Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 99 - Let's Get Married

Chapter 99 - Let's Get Married

When Joshua had gone into deep thoughts, Aria and Noah had slipped out of the ward. It was around nine and Aria was hungry. So, she went to the canteen in the hospital and Noah followed her.

"Why are you eating here? Let's go somewhere else." Noah suggested although he was still following her.

"If I leave, I'll have to come back again. Let's have dinner here."

"Aren't you finished with your work yet?"

"I have night duty today."

"Damn." Noah cursed.

"What was that?" Aria turned to look at him.

"Nothing. It's just that you are leaving in a week and I don't have much time to spend with you."

"Hey relax. I'll come back and we will spend as much time together as possible ."

"Yes, you also have to keep your promise."

"What promise?" Aria raised her eyebrows innocently.

"In fact, there are two promises that you have to fulfill."

"How did it become two? I remember saying only one time that I would do anything to agree with me in going to the borders. When was the other time?"

"So, you remember that you had made a promise?" Noah smirked.

Aria wanted to smack her head because of her idiocy. She realized that Noah had dug a pit for her and she had jumped right into it.

"Don't change the topic. What is the second promise I made?"

"Remember in London, you promised me that you would buy me food."

"Oh." Aria had forgotten about it completely. She reminisced their first date and how she had made a deal with Noah when he had paid for their meal.

"Yes. So, when will you buy me a meal?" Noah asked bending down so that he could look at her in the eye.

Aria blushed. She did not know what to say.

"Don't say you are going back on your words," Noah smirked.

"No way. Never. I don't break my promises." Aria said lifting her head proudly.

"I'll remember that. The second promise you made that you would do anything I ask you of, it will be on hold for now." Noah knew when exactly he would use her words for his gain. He was dreading the day Aria would find out about her father.

"So, where will you take me on a date?" Noah said teasingly.

"For now the hospital canteen."

"I can manage."

Aria and Noah went to the canteen and ordered their food. Noah stared at like it was something weird while Aria devoured it like a hungry kid. It looked like she had seen food after a week of starvation.

Noah looked at her eating quite blissfully and took his bite after hesitating for a long time. Although it was not as good as the food he usually ate, it was not bad either.

"How I wish Ivy had come here with dinner," Aria exclaimed.


"I am tired of eating outside. I want to eat homemade food."

"So, what's the problem?"

"My sister Ivy is working overtime today. So she can't bring me dinner."

"What about you? You can cook for yourself right?"


"Are you serious?" Though his question was supposed to come to out as a serious remark, it sounded like he was happy for some unknown reason.

"Yes. I don't know how to cook. It is a great fact that I can prepare some tea and coffee. Other than that, I know nothing about cooking."

"That's great," Noah said exhilarated. He was happy that he had learned cooking and became proud at once thinking about it. He could cook for her every day in the future and how exciting it would be when he saw her happy face eating the food he made. Just the thought of it was giving him butterflies in his stomach and filled his heart with joy.

"What?" Aria asked and looked at him like he was crazy.

"Nothing. You don't know how to cook, but your sister does?"

"Yes. She is awesome when it comes to this field. I would prefer her food to the ones from seven-star restaurants."

"Oh," Noah said rewinding her words. Now he had a competitor and it was none other than his sister-in-law. He had to do something about it.

"Since I don't know how to cook, I always had this wish that the person I marry would know to make at least a few dishes." Aria blurted out without thinking.

"So, what do you think now?" Noah folded his hands.

"I don't know. I am sure if that wish of mine will become true." Aria took the last bite on her plate.

"Why do you say so? Do you think I don't know to cook?"

"Are you sure we are going to get in the married?"

"What do you mean? Are you backing out of the relationship so soon and why do you think I am not serious about you, about us?" Noah's eyes scrunched and it looked like he was getting angry.

"I don't know, I always have this feeling that I am not good enough for you." Aria bent her head unable to meet Noah's scorching gaze.

Noah's heart softened on listening to her words. He held her hands.

"Look at me Aria." He said softly.

Aria slowly lifted her head to look at him.

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully. I am not having a casual fling with you. I am serious about us and I promise that I will get married to you in the future."

Aria's heart skipped a beat at his confession.

"So get this irrelevant thoughts out of your tiny head because it will never happen. We will be together in the future. I want to take small steps because I am scared that you are not ready yet. I want you to get to know me completely. But if you are still unsure, then come let's get married right away."

Noah was thrilled with the idea. He was being slow as he did not want to scare away. Otherwise, he would have tied her to himself legally long back. He knew it was the first time that Aria was in a relationship and he wanted her to experience her love life before getting married.

Aria realized her mistake. She had jumped into conclusions without even thinking about it. She had even doubted Noah's intentions about her. Now she was truly regretting her actions.

"Sorry." She said as she looked at him with love-filled eyes.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I misunderstood you."

"Apology accepted. Now get this thing in your mind. I am not going to leave you, not now not ever. And if you try to leave me then I am going to tie you to me so that you can't. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Aria saluted, making Noah laugh.

"So, when will our next date be?" Noah changed the topic.

"Tomorrow, I am a little busy. How about the day after and as promised, it will be my treat?"

Aria remembered that she had not met Daniel after returning from London. So, she had dinner plans with him the next day.

"Okay. I'll look forward to it."


Noah then recollected that she had given gifts to Stuart and Kaito and an idea popped up in his mind.josei

"I also want a gift."

"Why do you want a gift?"

"Just like that." Noah shrugged.

"Okay. What do you want?"

"Surprise me."

"What? You are acting weird."

"Is it necessary?"

"Hmm. Don't forget my gift."

"Okay?" It came out as a question.

Now Aria had to prepare for their second date as well as a gift for him. She could manage with the date but, she did not know what to gift him. She then realized that she could ask Danny the next day, he could help her.

She then looked at him with all smiles, making Noah wonder what she was up to now.

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