Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 670

Chapter 670: Heartfelt apology - Part 4


When Noah kept apologizing to her and blamed himself for all that had happened, she had only one way to shut him, the method he usually used on her to shut her. Not caring about anything else, she kissed him hard, not allowing the man to escape.      

Aria jumped and wound her legs around his waist and Noah had no choice but to hold her still to keep her safe. In such a position, Aria had better access to Noah's lips and she bit him, forcing Noah to open his mouth for Aria's tongue to slide in easily.     

It was not the first time Aria had taken the initiative to kiss him. Yet, he was stunned by her fervor and he responded with equal vigor, allowing Aria to take the lead while he followed her gladly. There was something soothing and appeasing about the kiss that he forgot everything for the time being and focused on the woman in his arms.     

Aria did not stop kissing him. She had to distract him from his troubles and keep him occupied until he stopped blaming himself for things that were never in his control. She held on, not allowing the man to break the kiss until she could not hold on anymore and when they finally separated, a thin strand of saliva still connected their lips.     

Aria stared at the man who was looking at her in a daze, his eyelashes still drenched with tears and she leaned forward and kissed his eyes, sucking away all his tears and at the same time, his anguish. It was the most comforting kiss ever and Noah felt his troubled heart settling down. He was serene and he completely forgot about everything else.      

"Everything will be fine. I promise." Aria pressed her forehead against Noah's and enunciated each clearly, her hot breath falling on his lips and face. "And I'm fine, we are fine. Stop blaming yourself for things that were not in your control."     


"Noah." She warned him sternly and Noah stopped himself in time. "If you blame yourself one more time, I'll never talk to you again. Try me." She threatened and Noah let out a smile of relief, one which Aria discerned the meaning behind even if he did not explain a word.     

"Thank you, Aria. Thank you so much. You have no idea..."     

"I know, Noah." She shushed him with a peck and grinned at him. "I know everything. You do not have to speak a word."     

"Now get down."      

"What?" Aria frowned, confused to see the man breaking such a romantic and touching moment just like that.     

"Although I do not mind you being clasped to me tightly like this," Noah smiled at her wickedly and Aria glared at him when she caught the underlying meaning behind his words. "I still have to tend to your bruises. Now get down so that I can apply the ointment."     

"You can come back here once your wounds heal." He teased and Aria hopped down, done with the man's nonsense for the day. At least, he was out of his misery. She did not mind Noah teasing her and speaking dirty to her. But she could never see a broken Noah, it hurt her more than anything in the world, even any physical injuries.     

"Shameless!" She scolded and took a few steps away while Noah searched for the ointment.     

"And you like this shameless man." He remarked, his eyes sparkling with an evil glint.     

"Do I have a choice?" She folded her hands and sat at the corner of the bed while she observed Noah's every move.     

"Not at all. You are tied to me for life and the life after that and after that. You are tied to me forever."      

Aria's heart skipped a beat when she saw the intensity in his eyes and she swallowed lightly to calm herself down.     

"So don't you dare run away from me, not that you'd and even if you'd, you can't." He opened the ointment tube and walked back to Aria, his tall stature towering over her, intimidating her entirely.     

"Although your words are annoying, I have no words to refute." Aria rolled her eyes and lowered her gaze. "And you too remember that you are tied to me. So, don't ever try to run away." She threatened and Noah chuckled, his sexy laughter sending waves of tremors through Aria's heart and body.     

"Oh you do not have to worry about it. The day we kissed the first time, I was bound to you forever. Even if you push me away, I will force myself into your life and will not leave ever."     

To Aria, these were the sweetest words ever and even though she was reluctant, she let out a smile of satisfaction, much to Noah's delight.     

"Remove your shirt and lie on the bed, Aria."     

Aria did as she was told and even though her torso was half-clad, with nothing but her bra covering her upper half, she did not shy away.         josei


Remorse flashed in Noah's eyes when he saw the bruises again. But he controlled his emotions in time. Slowly and carefully, he tended to her wounds gently.  It was only when Aria wore her shirt again that he let out a sigh.     

"What do you want to do next, Noah?" Aria queried when she was sure that the man was in control of his emotions. This was a topic they had to discuss at some time or the other. They could not hide from the matter forever. It was his grandfather they were facing and they had to do something about the issue.     

Noah stayed silent for some time and closed his eyes for a while. The next time he opened, he was filled with sorrow and despair.     

"It is not easy to handle my grandfather, Aria." Noah ran a hand through his hair and looked up at the ceiling. "He is a cunning and shrewd man and I am certain that he must have realized my intentions in visiting him today. My questions must have alerted him and he must have started preparing to hide his trails."     

"How are you going to handle the matter then?" Aria pursed her lips when she thought about the opponent they were dealing with. It was not Jared or Charles or any stranger but Noah's grandfather, the man who they were close with. And it made the situation all the more complicated.     

"The old man must have been cautioned by now and would have raised his defenses. It would not be easy to find evidence against him. Now, only one person can help me."     

"Who?" Aria frowned and tilted his head.     

"Father-in-law," Noah uttered and looked at the lady who was leaning against the pillow. "Only he can help me find the evidence and deal with my grandfather."     

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