Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 619

Chapter 619: Intense chase


"Smart!" Ivy commented and smiled at Maggie who was searching for Jared. But the man was nowhere in sight.      

"I hope Aria gets Jared today and we can end this misery." She muttered and Ivy nodded in agreement.      

"Yes. I am already tired of his antics." Ivy let out a sigh. But soon, a frown replaced her calm face. "Do you hear that, Maggie?"     

"Shit! Jared has called for reinforcement. They must be here." She looked back to see a series of lights turning brighter as seconds passed. "Let's leave from here, Ivy. We might not be able to deal with all of them given our circumstances."     

Ivy pressed on the accelerator and reached Aria, who was hiding in the range from Jared's car. She stopped brilliantly in front of Aria and she entered the car quickly, not delaying their escape any further.     

"Ladies, brace yourselves," Ivy exclaimed. "We will be going on a race."     

Ivy did not even allow them to prepare themselves for what lay ahead for them. She stepped on the accelerator hard and Maggie had to hold onto her seatbelt to stop herself from lurching forward due to the impact.     

Ivy's driving was beyond anything Aria and Maggie had imagined. It was as though they were on a race track as they watched the trees zoom past them even before they could take in the scenery around them.      

"How long has it been since I last raced like this!!" Ivy sighed as she shifted gears and increased her speed.     

"Ivy," Aria gave her a stern gaze and Ivy snuck out her tongue in guilt.     

"I am not guilty, Ari. Had to race if I were to save my ass from the criminals." She reasoned and Maggie could not help but chuckle at her even though the situation did not call for it.     

Aria turned back and noticed the lights behind them. Although the cars were still far away, they could still see them following them.     

"I had hoped to kill that bastard today." She let out a sigh of regret. "Who knew that he would call for backup?"     

"Not to worry, Ari. We might not be able to end him but maybe we could lure him to Noah or anyone else who can end him." Ivy stated and glanced at the rearview mirror, letting out a scoff on seeing them trying to catch up with them.     

Meanwhile, Jared glared in the direction Maggie had gone, directing all his hatred at the people who had saved Maggie and helped her escape from his clutches again.      josei

"Dammit, who fuck helped her again??" He shouted in despair as he stared at his bleeding hand. He was still in disbelief to think that the shooter had been precise and impeccable at fixing on the target.     

In just a blink of an eye, his driver was dead and he lost his weapon. Maggie had escaped from him and he had no idea who had attacked him out of nowhere. He did not even have the time to pick his weapon and shoot anyone or get the man who had shot his hand. They were too quick for him and Jared could only gape in dismay.     

Jared could only hide from them to save his life and wait for his men to arrive. And by the time they arrived, his attackers and Maggie had already gone far away from him.     

"Master, what do we do now?" Jared sat in the car, his previous car now impossible to drive for the time being. His attacker had made sure to puncture both the back tires, making it impossible for him to chase them himself.     

"Are we going to follow them?" The driver queried as he waited for the terrifying man to reply. The moment his Master had sat in the car, he had sensed a menacing aura around him and he shivered in terror. His Master was already a demon when he was normal and calm. Now that he was infuriated and bleeding, he did not know what the outcome would be.     

The driver could only pray for his safety and wished silently to stay alive after all this ended. He did not even dare glance at his Master for he sensed the darkness and bloodthirst from him. He just gripped the steering wheel tight until his knuckles turned white.     

"Don't follow them." He spat and the driver trembled, his heart pounding madly in worry for his life.     

"This might be a trap for us. What if they were to lead me back to the Intelligence? This time, I will not be able to escape from their clutches easily."     

"But what about our men, Master?"     

"Let them follow them and keep in touch with them. I want to catch Maggie at all costs. Time and again, she has challenged me by escaping from my side. I want her. I want her." He yelled in fury at the end and the driver almost had a heart attack on hearing his roar.         


"I want to find the scoundrel who saved her today." Jared gnashed his teeth and the driver at once started the car as he drove towards the harbor.     

He kept glancing at the rearview mirror to make sure no one was following them, not once looking at the monster behind him. Silence engulfed them for quite some time. While Jared was too incensed to speak a word, the driver was too scared to even breathe.      

But his mind kept worrying about the men who had followed Maggie and her rescuers and eventually, he gave into his apprehension.     

"Master, what about th...the men who...who are following the car?" He spoke with much difficulty.     

"What about them?" Jared growled.     

"What if they get into danger by following them?" He forced the words, making sure to not irk his Master than he already was.     

"I don't care. Since they work for me, they have already signed their lives for me. If I order them to die, they are to die without questioning me. If I order them to follow them, they are to follow them." Jared stated and a chill ran down the driver's spine. He was frightened to think that his Master did not have any concerns for their lives.     

"All I want is Maggie and even if they have to die in the process, it's worth it."     

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