Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 337 - Brother Ian

Chapter 337 - Brother Ian

"Aria and Ivy, stop right there, and don't you dare try to escape from me this time." Oliver's voice was like a canon, fired on an empty, silent field, loud and terrifying. Aria and Ivy shivered in their places and they lost their ability to walk after Oliver's command. They had turned their backs to their father when they had prepared to flee from the area. So, they could not see the old man's expression. But they did not have to face him to know what his expression was. He must be furious now and they could feel his rage even from their spot.

Noah and Joshua were perplexed to see Oliver's unusual behavior. Never had they seen him behave this way before nor had they heard him speak in this tone. It was louder and more commanding than the tone Noah used on his men. It was filled with power and authority. Even the half-dazed Ian was startled at Oliver's booming voice and his sleep vanished altogether.

The men now realized why the girls were chickening out a few minutes ago while they drove towards the mansion. Not only the two girls, now even the three men were spooked and scared of Oliver. 

Oliver noticed his daughters back and commanded again. "I hope you two would be brave enough to face me when I am talking to you."

The two sisters took one look at each other before they closed their eyes tight and turned to face their father. Oliver narrowed his eyes as he sent daggers at the two. "Where was this fear when you fell sick, Aria?" He asked his second daughter. "And you Ivy, why didn't you think of informing about it? Your sister, my daughter fell sick and was almost about to lose her life and you did not think about informing me about her condition?" He rebuked his eldest daughter. But then, he noticed something and he relaxed his brows a little. 

"Before you answer me, I hope you are brave enough to step inside and stand before me." It was only then did the five people realize that they were still standing at the entrance. The men too had not realized that they were frozen in shock and had not taken a step inside the house. Now they were hesitant to go in, fearing Oliver's wrath. Who knew what he would do to them when he had not spared his own kids?

The five people carefully took small steps towards the raging man as though they were naughty kids who had been called to the headmaster's room to get a good scolding. They stopped when they were at around ten feet distance from Oliver. 

"Aria, come here." Oliver's voice sounded in the living room again and the girl did as she was told. She did not want to add fuel to the fire by going against his wishes. She went to him and stood right in front of him with her head lowered. Oliver patted her head suddenly, surprising her a little. "Are you alright, dear?"

Aria's head lifted automatically on hearing his gentle voice and she nodded with a dumb expression on his face. "I am fine, Dad." Not satisfied with her answer, Oliver took a thorough look at his daughter who had just returned from the death bed. Only when he was sure that she was fine, did he nod, finally.

"Good. Do you have any idea how scared I was? Don't you ever do this again to me. I have already lost Susan. I don't want to lose you two or in fact, anybody among you." Oliver pointed at the three men toom emphasizing the fact that he considered them to be his family, even though he did not convey it through his words directly.

His words touched all of them, especially Ian who had been long devoid of familial love. First, he was separated from his family when he was young, and then his mentor who had taken care of just like his father ended up getting murdered brutally. So, how could he not be moved with Oliver's declaration when the man had known him only for a few days. 

Ian could not stop the two drops of tears that leaked from his eyes and he wiped them off before anybody could see it. However, Oliver had been quick enough to see his movement. He left Aria, forgetting all that he wanted to say to her, and went to Ian. "Why are you crying, child? Is something the matter?"

Ian was surprised at seeing Oliver approach and even more so when the man questioned him about his tears. He had assumed nobody to have seen it. but he was wrong. The well observant Oliver had noticed it and he had questioned about it right away.

"Nothing at all, Mr. West," Ian replied, trying to force a smile on his face.josei

"Do you think I would believe you if you try to fake your sadness behind your smile? I have seen this world more than you have and I know what you are thinking." Ian widened his eyes at Oliver's words and he stared at him dumbfounded. Even Noah and Joshua blinked in confusion, not knowing what was happening.

"You are missing your family, right? More specifically, your mentor Theo." Oliver had now hit the bull's eye and Ian could not help but gape him in horror. 

"How?" That was all Ian could say as he fixed his eyes on the wonderful man before him.

"That's a secret." Oliver winked at him before he became strict again, donning a serious face. "How dare you cry in my presence? With me around, nobody is supposed to be sad or depressed. You are supposed to be happy and enjoy life. I know my words may not heal the wounds you have in your heart and I cannot ask you to forget everything too. But let me tell you one thing, I will always be there for you."

Seeing that Ian was about to protest, Oliver stopped him immediately. "Don't assume that I am speaking such sentimental words just because you saved me. No. I am genuinely happy to have met you and if I ever had a son, maybe he would be just like you. You remind me of my younger self." Oliver expressed his hidden thoughts.

That's it. Ian could not control himself anymore and he dived his body to hug Oliver and the man embraced him without any hesitation. Sometimes, some words were enough to give someone hope and a sense of belonging, and this time, Oliver's words had done it. When he had told Ian that he would be there for him, he was reminded of Theo even more as that was what the man had told him when he had first brought Ian with him to his house.

Noah and Joshua smiled seeing the two men hug each and they could help become emotional. Among the three friends, they knew that Ian had experienced the worst. While Noah and Joshua at least had their families for their support, Ian had no one. He had been alone and the only people who kept him sane were his friends. If they were not his life, maybe he would not have made it until here.

The emotional moment broke when Ivy intervened throwing a question at them suddenly. "Does that mean that I now have an elder brother?" She looked expectantly at her father and then at Ian waiting for them to answer. 

"Sure, if this young man is ready to accept you as his sister," Oliver added chuckling at his daughter's cuteness. He always knew that his daughter wanted an elder brother to take care of her. Since she was the eldest, it had been her who took care of her younger twin. But at times, he had seen her wishing for a brother who could take care of her so that she could do as she wanted with the hope that her brother would be there for her.

Ivy then turned her gaze to Ian and raised her eyebrows and Ian could only smile in delight. "I don't mind having a younger sister."

"Yay." That was all it took for Ivy to jump in delight and punch her fist in the air. Without wasting any moment, she ran to Ian and hugged him and the man returned her hug happily. Just a few hours ago, he wishing to have a sister like Ivy or Aria and fate granted him his wish. He now had a sister and a father-like figure. What more could he ask? 

"Aria, I now have a brother. I don't need you." Ivy teased her sister and pulled out her tongue making Aria roll her eyes.

"If he is your brother, then he is mine too. Moreover, he is my friend too. Taking this into consideration, I don't need you. You get lost." The two sisters started to bicker with each with Ian right in the middle and the man could only shake his head in helplessness seeing the two.

Meanwhile, Noah and Joshua approached him. "So, now you have two sisters. How wonderful!!" Joshua commented his eyes not leaving the two sisters who were still squabbling like school kids. "How does it feel?"

"It feels great," Ian answered with a huge smile on his face. He then turned to face his friends. "Now that I am their brother, you two must be careful of me," Ian said with a smirk and that was enough for the two lover boys to go into a state of panic. They could see the man gloating about his new-found relationship and they gritted their teeth in annoyance.

"Without my permission, you cannot marry them. So, beware." Ian stated with a straight face and walked away from them, leaving the duo alone. All the men could do was curse under their breath in anger seeing Ian walk away egoistically.

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