Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 98 - An Open Book

Chapter 98 - An Open Book

The bone marrow transplant had been completed successfully and Norman's body had accepted Ian's marrow. Although in the beginning, there were some complications when his body refused the new marrow. After trying another time, his body accepted it with great difficulty. Now, both the donor and acceptor were lying unconscious.

Aria and Noah were in Ian's ward, taking care of him. It had been four hours since the transplant and he would be waking up anytime soon. So, they were waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Ian is so cool," Aria commented as she sat beside Noah.

"He sure is," Noah said. It was not easy for anybody to donate their bone marrow. Moreover, the patient was Ian's biological father, from whom he had got separated since the age of five. One must have great strength to something like that.

Ian stirred slowly. Aria observed this slight movement and got up to take a look at him. His eyelashes fluttered and his fingers moved.

"He is waking up."

Noah stood up and walked towards the other side of Ian's bed. It took Ian a few minutes to open his eyes completely and look at his surroundings. He tried to move, but an intense pain shot through his entire body making him groan.

"Hey, hey calm down." Aria held his hand.

Ian observed her. He felt weak all over, even smiling was difficult.

"Do you want some water?" Aria asked him softly.

He blinked twice.

"Noah help me please."

Aria pressed a button on the remote and the headrest moved up slightly. She adjusted it until she felt he was to have some water without any difficulty. Noah place his pillow so that he was comfortable.

"Are you fine? Do you feel discomfort anywhere? Is it painful?"

Ian shook his head.

"Here, have some water." Aria handed him a cup of water which he swallowed in one go. He felt better. He smiled at her gratefully.

"How are you feeling?" Noah asked from the side. It was not until he heard Noah's voice, did he realize he was also in the ward.

"When did you come?" His voice croaked.

"A few minutes back. Are you alright?"


"Are you in pain?"

"It's manageable."

"Where's Joshua?"

"I am right here." Joshua entered the ward as soon as Ian took his name.

"You look...."

"Bad, horrible."


"What?" Ian asked confused.

"Yeah, I thought the transplant would have made you a little weak and maybe a little less handsome. But you still look cool. I am impressed Davis, you have outstanding genes."

"Yes. I am not you." Ian teased.

Aria stifled a laugh.josei

"What do you mean?" Joshua furrowed his eyebrows.

"I am not a weakling like you. So, it's guaranteed that I won't be losing any of my charms."

"Oh, please. I am more charming than you."

"Yeah right." Ian scorned.

"You want to test it? Let's ask the lady over here." Joshua turned to look at Aria.

"Hi there, pretty lady. ICU in my dream tonight."

"What?" Aria gaped at him.

However, before she could hear any reply, Noah pulled him by his collar and dragged him away from her.

"What are you doing?" He glared at him.

"What? I am just turning on all my charms on her. I don't want to lose to Ian."

"I don't even have to turn on my charms to win against you. Am I right, Aria?" Ian asked, smirking at her.

Aria raised her eyebrow. She did not know how she even got involved in the childish banter between the two friends.

"Aria, tell us who is more charming?" Joshua urged. He couldn't walk to her as Noah was still holding his collar.

Aria looked a the two men and without any hesitation said one name. "Noah."

"What?" Both Ian and Joshua asked at the same moment.

"You asked me who is more charming, so I answered. Who could be more charming to me than my boyfriend?"

Her answer was as sweet as honey to Noah. His heart was filled with warmth and his hold on Joshua loosened immediately. He smiled and looked at Aria adoringly.

"Not again." Joshua cried. "This is the second time something like this has happened." He was referring to the time when they had asked Violet the same question and she had chosen Daniel.

"Children, don't get angry. I'll tell you who ranks the second." Aria spoke, trying to avoid Noah's loving gaze which was burning holes on her head.

"Who?" Joshua and Ian looked at her expectantly with their eyes wide open. To Aria, they resembled two puppies who were awaiting their master to pet them.

"The second rank goes to.." She took a look at Ian first and then at Joshua.

"Me." She pointed her forefinger at herself.

Ian and Joshua were dumbfounded. They did not know Aria was this playful. Their mouths twitched.

Noah let out a laugh. "As expected of my woman. She knows how to control naughty kids."

'Who was Noah calling naughty kids? He must have gone crazy after he fell in love.' They thought.

"You two get out of my ward right now. I am not hungry and even if I am, I don't want to eat dog food." Ian huffed.

"I second that. My eyes will become blind if I keep staring at you both being lovey-dovey with each other."

"Then don't look. We didn't ask you to be an audience."

Aria blushed hearing their words. She glared at Noah but to him it looked adorable. She resembled a strawberry with her cheeks tainted a beautiful shade of pink.

"You are like a TV with no power off button. Neither there is an option for us to change channels. So we can't do anything about it." Ian commented.

"I can't help it. I have an outstanding woman as my girlfriend. I am bound to flaunt my love for her. If you are so annoyed with it, get yourself a woman each. Although she might not be as good as Aria, you might find someone who is bearable."

Aria's heart skipped a beat. 'Does Noah love me? Is it true?'

Noah did not realize what he had said and neither did the two other men. Nevertheless, he continued.

"Who asked you two to be slow in getting yourselves a girlfriend?"

"Get out. Go. Go flaunt your love somewhere else. There is a patient here and he needs rest." Ian tried to wave his hand like he was shooing away animals, however, he couldn't move much.

"Joshua back me up."

But Joshua did not hear any of his words. His mind was somewhere else. As soon as Noah talked about them getting a girlfriend, he couldn't help but think about Ivy. He did not know why he thought about her. His mind was constantly reeling the brief kiss he had shared with her.

"Um Jo?"

"Yes?" Joshua came out of his reverie immediately.

"What were you contemplating about?"


Ian looked at him suspiciously. He felt that there was something wrong about Joshua but he couldn't put a word to it.

"Where are the love birds?" Joshua looked around the now empty ward.

"They left when you were deep in thoughts."

"Oh." Joshua did not know what to say.

Something struck a chord in Ian's mind at that moment. He remembered the call he had had from Jo a few days back.

"Jo, the topic we talked about two days back."

"What about it?" Joshua feigned ignorance.

"Are you fine?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"My observation says that something is wrong. Do you like someone?"

"What? No way." Joshua reacted immediately.

Ian raised his eyebrows. His suspicions were confirmed now. There was definitely a woman he liked but he was holding himself due to the incident that took place long ago.

"Jo, who is it?"

"No one. What are you talking about?"


"There is no one. Dr. Davis, I think after donating your bone marrow you are becoming paranoid."

"Jo, you cannot lie to me. I can read you like an open book."

Joshua sighed. He knew nothing could be hidden from his friends. They knew him inside out, like the way he knew them.

"I know. It's just that I don't want to do this."

"Jo, listen to me. Whatever happened back then was not your fault. That woman was not worthy of your love and you know that."

"Yes but I have lost the courage to love again. I don't want to experience the heartbreak again."

"Jo, not every woman out there is evil. There are some good people too, like Aria."

"I know. That is what is making me lose control of my will power."

"What do you mean?"

"That girl is good, in fact very good."

"Wow, my friend you are so in love. It shows in your eyes. Who is that lucky girl?"

"I am not going to tell you because nothing like that will ever happen between us. I will never take this path of love." Joshua said with determination.

"Are you sure? Think about it, you might regret it later."

"No. I have decided and I will not change my mind."

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