Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 624

Chapter 624: Regretful sisters


Meanwhile, Joshua held Ivy's shoulders and took a good look at her, rendering Ivy embarrassed and flustered. He did not care if his gaze was making her uncomfortable nor did he care if the others were with him. All he wanted was to make sure Ivy was fine and when he was finally assured that she was, he let her go.     

Aria too waited for Noah's outburst. But all she got was his silence. Even when she turned to look, the man had his head lowered and she realized right away that he was furious. She had barely taken a step towards when Noah walked away from her, leaving her in sorrow and guilt.     

"Ian, how is Rachel?"     

"She is asleep now. I have removed all the drugs in her body. She is safe." Ian's reply was instant and Ivy and Aria looked at each other in confusion.     

"What happened to Rachel?" Ivy queried as she held Joshua's hand to appease him. Although at first, he fought to release his hand from her grasp, he eventually gave in and held her hand tight, not allowing her to leave his side for the night.     

Noah did not answer her. Instead, he started walking towards the staircase, ignoring Aria's lingering gaze. He did not even budge when she called him. It was only when he reached the top of the staircase that he stopped and looked at Aria, who was still staring at him dejectedly.     

It pained him to see her in despair. But he did not show his emotions on his face. It pained him even more to see her put her life in danger and he took this chance to show her how much she meant to him and where she had gone wrong in her actions.     

He stared at her for a while, not knowing how madly Aria's heart was thumping. The moment she met Noah's cold gaze, her heart skipped a beat and she smiled at him hopefully. But all she got in return was his cold shoulder.     

"Ian, treat Aria's wounds." Not sparing another glance at her, he went to see Rachel.     

Ian could not help but sigh when he saw the way Noah was behaving. But he did not comment a word about it for he knew why Noah was angry.     

Noah did not mind Aria wishing to save her friend from her enemy. He did not mind her having the thoughts of killing her enemy.     

All it mattered to him was that she had put her life in danger and had not even considered him and his feelings when doing so. She did not even bother to inform him about her decision to save Maggie and that was all it took to make him lose his mind.  Aria was his life and seeing her put her life in jeopardy was the last thing he wanted.     

"Sit down, Aria," Ian commanded gently and Aria did as she was told. She had already annoyed two important men in her life. She did not wish to add more to the list and increase her troubles.     

Ian started cleaning her wounds seriously, his lips pursed while his eyes conveyed no emotion. He was silent the entire time, making Aria jittery and anxious.     

"How is the situation at the hospital?"     


"I hope the situation is under control. Do you need me to go to the hospital?"     

Again silence.     

"What happened to Rachel?"     

No answer.     josei

"Ian, please speak to me," Aria begged and Ian sighed lightly before he lowered his hand.     

"What do you want me to speak, Aria?"     

"Answer me," Aria replied, her eyes turning red slowly.     

"The situation in the hospital is under control for now and you do not need to go there right now. We have enough staff handling the matter. And as to what happened to Rachel? She was kidnapped by Jared's men and Shane was the spy you were talking about. Apparently, he wanted to corner Noah but our opponent completely forgot about his abilities."     

Ian became silent again and started to apply medicine to her wounds.         


"Shane? Who is he?" Ivy inquired as she took a beside Joshua.     

"Noah's assistant." Joshua pushed a strand of her hair behind her ears as he stared at the woman beside him lovingly.     

"Oh," That was all Ivy could manage to say. She only had a vague recollection of him for she was not as familiar with him as she was with Ronnie.     

"But why did he betray Noah? What feud did he have?"     

"Shane is Mason's cousin and the only close family left."      

Ian answered her and Aria understood all that was happening. Everything fell to place and she looked at Ian to read his thoughts. But she could decipher nothing from his poker face. He was utterly blank and it did not take her long to discern that he too was angry.     

She grasped the edge of his shirt and pulled it gently, grabbing his attention on her. "Are you angry, Ian?" She asked as softly as she could, showing him her meek side for the first time.     

"No." Ian deadpanned.     

"You are. I know you are. I am sorry." Aria lowered her head and bit her lip.     

"Do you even know why I am angry?" Ian pulled back and gave her a stern stare.      

"I do."     

"Then, please tell me."     

"You are angry because we put our lives at risk. You are angry because we did not inform you guys about our actions."     

"You are right. We are furious with you two." Ian back and forth between the two sisters as he glared at them. "Not only did you two put your lives at risk, but you also did not even inform us about it. Do you have any idea how we lost our minds when Joshua could not track you anymore? Do you have any idea how scared we were when we could not contact you too at all?"     

If Oliver was a tiger, Ian was a ticking time bomb and he was just short of exploding completely. Ian had never been this vexed before and he could not help flaring up. In just one day, he had experienced a roller coaster of emotions but none of them had been as frightening as the thought of losing his friends after getting captured by Jared.     

"Ian, we are sorry. We weren't thinking clearly." Ivy apologized while Aria remained silent.     

"I do not sense any sincerity in your apology, Ivy. Do you want to experience the hell we went through when we could not contact you?"     

"Ian," Joshua tried to stop him. But Ian ignored him.     

"Let's consider a scenario where Noah and Joshua put themselves in danger and you guys have no idea where they are. You are unable to track them and none of your calls are connecting. What would your reaction be? How would you feel in this situation? Helpless? Anxious? Desperate?" Ian spat, not giving any leeway for the two women and Ivy finally understood how insincere she sounded when she had apologized previously.     

She was ashamed of herself and she did not speak a word, regretting her actions completely.     

Ian noticed the expressions of regret and guilt on the two women's faces and he sighed in frustration. "From your expression, I assume you have learned your mistake and will not commit them again." He then applied a bandaid on Aria's wound and walked out of the hall, leaving the sisters to repent their mindless actions.     

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