him in expectation.

"Was I supposed to?" Noah asked in confusion, not understanding why the sisters were behaving this way. "Is something the matter?"

"My Dad will kill me." Ivy wailed covering her face with her hands. "I am dead. I am dead. I am dead."

"Calm down Ivy. Maybe Dad will not be that angry." Aria said trying to soothe her sister who seemed to have seen a ghost with the way she was behaving.

"Aria, we both know what the truth is." Ivy glared at her and the next second, she started to act pitiful again. "You will escape this time. But I.."

"Hold on. Hold on. What are you guys talking about? I don't understand." Ian joined the conversation suddenly. He had been sleeping peacefully when he heard Ivy's medium pitched wail, bringing him out of his sleep.josei

"Our Dad can be scary at times, one of them being when we neglect our health and the other when we don't tell him if we fall sick. Now, we are guilty of both crimes. Aria ignored her wellbeing and fell sick and I failed to inform Dad about it. What do you think will happen to us?" Ivy said, narrowing her eyes and acted as if she was crying. 

"I don't think he would do something like that. He seemed to be fine and that was what Ronnie told me after he informed the man of the situation. You are worrying unnecessarily. He might not be that angry you are assuming him to be." Noah's words made Ivy to wail all the more, rendering the three men speechless.

"Did you say that Dad was calm?" Aria asked, her eyes wide and mouth open. "Tell me it is not the truth."

"I don't get it. Why are you girls going crazy when Mr. West seems to be perfectly fine?" Joshua added, still not understanding what was going on with the girls.

"That's because, Joshua, you don't understand how serious the situation is. Dad is not calm about the issue. It's the calm before the storm and this time, we are dead. Can you stop the car somewhere near the cliff? I'll escape before we reach Noah's house." Ivy asked, her eyes glimmering in hope.

"Oops. Not possible now. We have already reached." Ivy was so lost in her worry that she had not realized that they had already reached.

"No." Ivy and Aria said at once. 

"Joshua, turn the car. Turn the car right now." Ivy ordered panicking lightly.

"Relax Ivy. Things might not be as bad as you deem it to be. Come, let's go in." Joshua pulled Ivy out of the car while Noah helped a reluctant Aria. The five people reached the entrance, with each step being a step towards hell for the girls. 

They saw Oliver pacing back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back. "Oh uh. Ivy, plan abort. Plan abort." Aria whispered and they prepared to flee from the place when they heard a loud voice boom across the room.

"Aria and Ivy, stop right there, and don't you dare try to escape from me this time."

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