Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 625

Chapter 625: Wedding plans


Noah sighed lightly and sat beside her, his eyes losing their usual coldness as he stared at his dear sister. Though he had never been vocal about his emotions, he still cared a lot about his sister and how could he not when he had been with her since the time she had been born?     

Noah remembered the day when his mother had returned home after giving birth to his sister. The small bundle of happiness in her arms had brought him immense joy and he stayed with his sister the entire day. He had not moved away from her even though she had mostly slept the entire day. And as time passed, he was only glad that he had such a beautiful and lovely sister.     

Over time, he had turned cold and impassive as he entered the world of adults and eventually, he started to control his emotions and suppressed everything within him. Even in front of his family, he did not show much expressions. But that did not mean he did not love them. To him, his family mattered more than anything in his life.     

Now that his sister's life and prestige were almost threatened, he could not stop the bloodthirst from consuming him. He realized that of late he had ignored his family, especially his sister who had been left all alone without his protection and his guilt started to gnaw his heart slowly.     

"Please forgive me, Rach. I could not protect you this time." He mumbled and held her hand gently. "I should have been more careful. I am sorry."     

The lady remained unconscious and Noah observed her closely. Other than the marks on her hands and ankles, and the dark circles underneath her eyes, she looked fine and Noah sighed in relief. At least, his men reached her before it was too late.     

Noah's eyes flashed, a strange spark entering them as he made a decision in his mind. "I will not allow you to fall in danger again." He muttered and stood up to leave, only to stop when Rachel held his hand weakly.     

"Noah," Her voice was too soft and barely audible. If not for her holding his hand, he would have assumed it to be his illusion.     

"Rachel," Noah sat beside her immediately and clasped her hand gently. "How do you feel? Are you alright? Should I call Ian? Wait. I will..."     

"I am fine, Brother." Rachel's voice was weak but filled with assurance. "Really. I just need to rest for a while and I will be better."     

Noah remained silent and when Rachel noticed his solemn face, she understood what was tormenting him and why he looked so downcast.     

"Do not worry, Noah. I am fine, really." She tried to assure him but he was not convinced.     

"I am sorry, Rachel. I failed to protect you. I failed as a brother." Noah was filled with remorse and he avoided her gaze.     

"What are you even speaking? Stop spouting nonsense. You are the best brother anyone could get." She said with utmost sincerity. "Moreover, you did not even know that we had a traitor around us."     

Noah's gaze darkened when she brought up the man who was responsible for her state and he clenched his fists, preparing the plan of torture for him.     

"I am sorry I was not careful Rachel. I...I..."     

"Shh," Rachel shushed him again and glared at him, although it was anything but a glare.     josei

"As I have told you before, it was not your mistake. Don't you dare ask for forgiveness again. Otherwise, I will be furious at you for real."     

Noah chuckled, his guilt easing a little. "Okay, okay. I will stop." He surrendered and Rachel lay down on the bed peacefully. "Better?"     

"Much better."     

Rachel closed her eyes, only to open them when she heard her brother's next words.     

"I have the perfect solution for this matter."     

"What?" Rachel gave him a questioning look, all of a sudden feeling suspicious of his intentions. It was as though whatever he had in mind would not be something she would appreciate.     

"It is time you get married." Noah's words were like an atomic bomb dropped on her and Rachel who had been lying on the bed, got up at once, only to collapse immediately.     

"Careful," Noah helped her sit up and placed the pillow behind her.          


"What did you just say?" Rachel did not care about herself, too shocked to worry about anything else.     

"I was thinking of your marriage, that is only if you are willing and ready," Noah observed her reactions and was satisfied with what he saw. Other than being shocked by the unexpected topic, there was no hesitance in her eyes. She did not seem to be averse to the idea and he nodded lightly, making a note to bring this matter in front of his parents after speaking to Daniel about it.     

"And why did you think about it all of a sudden?" Rachel frowned, not understanding what the man was even plotting. Her brother was a mystery even to her and she was in no mood to decode him.     

"Although I trust you and your abilities, you are still vulnerable when it comes to a man like Jared. We need to be careful and the best way is for you and Daniel to get married right away."     

"How will my marriage with Daniel help me? I do not understand." Rachel stared at him as though he had grown three heads.     

"I have my plans, Rachel. You just tell me if you are willing to marry Daniel or not. That is all want to know." Noah stood up and looked at her calmly. "Discuss with Daniel and tell me what you want. It does not matter if you are unwilling to get married right away. All I want is for you to be happy and safe."     

Noah smiled at her softly and walked out of the room, leaving a confused Rachel staring at his back.      

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