Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 669

Chapter 669: Heartfelt apology - Part 3


"Noah." Her alarmed voice was all Noah needed and tears gushed out of his eyes unknowingly. He did not know why he was crying, maybe because he had suffered greatly due to his grandfather's betrayal or maybe due to the fact that he had harmed Aria in his mad fury and blind respect and trust in the old man, only to realize that he was wrong from the start.     

Noah bent forward, his shoulders sagging in regret and sadness and Aria felt suffocated and miserable to see such a mighty man kneeling in front of her this way. This was a blow bigger to her than the one she had suffered when Noah had kicked her, albeit accidentally.     

To Aria, Noah was a mighty man, one who stood high above everyone else. He had not broken down in any situation as far as she could remember, not even when he himself had suffered and fought to overcome the danger he had been in when he had been shot in his chest.     

But now, all Aria could see was a troubled man, way too different compared to his previous self. She kneeled in front of him and silently hugged him, allowing his entire self to lean on her while she carried his weight. She did not speak a word. Instead, she patted his back and gave him the warmth he so desperately needed at that moment while Noah continued to sob like a kid.     

A long time passed and nobody spoke a word, the couple reveling in each other's presence. Not once did Aria stop patting Noah's back, assuring him of her presence and comforting him slowly, until he stopped crying eventually.     

"Why?" Noah took a deep breath and mumbled lightly as he lay dispirited, his cheek pressed against Aria's chest. "Why did he do that, Aria? Why did he..."     

Instinctively, he pulled away from her, startling Aria and she looked at him wide-eyed.     

"Why did he commit all those crimes, Aria? What did he get out of it? Why did he play me this way?" He continued as he sniffled softly. "You know..." He held Aria's shoulders and subconsciously pulled her closer to him until she was almost seated on his thighs.     

"The one person I respected the most in the entire world was my grandfather. Not my Dad or Mom but my grandfather. But he...he... I never expected him to break my trust this way."     

Noah wept like a pitiful child while Aria listened to all his woes without butting in even once. It was a serious matter and from their past interactions, she had understood that Noah worshipped his grandfather. To him, the truth about the old man would surely be devastating and nothing she said or did would help him and reduce the pain he was in.     

"I don't know what to do, Aria. I don't know how...I..." Noah did not know what else to say and in his moment of agitation, he hugged Aria tight, once again seeking her warm embrace.     josei

Aria had not foreseen such a move from him and she was unprepared for it. The impact of the sudden hug fell right on her injured tummy and she sucked in a deep breath in pain. Although she tried hard to suppress it, she could not help but hiss and Noah moved back immediately. He gave her a concerned look and cupped her cheeks in confusion.     

"What's wrong, Aria? What happened?" His voice was filled with panic and he watched her eyes to search for any traces of pain.     

"Nothing, Noah. Nothing at all." Aria put on a brave front and lied conveniently. "It's just I was stunned by the sudden hug. That's it."     

Noah was not a fool to not see the lies in her words and he narrowed his eyes instantly. "Aria, do not lie to me. What happened?"     

"Nothing at all, Noah. Really." She even smiled to prove that she was not lying but nothing worked on the man who understood her profoundly.     

Noah's frown deepened and he looked at her for a few seconds sternly, his scorching yet concerned gaze rendering Aria all fidgety.     

"I..." She started.     

"Come with me." Noah stood up suddenly, shocking Aria who blinked at him puzzled.     

"What?" Although she did not know what the man had in mind, she still stood up and followed him until they reached their room.      

"Noah, what are you..."     

"Lift your shirt up."     


"Aria, lift your shirt up." Noah locked the door after him and looked at the woman, who was still hiding her pain from him. She did not even have to say a word and Noah understood what had agonized her. It had to be the wounds...one which he had inflicted on her a few hours ago.     

His jaw ticked and he was furious with himself. He was filled with the urge to slap himself and punish himself for what he had done to Aria.         


"Noah, what are you doing? This is not the time for..."     

Noah did not listen to her and he forced Aria's shirt up until her torso was revealed to him and he let out a cry when he saw the bruises on her stomach. They looked ghastly and Noah was filled with regret and hatred.     

"I am sorry, Aria. I am so sorry. I.." He begged and the tears he had so painstakingly stopped started flowing until his eyes turned red.     

"Noah's it's fine. Really, I am fine."     

"No, Aria. How can you be fine? You are hurt, I hurt you. I am sorry. Please..." He lowered his head, not knowing what else to do. Noah was guilty and nothing he did could undo the crime he had committed. He did not expect Aria to forgive him, not when he was unwilling to forgive himself.     

"I am sorry. I...Please..." Noah did not even have the time to continue for warm lips touched his slightly cold ones, effectively shutting all the words of apology he had prepared in his mind.     

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