Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 620

Chapter 620: Grave misunderstanding


Though at times, the cars behind her did close in on them, Ivy made sure to increase the distance immediately after, forcing them to stay far away. Her driving was fast but smooth and neither of the other two women complained to her asking her to slow down.      

Despite being scared, they trusted her and Ivy's smile widened when she saw her sister frowning lightly while she kept her eye on the side mirror.     

"Darling sister, don't worry. Those pigs will never catch us. I am an expert at avoiding and escaping from my chasers." Ivy said with confidence and neither Aria nor Maggie doubted her. They believed in her abilities as they watched her drive brilliantly.     

But barely had she taken a right at the end of the road as she followed the path they had taken before, Ivy's eyes narrowed. Even Aria and Maggie frowned when they noticed a fleet of cars driving towards them.     

"How the hell did they reach us from the other end? Isn't this a single lane? When did they overtake us?" Aria pulled out her gun and filled the cartridge while she threw another to Maggie.     

"They must have been driving towards the port even before we tricked Jared. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to reach us this quickly if Jared had called for backup." Maggie reasoned and prepared herself for a fight while Ivy slowed the car for a moment.     

She glanced at the rearview mirror and the cars that were following her were nowhere in sight. They were yet to take a turn on the road.      

"What are you going to do, Ivy? We are trapped."     

Though they were surrounded by enemies in the two possible directions of escape, the ladies were exceptionally calm. They were not scared of the danger they would soon be facing. Instead, they were brimming with confidence and courage. They were willing to fight the enemy and show them what they were worth.     

Ivy glared at the fleet of cars in front of her as she slowed down even more. "Ladies, gear up. We have a fight to finish." She seethed and Aria and Maggie prepared themselves to end the nuisance Jared had put them in.     

Taking a deep breath, Ivy stepped on the accelerator and the car picked up speed with a screech. An array of dust sprang in the air the moment the car sped. But none of the women cared about it. They kept their gazes fixed on the cars that were approaching them while Ivy made sure to watch out for the people following them.  Neither woman lost their focus and they maintained their composure.      

Meanwhile, Kaito blinked twice to make sure that he was not hallucinating while he glanced at his Boss who too had his eyes fixed ahead of them. They could not make out who was in front of them for the car was quite a distance away from them.      

"Boss?" Kaito's frown deepened when the car that had slowed down for a moment, sped up as though the driver had gone crazy all of a sudden.     

"Keep going," Noah ordered. Even though he did not know who was in the car, he could not stop right now. He still had to save the women who had put their lives at risk recklessly, without even seeking his advice before.     

"But Boss, the driver seems to have lost it," Kaito warned even though he followed his Boss' orders. "Is that one of Jared's men, Boss?"     josei

Noah narrowed his eyes and stared at the car that was racing towards them and his eyes widened immediately. Jared was not careless to send just one car if he knew about the people who were coming to get him. He needed time to escape and the only way to do so was to send more men to hold off his enemies.     

'And there are no other buildings in this area. In that case....' Noah's eyes widened and he lowered the window immediately, startling Kaito completely.     

"Kaito, that must be Aria's car. Order the men not to do anything unless I say so." He barked and Kaito followed as he was told.     

"Boss, the car is speeding towards us. I presume Madam does not know that it is us." Kaito stated as he observed the car. "If they do not slow down now, we are bound to collide at this rate."     

Noah's frown deepened as he stared at the car. He could not decipher what Ivy was up to. Though he could still not see who was driving the car, it was easy to guess for, among the sisters, it was only Aria who knew how to handle guns while Ivy was an expert at escaping from people.     

'Why is she racing this way? What does she want to do?' He wondered before his eyes widened in disbelief and his body froze in fear. "What if Aria and Ivy have been caught and it is Jared's men who are here to trick us"     

"That might be a possibility, Boss." Kaito acknowledged and barely had he finished speaking when they saw lights blinking at the further end of the road far away from the car in front of them.     

"Boss, this is a trap." Kaito almost lost his composure when he realized what was happening and he glanced at his Boss instantly. "Jared must have learned that we were following him. What do we do now?"     

Noah's face paled for a moment when he thought about Aria and he could not accept that Jared had caught her. Moreover, the man had dared to use her car to bait him. How brave of him!!!     

"Kaito, is that Aria's car?"          


Kaito waited until they were close enough to read the number plate and he nodded immediately. "Yes, Boss. It is."     

"Dammit." Noah gritted his teeth. "Jared is seeking his death. I am going to kill him today. Hammer into the car."     

"Boss?" Kaito was shocked but he did not show it on his face. "Okay, Boss."     

Neither man was scared for they knew who would be the one be wounded at the end. Noah's car was custom made and it was impossible for anyone to harm him. If anyone were to hammer into his car, it would be the other person who would be impacted by the accident.     

With that thought, Kaito drove towards the car startling Ivy and Aria. And even before the ladies could comprehend what was happening, Kaito slammed into their car hard, throwing them off their seats due to the heavy impact.     

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