Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 623

Chapter 623: Oliver's wrath


By the time Noah and the three women reached his mansion, it was already past midnight and everyone except Rachel was waiting for them.     

Daniel looked at Oliver, still in disbelief that the man was right here in front of him and it was not at all his illusion. Even though he had found out about him long ago, he still felt it to be a dream.     

'How had fate entwined all of them?' He wondered. While Noah and his friends rescued Oliver, though they had other reasons for it, they still did and now Oliver's daughters had fallen in love with the same men who had rescued them. How amazing!!     

Daniel sighed and rubbed his face. 'Have I been living in a cave all these years?' He wondered when he recalled all that he had learned in just a matter of few hours. 'How did the world change suddenly and so much and I had no idea about it?     

But other than accepting them, he could do nothing and his thoughts broke when he heard Joshua cursing to himself while kept working on his laptop     

'Why the fuck am I unable to get past the point? How did all signals vanish from there when there is clearly a private nearby? What is happening?' Since the time he had stopped receiving any signals when he was tracking his friends, he wanted to decode the reason for it. And the moment he had returned, he had started with his work.     

But he could not find the reason behind it even after trying for long, making him impatient but curious. This was the first time he was unable to crack something and he was now fired up to solve the mystery.     josei

Before he think about the matter deeply, he heard footsteps coming towards him and he shot up at once on seeing Noah return home with the three ladies behind him as they had their heads down in guilt.     

Nobody dared to raise their heads and seeing all the strong and mighty women behaving this way, Joshua let out a soft chuckle before he covered it with an awkward cough. His anger from the previous incident came back to him and his eyes changed at once.     

Dropping his laptop on the couch and he rushed to Ivy and held her shoulders. "Do you have any idea how scared I was? How dare you jump into the fire and not care about me? What if something were to happen to you?"     

Joshua's rage was at its peak and he shouted at her, startling Ivy completely. Other than the time he had scolded her the day he had received a call from his ex-girlfriend, he had never raised his voice at her. This sudden change was truly shocking and Ivy was at a loss for words.     

However, she only felt happy seeing his concern for her. If not for his love towards her, he would not have shouted at her and scolded her for her reckless actions. He had every right to blame her and punish her.     

"Joshua," She finally came out of her shock. "I am really sorry. I...I...I shouldn't...."     

"Blame me." Aria interrupted her, diverting everyone's attention to herself. "I asked her to join me in the mission. I should not have...."     

"Have you lost your mind after banging your head against the windshield?" Ivy's tone turned harsh and threatening. "I dare you to go on missions like these alone."     

"And I dare you two to go on missions like ever." A loud voice boomed from across the hall and the sisters stilled in their place, realizing to whom the voice belonged.     

They stared at each other for a moment before they slowly turned in the direction where their father was standing with his hands folded. His expression was cold and stern and he looked utterly furious.     

This was the first time ever the sisters had seen their father be this incensed and they lowered their heads immediately.     

Oliver marched towards them, her expression dark and solemn and tacitly, Noah, Joshua and Maggie cleared the space for him, not wanting to irk the angry tiger all the more.     

Oliver stood in front of his daughters and glared at them. "Who gave you two the permission to put your lives at risk?" His voice was still loud and commanding and the sisters shuddered.     

Even Daniel felt a chill run down his spine. The usually calm man was now beyond annoyed and his stance held the power to make anyone drop to their knees. The complete switch in his personality made his eyes widen and he kept gawking at his back in wonder.     

"Who gave you the rights to put all of us in misery and make us worry for you?"     

"But, Dad..."     

"Shut up." Oliver glared at Ivy who had tried to interrupt him and she bit her lips, feeling wronged at being reprimanded in front of everyone.     

"Dad, it was I who took Ivy with me. Blame me for all that happened today."         


"I will get to that in a moment, Aria. Wait."      

"Do you two really not care about us? Have you no concern to your family, you friends, your lovers?"     

Maggie was just about to clear the truth when Aria shook her head at her discreetly. Her father was already pissed. If Maggie were to interrupt, then hell would let loose. Considering how her father was not letting go of his own daughters for being reckless, why will he allow Maggie without scolding her for involving his daughters?     

"I do not care if you want to help your friend." Oliver continued, surprising Aria who stared at him in disbelief. "I do not care if you want to join your lovers to seek justice for everyone. It is your choice and I will not stop you for I too had been like you two once in the past."     

Oliver's countenance softened as he looked at the two men who were standing beside him. "Back then, until I met your mother, I did not have many people who cared about me. So, I did not mind putting my life at risk. But you two.."     

His voice raised an octave and the girls flinched. "You have many people who care for you and worry about you. How could you leave without informing anyone among them? How could you not let them know about your plans?"     

"But Dad, there was spy here and we did not wish to...."     

"Do you think your boyfriends cannot locate the spy and would need your protection to keep themselves safe?" Oliver glanced at the two men again and scoffed lightly "If that's the case, I order you two to break up with you lovers. You do not need men like them who depend on you two to keep themselves safe."     

"But Dad, if we were to reveal our plans beforehand, the spy would have found out about it and intimated it to Jared."     

"So what? If you men cannot handle such a matter, then they are utterly useless. All the more reason for you two to leave them. It's a waste of them to have this manpower and abilities if they cannot even eliminate even a puny spy." Oliver spat.     

Noah and Joshua stiffened at his words and they stepped forward to object, only for the older man to stop them.      

"If you wish to protect them from all harm, then they too should protect you and cherish you. If they do not know how to do it, then leave them right now. They do not deserve your love and care."     

"Dad, we were wrong. We should not have taken matters to our hands without thinking about anything else." Aria finally understood why her father was angry and why he was being this harsh towards them.     

Shame and regret filled her heart and she glanced at Noah in apology. Even Ivy looked at Joshua, begging him to forgive her.     

"Yes, Dad. Please forgive us. We will never repeat our mistakes. We promise." Ivy added.     

"You wouldn't dare. Otherwise, I will break your legs and make sure that you will never your house ever."     

Oliver threatened and Aria and Ivy realized that he was actually being serious about his warning. If they were to break their promise in the future, he would surely keep his words and break their legs."     

Satisfied that his warning had been registered, Oliver then turned towards the two men who were standing silently. Thye did not even dare breath out loud lest they should incur his wrath on them.     

Oliver had the sudden urge to laugh on seeing the two dominant men being so docile in front of him. Yet, he controlled himself in time and hid his amusement.     

"And you two." He pointed his fingers at them. "Don't you dare forgive Ivy and Aria quickly. They need to repent and beg for your forgiveness for what they put you two through. Make them regret their irresponsible behavior. Am I clear?"     

"Yes, Sir." Noah and Joshua replied in unison as they stood in attention.     

"Good." Nodding at them, Oliver turned around and smiled warmly. "Come, Maggie. You must be exhausted and famished from the day's events. Have some food and relax."     

Oliver then walked away from them, leaving the group utterly bewildered.     

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